l. The Attorney-General added that P. Iully was retained not because of long service alone, for had that the only question he would have n Liven his retiring allowance, but cause of the very special knowledge he possessed of the public buildings of the Province, so RP, ot which had ibeen erected unde is care. The salary .blll was passed. In rapid succession iitems were. put through for $23,226 for salaries in the Treasury Department, 89,400 for the License and Adrniniatra- tion of Justice a'ccou'nts: $10,725 for 'the Retrlstrar-Geoerao branch. a de- crease ot $200: 87.950 for the Provincial Board of Health: 819,550 for the Pro- vincial Secretary's Department, a dc- crease of 8250. and $15,560 tor the insurance branch. Col. Mathe- .80n thought this last might she decreased. This brought up :Col. Gibson. who' paid a very warm 'tribute to the great ability and great 'tact of Mr. Hunter. Inspector of In- ifdR'yt: who enjoyed the confidence of the insurance companies and friend- lly societies throughout the Province. The vote was passed without change. The estimates of the Department of Agriculture were then taken up, and $10,600 Were voted for general salaries. Col. Matheson questioned the Govern- ment as to the duties of the Secretary . of the Immigration Department. The Attornev-uerreral answered that this was the only omcer left in the service of the Province to whom immigrants coming to the Province could apply for information or assistance. He did the work formerly done by half a dog- en agents stationed at different point; in the Province. - The vote of 8127.100 for legislation was passed without debate. Mr. Hay- cock said there was doubtless some change in mileage. because the late Attorney-General' lived in the city and his successor in the representation of Oxford lived in that county and would he entitled to mileage. The Attorney- General replied that the late leader of the Government had not drawn mile- age. and neither did he (Mr. Hardy) nor any of his colleagues. _ -- -_____ '"""""eb%.%-SX. Mr. Hayoock-But you live in To- ronto. Mr. Hardy-t never did, not even when I lived in Bra.ntrorn. The vote was passed without change. In connection with the administra- tion of Justice Mr. Hardy explained that there were few increases repre- sented in the estimate of $443,344. In Parry Sound. Nipisaing and some other districts there was an increase in the cost of the administration last year and the estimate had been increased ac- cording". For the maintenance of public insti- tutions $797,398 was asked. In an- swer to a question by Col. Matheson as to whether gnu eriés for these institu- tions were to be submitted to tender, Mr. Harcourt said he could only say that wherever the system of tender would be introduced it would be. Mr. Haycock has been keeping an eye on asylum expenditures. He remarked that he had visited the London Asy- 1um--- _ The ot.t.to,rp.t-,f?t?.yP1-1 wonder you trot away. (Laughter) Mr. Htsycock--f might not have got away. but the place was so crowded that there was no room for anyone else. I gave them some hints on Teeding their stock there that I believe resulted in the saving of $500 I notice in the item for that. (Applause) In quick succesnion 897.28? tor To- ronto Asylum, $130,050 for London Asy- lum, 875.064 for Kingston Asylum, $115.- 835 for Hamilton Asylum. $76,4i6 for Mimico Asylum and '60.335 for Brock- ville Asylum were passed. During the ttrat hour of tee evening session the House voted $1,257,951, and this without serious question of any of the items presented. Mr. Davis explained that the reduc- tiun of $2,000 in the estimate {or coal tor the oriilia Asylum was due to the adoption of a new syxtem of furnaces by which coal sittings were used in- stead of coal. The estimate tor the asylum was 359,098. A similar change t the Central Prism would probably tiiii't? econom 0100. The total, - to W" 'lllliL'."d dyot. Mathespni nzement has. been {mid-e Jiihat Increagg in the _total of the salary lllPP1pg,, of 82,000 instead of 82,.. in former years. and Mr. Les was now architect in charge of mildlngs of the Province. The re- MR. HAYCOCK ESCAPED. ilil euiineer and ' had been retain- gineer and arch!- The Attorney-General said the in- spector had denied over his own at:- nature the charges made. The grants to hospitals were conditional, and R the conditions were not carried out the tn- Flu't'lnr had not only power but a duty to inform the mana _ the grant would he withd Gibson added that the trou tween tho governor of the the medical staff. the m which resigned. In stating' grant would be made if the instlt "as not properly equipped the inspec- tor dld no more than his duty. Mr. Whitney explained that the o had not alleged that the il (-aused the trouble. " In connection will 7 vote JiFs,susi for hospitals and A? 'l/hs'. e- son asked for particulgra mile statement made Ip the press that-We. Chamberlain had so down to Ot- tawa in connection ',%, some trouble in the hospital there; and threatened to out oft the trrkirt unless the medical staff. with which the directors were at variance. were returned to duty. objected to the 'retMtt"4rr'.Httttt for the maintenance of the Pemstaaurui- ,shene Retormatory. Col. Gibson asked for items which might be cut off, and Col. Matheson, apparently bearing Mark Twain's mountaineering expedi- ti t in mind, suggested chaplains. of T',,,', there are two in the institution. l Gel; Gibson expressed the opinion that 'ery' few people would endorse this suggestion. The institution was not a prison hut a school. Mr. iii/ily) asked if Col. Gibson could give auras-.1 formation as to the effects of the It." tormatory upon the boys as sho " their after life, and the C sinner replied that they 1 ME exceedingly gratifying. and . . very few boys who had gone throu. , the rotormatory became criminal]. In rcsponse to a further suggestion t rciiuction be made. Mr. Davis mg; telling t'xplanation of the work ii as seen during a recent visit. ,, Without debate $44,791 )tv,ttgl$ttie the Deaf and Dumb Institu le- ville. and $33,972 for the Institution for the Blind at lhvrnttprd. Mr. Davis brietty explained the vote of 822.575 for the Mercer. In Answer to questions as to whether changes could not be made in tho direction of economy, Col. Gibson said one win of r . ,3," tion was practical] - not a ihing the _ - 'rr, Td mourning ox er. It, waé under. . eration to remove the ref Mercer to the Alexi y, I Grrls, but ttwee were 3h- ' i, way. The vote w p. - A vote of 'didjrdllt " " I immigration _aitersWrs and aerviq. wa The House rose at 9.55.