is Fesemeeaeit ------ on , en 6 M Q l\ C _norif~>ation for pissing, forwarded his 1 4s a aTg L. resignation to his solicitor, Mr. J. K. & JON DL & 1 "%> Ker:®, Q.C., that he had several months | ge | #@fter the election consulted the At-- & | «*torrey--General and had offered to re-- Ni inipe uo t in ies use 4 . ; sign his seat in the Legislature, that I ". b H the Attorney--General had advised him /ag ¥ a i not to resign, and t ie solici for 7 o resign, and that the solicitor, for 3 ) L S * a NOt FLI'.V:W 'ed y # p reasons given, had not forwarded the Am? resignatio the Speaker. Mr. Whit-- & > resigr nto.l} mp€ . _ 2 + r SO0.1CitOr. * ney sai@ that before the Nivissing nom-- C A o 1§ in@iion ingquirics had been made from, o Legislative Chamber, March 19. Ottawa of Toronto parties as to & a w r + + | t When Mr. James Conmee, the mem-- whether Mr. Conmee had resigned.| ¥ % L The answer sont was 18 he ro-- ber for West Algoma, decided to be-- Sighned a; 1 th. "'»( ,;1 \t\-rqitt*'iit}:':'v]-t;? f o 5!g & an the 'SU { nA 'CrLain come a candidate for the representation procecdings that would otherwise have 6 of Ninissing in the House of Commons l.:; n taken at the nomination were net 9 o s s iE Iim mm taken Ir. Conmee wo re hbee F he tendered the resignation of his seat is nf 4s h"-;'r': (;\ (l::l.'lhlm]\ 'wh':'fl [ C g guilly M n linproper ac ad i hotedil f in the Logislature to his solicitor, Mr. come a capdidate for a seat in the J. K. Kerr, Q.C., to be forwarded to House of Commoqns without forward-- the Speaker. -- Mr. Conmee was defeat-- L 'r!'?» ifl'A "l" ig lt-x: of lll'l:-' 's'r-t"al in ["u > e ieSislature, 1e act n e resig-- ed in Nipissing by Mr. Klock. Then nation was f I'\":"'d"'; tll'hi,\' 5,1;'\,';:' pg -- he discovered that he was still a mem-- | might or might not absolve him from | ' T j lej blame nde Di > charae | ber of the Legislature, as his solici-- | !'-:f'-'_ e Lt d 'lv 1 t(!_ a L}]\ m l'l;( c .!z'}u ' A im * ' no instructions he bad given his i ' tor bad failed to transmit the resig-- soliciter \I' '\"hZ'tw.'\' ¢ x'." .IHL g{]-w..,.' nation to the Speaker. -- Several months 'Pen'i made by Sir Oliver Mowat in the | |' afterward Mr. Conmee offered to re-- 1 i 1 : ':"--' on ]Vl iSg" '1!54.\'[ a | ' sign, but the Attorney--General advised membor 4.1" 11;" L r5,'i)-]-.'.1';-.-'1\?;-q\.-;::h?';a;i ' him that it was neither necessary nor legal thirg." He asked the Premier | advisable then for him to do so. This ;" c uts J\.! at reasons had been given incidont was made the subject of a resignation. for [not . : irding uml brief discussion in the House to--day. mir. Hiardy, replying to the lnm'h-'-'l T A of ~t} UOpposrition, raid that© he had i ' > + ISINUATION. ndlong . +. (G Chat | 'ad ~ A MEAN INSINT * never spoken to the sclicitor on th I f When the orders of the day were call-- 'l-:i"" t, nor had the solicitor person-- 5 ally ever given m Any reasons 6: ed Mr. Charlton rose to a question of the matter l'i'l:;'(. ] 1"'!io::'.~";»-n']'?l"..]\smr-'! # 5 t in o U . 1c 8 1 'scussed f privilege. He called attention to a the reasons with some person, but b« statement that appeared in The Mail (Mr, Hardy) '.]'{ £ not aware who that £ ; porson vwas. e auite neury [ HH and Empire on Monday concerning the Mr. Whitney th ,;A ir"\-\-.(-:;]'; u]:-;s'}x 1':&:'1 interview had by the Toronto Hotel-- a& proper thirg for Mr. Conmee to have keepors' and Shop License Holders' As-- f"-'""*(' {'1' ore ]11!\":'!{'1:. m!nl that the t o Sea ould no 1ave beer gally 14 scciations and the West York l.icense had Mr. ('-v:t; ee 1 "'H 1«]("?':"';} uh'((tni + w c f e r 4 C P Holders' Association with the Conser-- that occagsion for Nipissing. There was . s p no cor spor d 'e whatever M y F vative members for the city and county, i " | l x" ""( Ul '\\llt]..]'(i"'l. .'.'}!'. Con-- r not ecnsulted hi: ECOL which read :--"Messrs. Chariton .:'::41 leagues whe ".m.: he :~'h'l 1!{1]{;)1' 1')\'1;1 ('oi]r- Cieland were two Liberal ,'"\.m-\"xs Nipissing r_not. When he hecame| who . obtruded _ themselves info LhA ware that he intended pe| gathering. They were not invited to (iir, Hardy) had urged him \':-'-'v be present, and were not interested in trong!; 'That was the onfs the proceedings, but no doubt when conversation he had had with Mr. Con-- the interview was over the Government mee until lorg after the (*'d;-{': '.1 '\--'.-- were fully informed as to what went cver. This was & matterswith \' $ " on." -- Mr. Charliton said that the day nt had nothing to.--4o.. The before this occurred the t(-lnxl'n'l'unlv Les ; would BHE5, thrg "'.h delegates had waited upon the Govern 4 i i t must either be ad-- ment, and when he arrived upon the A I to the Speaker of to +wo migine day in question he learned that, the bers : Mouse, and therefore Mr liquor men were also waiting upon }\" Conme is not called upon to :'7.-":'vx.:e-.: Goverrment. , Me suggested that Mr. the matter with the Gove rp} (:il-\l'\'w'- should accompany him to the Government was he Government. 'The i wi the interview was in pro-- y Of Indine t-l\ is not concerned direct-- room wnere the interview Wl ' 1y or indirectly. % | gress. _ When they arrived at the door [ c«orn they perceived that no member of the | AVE IT To HIS soLICITOR. | lovernment was present. Mr. Charl-- [ Mr. Camnis * I (t::;v\ walks 4'] over 'lu Mr. Marter, th | th :I(L (l "yl']'"' oo e t Pano: Melsalad t alent nins ho a that after reading sing Chairman, and asked him if the meet-- lawyer, t ':""-'H 3 the law, not lw.m,, a ing was private. -- Mr. Marter said "no"' .i"..f'. '", ne had concluded that his re-- : t.,:i invited him to remain. _ The pro-- | | oefppauy spould be addressed to two o d tssnc Cin Ts 6h biic through the | imNemners of the House. He consulted cecdings becameé pudic through th his solicifor : 4 o s press l [ fGHclor and was informed that the' 3 P | 'esignatio s BAdAracaosit 4 * Mr. Cleland corroborated the state-- | &p *I;\" ':,'\."] uld be addressed to the | ment of Mr. Chariton. _ He resented | [his selicitor, . oa"p A Ieblepation with the insinuation of The Mail and Fim--| prised as o7 uo DC NSR as much sur-- | pire that he was there spying on the | cred ths anyone 4l;~(' when he discoy-- | proceedings ths "& 1at it had not been presented to € ings. J e Speaker. 'The solicitnr h iven -- Mr. Marter said that what had been him thig \.(.\l-; v.'.].( fating 7440 4+ wASYA said by Mr. Chariton was literally cor-- | mee) -\::W~ lvi..l.l'.'ui.'v..? . He <.\n:. Con-- | rect. He had asked him if it was a i V hera _« -\'«.3'.111:"'."" in 'n constituency | private meeting anrd was told that it | the 1~|,l'-.,l.}""v."'t" of the people spoke was not, accompanied by an invita-- | Stsod 'th. -" 'anguage. It was under-- | tion to remain. He was sorry that the || fex li_l;-'l»ut |l-;]' nch speaker would be | UVA.t e during ve na feny incident had occurred. f, | wrote & lett : 11 f'"ff campaign, He Hon. Mr. Gibson, in reply to a ques-- | assistance in that uns oo afaiites tion by Mr. Whitney, said the papers | he Y:'i(}"]\i "','. ' tat lHne (..'imd relating to the tranaction between the I, ,_1,"_,"'i', oJ pons h0 ',]'"f'""'auo I Government and the South African De-- cars snd h u_ Lhat this had C o velopment Company would 1 ready , " ind he did rnot know whether n \4 <pi ul / 'or before Monday | onmmee would go to nomination or not. for distribution on or before Monday. | It seeme + h g 4s | . reemed _ to Mr. Conmee that this was | MR. CONMEE'S RESIGNATION. :E',",,t a :~'1'.;'1 P r'lt reason, but it was the :' * [( 1000 given by Mr. Kerr. 'Thereafter i . Whitney moved for the corres-- | 'onmee di 3 is T f M!l' ce ".'ln'('n-l:v:": -n-' member or :'M,L. Conmee did not immediately offer | ¢ cnce )etweer any islrist t CC resig: is s f h og € : P .nf'p'l'u .1'( the Government or any It' r th ]hl ?at. io the Logislature I '-lo]r.-h: Lof 1 o 1'4-.'\-1;.4« and James Con-- " the reason that there was a protest i official « v "vh(l'e' representative of West on the way. It was only after that ' 1}\1'\-. elects 't'" 1 'i'-'."\h;lc In 1894, or | ,:A]-"l passed over that he had come to } rom 17 iC egis!a 1 + I ie C rory an i 3 n ds t BLGs ma in oY l':""'"'l" on his behaif. | | the u.»t:lr,m,u.x and made the state-- | cuctonge upoh th : question of his be-- | ment,. There had been no desire on his | toue "":*l "'1'11:1"1'.:1«' for the represen-- | :')fll't ltfl) evade the law and he was sorry ; coming A C C P reucw" e rat ip tances a mvistbeas 4 tation of Ninissing in the House of | "1"";i'('s"eh(ml1\ umstances had (,ccmred{ "or s. and touching his resigna-- . "o . hn rTena'"_l 'lb'i' m eat i;] the Legislature, and | | r( ol. Niutheson nrofessed to have A | ").lllv ili :"".-L:'l;';' of any resignation sent ,..'"'"1 deai of hesitation to spealt upon 1 flls him to any official or to any per-- such a grave matter. No advantage, { in by him to any * he san';l, should have been taken of the | son. sat mistake th: ha enurre; » I The leador of the Opposition quoted I Conmen that had oc« »'Hf'd-p yet Mf' he answer given by Mr. Hardy to & "nmee, upon the advice of the At-- p i I 8 N #AL. arnev-- X R s . 1.".ctkm previously asked as to wheth-- forney--(General, had retained his seat. * q:'i\'ir ~Conmce had resigned his geat He r';i"e""'d that such should have s e . Con - EC NB been e case I 4 .caislature before becoming & . | s ® | in tlh: Eéa it was to the cfeat thats | _ Mr. Whitrey said that he would cant ""thn.lne had, before accepting th"l 'nc\'?r hesitate to accent any statement £, CORE mss made by a member Of 'the House, but s 56