ttr-est oCtrtrverrtment. Me would 1n- t1nitetr prefer the election of omciaht by the whole people to placing it in the hands of County Councils, which did not represent the people, and in some cases did not represent one-half of the people. V was". Math'éson. Mcwchol. Mdtrle. G d. Bt.: John and Chaffple also spoke to the motion. Major Mutrle gave the remit of his observation of the my polntment of valuators for the County of Wellington. In each case ex-Reeves or ex-Wardens were appointed, men whose ability they knew from experi- ence, and the same principle. which was a good one. applied to the a.p- pointment of ex-members of Parlia- ment to office. Mr. McNichol said that he was compelled by one of the planks in the Patron platform to up pose the motion. The division resulted as follows _ Yeasr--Beutty (Leeds), Brewer, Hush, Carnegie, Crawford. Dynes. Fallis. Gamey. Gurd, Haggerty, HaymckJiis- cott. Rowland. Kerns. Kidd, Langford, Little. McCallum. McDonald. McNeil, McNichol, Magwuod, Marter. Matheson, Meacham, Preston. Reid (Addington). Reid (Durham), Ryerson. St. John, Shore, Tucker, Whitney. Willoughby 'gays-Auld, Barr, Baxter, Beauty 1(I'arry Sound), Bennett. Biggar, 13lez- ard. Burt, Campbell, Carpenter, Cavern, Chupnle. Charlton, Cleland, Conmee. Craig, Currie, Dana, Davis, Dickenson, Dryden, Farwell, Ferguson. Field, Flatt, German, Gibson (Hamilton). Gibson (Huron), Harcourt, Hardy, Harty, Hobbs. Macnish, McKay (Ox- ford), McKay (Victoria). McKee, Mc- Lean, McPherson, Middleton, Mutrie, O'Keefe, Pardo. Paton, Pattullo, Richardson, Robertson. Robillavd,rtoss, Smith. Stratum, Taylor. Truax--52. ' _ Scarcely had the applause with which the result of the division was greeted died away when Mr. Haycock moved I--- "That in the opinion of this House the present system or appointing Regis- trars, Sheriffs and other county oili- cials~is unsatisfactory. That the elec- tive system ot electing such offwials should be given at least a trial. That a favorable opportunity ot making a test is afforded by the vacancy now existing in the I'seRistrarship of On-. tario County. That provisions should therefore he made for the immediate election of a Registrar for said county by those maatif1et1 to vote at municipal elections. And. further. in order that the elective system may receive a still fuller and fairer trial. this House is of opinion that the same elective system should be applied to all vacancies oc- curring in the ott1ees of Registrars during the next tive years." The following members were paired : --Mr. Bronson and Mr. Miscamphell. Mr. Garrow and Mr. McLaren. Mr. Moore and Mr. McNaughton. Messrs. Loughrin and Dana no pairs. Naye--Auid, Barr, Baxter, Beatty (Leeds), Beatty (Parry Sound), Blggar. Blezard. Brewer. Burt, Bush. Camp- bell, Carnegie, Carpenter, Chapple, Charlton) Cleland,Conmee, Craig, Craw- ford. Dana, Davis, Dickenson, Dryden, Fallls, Farwell, Ferguson, Field, Flatt. German, Gibson (Hamilton). Gibson (Huron), Huggerty. Harcourt, Hardy, Harty, Hiscott, Hobbs, Howland,Kerns, Yetur--Bennett, Caven, Currie, Dynes, Gamer, Gurd, Huycock, Kidd. McCal- lum, McDonald, McLaren, McNaugh- ton, McNeil, McNichol, McPherson. Reid (Durham), Shore, Tucker---18. The Speaker said the motion. as pre- sented, was out of order, the House having negatived the first sentence on the last division. It was changed to take out the f1rat sentence and read: " That the elective system of electing Sheriffs and other county officials should be given," etc. Mr. Whitney rose and said the Opposition could not consistently or conscientiously support the motion. A division was called on the amended motion with the following result :--. . He replied at some length to the At- torney-Generai's charge of inconsist- ency. He again pointed out that the clause in the speech from the throne in dispute referred not only to the pay- ment of officials but to the method of appointment. It the Government took the ground that the evidence and report of the commission did not warrant a change in the mode of appointment, there was nothing inconsistent in the attitude of the Government. The Pat- rons, however, had been consistent to the vie ws expressed by them. THIS WAS A WATERLOO. Me tar, a - iiaiiNE Meacham. "' ddle Mia I Pardo, Paton, Pat .-V-: (Addington). Richardson, Robillard. Ross, Ryerson Smith, Stratton, Taylor, T ney, Willoughby-ttf. The House. aitouAied at Truax 'resrton/ . Robert LI St. Jon 0.50 o' clock Whit: