t & o much ex-- fitable stock for t work of the college, and so h of the time of his men and teams « of the produce of the farm are ro-- _ and used by the eollege,"~ the epartment, the Poultry Depart-- and (in a less degree) by the| "A&vental and horticultural dopart. that no man whom this coun-- x s ever produced or received from ¥*; &mr counrty can manage our farm * d to make a good financial show-- ?' «Mr. Rennie, like many others, was whe could do it--till he tricd. ' AIfcould easily figure it cut to show t the farm is paying (as I believe it |' l by making due ailowance for all ntributions made and services ren-- | | dered to the college and other depart-- * n of the institution, but sucivr es-- I J ti es_are always open to question. & I prefer generally to state the " s as they are. under the peculiar rcumstances surrounding the man--| gement of a college farm." The Travelling Dairy visited East e and West Lambton,' East and West Huron, North and South Bruce, East and West Manitoulin, St. Joseph's Is-- "Jlard, Centre and Fast Algoma, East ard Woest Parry Sound, Muskoka and .i'»"ih Muskoka. As the whole of the povince has been visited it has been Wecided to discontinue the work of the| ' [dairy, at least for the present. ; The expenditure on the college pro-- Iper was $32,245 37. and its revenue $6.-- $13 28. The farm proper cost $8.243 75, and its cash revenue $4.539 28. The ex-- h iperimental plots and feeding cost $6,-- 984 91, with a revenue from the sale of pigs of $355 05. The experimental dairy | cost £6,294 37, and nroduced a revenue | of $3.146 68, and the Dairy School cost §4,3i7 23, and produced a revenue of |$2,2155%. The Travelling Dairy cost $1,90 12. The poultry denartment cost $1,147 $9, and produced $260 60. The hor-- !lirultm'al department cost $5,110 29, and |the mechanical department .?l.:.'A&Ui::. ;'('he total net expenditure was $58,374 Se. itThe unexpended balances on the year's | operations amounted to $4,413 15. ' f 'I w a% wl d l 2 O RC LC D LLIL C