* ." N, -- +3 * . > &"' ooo ioh dn mmonry. ooo' o |Dickenson." To 'amend the % » act--Mr.. Hiscott. *To amend W A eral road companies act.; o amend the! . act respecting cxecutions--Mr.;Ow-t ' land. Respecting the liens of repa r8,1 '|me(-hanics and artisans upon pogml & | property--Mr. Ryerson. ies . / | _ Mr. Miscampbell asked for an &r |the House for a return of copies' > | correspondence between the Commis--© | sioner of Crown Lands or any'official of | the departinent and any person or per--| IF'.ns in reference to the licensing or' | cutting of timber under ligense or tres-- | pass in either the Township of Cg'fl'm or "' Coffin addition." s s Col. Gibson said,. that. there. was f course no objection tb'M dowil | the return, but he thought that motions already on the paper covered the points asked for. Mr. Miscampbell replied that he understood that there had been a -- great deal of timber eut by trespassers in Coflin and the Coffin addition. ...Col Gibson stated that he undentob?"i mere . was some complaint of such tresp M T ing, but the complaint, and he thoughe the trespassing also, was very ree The motion was carried. e Mr. Little moved for an order of the House for a return showing the ex-- penditure on colonization roads, brid . and other roads in each electo trict of the Province for the la |teen years, but Col. Gibson expl | that it would be practically impossible | to bring down the information in this | form, as no record of the amount ex-- | pended in each county was kept. So much was spent on each road without | regard to the boundaries of the muni-- f('np:\litivs through which it passed. The |motion was amended in accordance, | with this. W | _ Mr. Davis introduced a bill respocttng' the solemnization of marriage. Itren--| 'd«x"s it necessary that persons solem-- , ' rizing marriages must be British sub-- jects, and provides that only one of the. parties is required to make an afidavit 1 | before the issuer of marriage licenses, | &s at present. One section allows a |license to be issued for the marriage -- " i i 1- of persons under fourteen years to pre-- ; T )a_ I vent the iHegitimacy of children, upon} | 4 ¢ | i\L | the production of a medical certificate, E4 | 1 # The supplying of marriage registers i8 | | transferred from the county to the loca i | * municipality, in order that clergymen | may be brought into direct relation | . e weeKims with the divisional registrar or recorder ' { Act Respecting the Solemn'zation of vital statistics, _ _ | | % 3 Mr. Davis introduced a bill to amend I of M('.H'lfl'.',". the law respecting the registration of | f vital statistics. By it a marrig ge" | solemnized in Ontario may be register-- -- -- ed with the Registrar--General at any ; time before the expiration of ten years| A Quiet Day, When Members Do Little after the marriage. 1t also provides Talking but Push the Bills Along | that a certificate of desth can be got s from the Registrar, and for the regis-- ® | tration of a death where a body is Legislative Chamber, March 22. | brought into the Pr? virce to be buricd. | The short sitting of the Legislature to--d iy was not pa ilarly interestir c to the galleries, which contained few spectators, but it materially advanced the business upon the orde: paper A |\ few bills were pi#¥ *hrough their final stages so far as the House has to do } with them, and several were read a seo-- ond time. | _ Mr. Gibson's bill for the removal from the Crown lands of persons unlaw fuily thereon was read a third time. Mr. Flatt's bill to amend the assess-- ment act was withdrawn. Mr. O'Keefe's bill to incorporate lh'-| St. Luke's General Hospital, Ottawa,' was passed through Committee of the Whole. | _ The following bills were read the sec-- ond time :-- | _ Respecting the debt of the Village of Milverton--Mi.: Magwood. Respe ting the City of Windsor--Mr.McKee. Cit, of Ottawa local improvements bill--M Bronson. Hamilton. Grimsby & Bean ville Electric Railway bill--Mr. Germ; To confer certain powers on the Villag of Port Dalhousie--Mr. Hiscott. To i: corporate the Mineral & Timber Ele tric Railway Company--Mr. Farwell. Respecting the Penetanguishene Protes-- tant Separate Schools--Mr. Miscamp-- bell. Respecting the Township of York --Mr. Burt. Respecting the directors of | the County of Carleton General Protes-- tant Hospital--Mr. O'Keefe. To amend the municipal act--Mr. Middleton. .l{\'- |specting aflidavits and declarations made before notaries public--Mr. Auld. To amend the assessment act--Mr. ;