h .. o es ye C * f .;.1_'7' P ,. l'vl'"_!. F YE coppmuremem@@kmesy -- == \,, C Che v per. * ---- es a K e-- e s ® M of usns % frrertine mand furvasots and the i e ym 3e © a C and surve ® Nt Of TV Perat BUECEY of lands. This bill changes the f ooo O Eid Oh EApihel , providatie iffication of a{Drentlces BC the t:ch loans do not exceed two--thirds <term } ¥v e va w J l ape other" slaces in "the Prifish ao" fhd Mr. Paituils objecten to even 7 @ : other places in the British do--| ow ullo objected to even thf S sn;lia-ill]o'l;isand p";)Vldes that candidates | : ) gi er to lend on Capital! Deide gramhba s examinations in e § 4 'ef _ botany, as well as in the subl;![::]tesn;at')lx tlé) 6 1J Thrir the furiner of propos'* (; m It amends the act m~Oother hel?i to limit the number of proxic¢/@ cts. fi n toa?(? ryorted Utrmnf by any sharehol £ _ ; 5 s 0 per cent. o 0 4 _«OSITION OF THE DOCTORS. | of shares represented h votsd at n Mr. Davis moved confirmation of or-| i mf;f"""' ' Fsst ders in Council placing the following e a he provision was, after discussiornh institutiong.on the list entitled to re-- adopted. In _ connection with . thl | ceive . aid --under' the charity _ »IAUeC dealing with the registration <# aid act : ihts gpital ;_--Gen-- companies, Col. Gibson said that it wel -- C J > not the intenti ' ~d weral Hospital, Sa Western Hospi-- | ist ntfention to fill the office of 1. ;?ul. Toronto :. Home for Incurables, lee & fome officer in the public sol { 'London : Home for the Aged and In-- vice would be called upon to dischare$ | | «firm, Cobourg ; Home for the Aged the dutics of Registrar, and. whilf | ~Lindsay, and Rescue Home, Hamilton. }m-n-ed('lf'"cal assistance would be r§f _ i There were also two orders in Council l l 1P HA" not infended to appo! | ranting $4.000 each to the County of i T}fgls't"ar'. # Lbambton House of Industry and the W ePe D agse in clauses of the mif -- te':h Hous;a of Refuge. Dr. Baxter vere passed with but little discussio® . ook . exception to the pro osition to FICT Y TN > ssist the Western HO;I)!(K:H on the CPON INM LOPRARIDS: i\ eround that it was not in the interest The House spent the remainder B / of medical education or of the Toron-- the sitting in Committee of Suppl 31 to General Hospital. Mr. Davis, in a ]."'lr'"'f' the consideration of the agr é' brief speech. jJustified the grant, point-- | (t'-l %(u'a] vote was resumed Mr. Rog ; / ing out that strong representations j COs the opportunity of replying to t YJ= : had been made to the Government in | Hlm(-ism of Col. Matheson of the met «:" regard to the necessity of having a od of classifying books in public li} ¥\ i0 spital in the western part of the city. i?«t:'es" Col. Matheson had statea th& _ he grant was opposed by Dr. Wil-- '.r',_ library -- classification had becf_ loughby and Dr. McKay (Victoria). It Ne dinfirffl, and that the inference whidf, 'As fl"r?l'ted by Dr. Ryerson, Mr. ;'!%Up ll'tjvn drawn in regard to the stud®&, 3 w _Mr. Etratton and Mr. Mar-- A .;:}:()n would be inaccurate, becau®® v, and the House ratified it with the | books that were fiction were not cla: : ars. . 3 )_ ' T;l'"'d fltfl lslwh now. He had said thef c /. / cMkee > c catalogue now issued -{' f nc Ek s;'{, MUMIGER ON. | ;\-4.1'1(:4 of fiction under the hilzl\tdi;'?( ". : bill to i Saa--ifai Casan Bome's worre were l Ontario aid.that Conan Doyle's works were aM z> fTo-- \;u.s ('Iassx'flod as fiction, and the book® _ l oeo of the Whole | | 21 rl}}l\e.»-; }erne and Ballantyne werl -- d _ eral am mdments to the measfl' ! 1\{};51110(1 in 1895, as they had been i > R .,j'~ e made. 'To avoid the duplica-- | | a.d.v_.txtml'm- the heading of voyages an§ | men and machinery a provision ( in 't;l nul,f' E\() change had been madfp _ EB m;&t Dominion lmmigra-f ' ic e classification for 25 years. Ac}| tion agents may act as examiners and | the ::,g.@tr(') ta St,atemon} furnished OM ertify to the character of children qn(]'l\], .hm ie?u.le"t of Public Librarieg#® abroad about to be brought to Ontario. o f Miction read Institutes, the amoundil A sub--section was put in requiring that in 1-"-*\"'»'6? read in 1880 was 80 per cont »very agent or society authorized to and in ISJ%e:gOPnt" in 1890 55 per cent© carry on work in Ontario shall keep i\ reza a me per cent. "The MinislcMMi Fecorda of the more important terms, an (:f P (morar'ldu.m from Librariag . nd conditions of the agreement of | fesued in ;);g;nfin,sa;rmg that the librarf, placing out or binding as an apprentice | in 1890 l-!fi 5 54 per cent. of fiction, an§ -- of any child. A proviso was added to | had r.fim,m?::{ cent. The classificatiog, the section dealing with the power to | ments v(:rifi d he couamion proviomall I return an adopted child to a society, | I made by th( I\th' assertion previousif | that the return shall not be a ma.ttm" | been a 131.,0 \gmis.(e" that there hag| lof right on the part of the person in [ of fiction ge reduction in the quantit® | ? charge the child is placed. An-- $ Siap eonoond. M e e aa o k chamge in the bill was that when | tf"qt(t(}: la;utmn refuting the statement . d returned after being | fnstitutes: uperintendent of Mechanic$ . Es (Bociety or agent shan | stitutes was interested in a book cor® | * ain'The true cause of such re-- r ;;9;:1 f)i"m\\'lm'h his son was the Ma ',' 'and if it shall appear that it was l lhutr'r)r :\?-S}a"\me'm was to the effe« #] ca 1 by an act of immorality or Sert-- i oT Hhad an ll\ tl}t* Superintendent, nev :i ous misdemeanor on the part of the | COln'pa;ly} nterest in the Book Sunpl® child the society before placing the % child Mother person shall state AGRICULTURAL EDUCAT the true cause of the return. Another Major Hise ©DUCATION, & provision inserted named the punish-- the items is""t objected to many d# / ment for inducing a child to leave its partmen, q; BB Holiantes for thoub § foster home. The class of children ac-- educatic t of Agriculture intended f@ } ceptable to the Province for the pur-- tor & m)r}f" purposes, particularly thaf poses of immigration was specifically | | that l';};\mg experiments. He claimef,} stated. Any child who has not been !| Also the anantl e l h noly hS wel E4 convicted of any crime or misdemean-- /\;q'() ._Wt_mants for the Horse--Breeders | or or displayed any vicious tendencies | 'M,.( e e 3' may be brought in. | tie. ef t.l\lcF'hersr»n, before discussing / Authority was given to the society !1(»,:9(8"'""" for the Agricultural Col || importing a child or the custodian of Eing j spoke of the necessity of secut i the child to send it to a Public or Sep-- | (-u'lrtm;m"a"k' agriculture. While agrif _ arate School. Finally a clause was add-- | we fural science and agricultural arf | ed making it clear that the section of 'wi'f necessary, agricultural busines the master and servant act prohibiting Lp.f;k(-e <"af also ° necessary. _ Afte} the making of contracts abroad for the colle P oS of the high efficiency of th§ performance of labor in the Province w gc, he declared that what wa &A shall not be affected by the bill. The m'?";'(jd' in the farm was an efficie: ; measure was reported, and stands for Tces essional accountant, who would _ its third reading. i{e( p a careful account of all e\'D('nlfi } Pur_ Hardy's bilf respecting the ad-- ':1 (ltmne('tlon with the farm, \\-fi a ministration of justice in the unorgan-- f C L f0eh a dobt and credit acco | ized districts of the Province was pass-- l:'l','ofe"'f'l'y acre of--the farm. Afidtlr]]? I ed tiirough committee with a few d essor, a business professor, w 4 , amendments. _ The selection of jurors fent needed.. 'The beneft to the stul | is taken out of the hands of the Sh dents of acquiring a thorough stug iff-- and . transferred -- to the Shox-'?;"--- cdge of bookkeeping Wfluldg hka9wl Clerk and Registrar of Deeds o. great. He believed that the f i coul _Mr. Gibson' in be made profit arm coul« S n's loan companies -- bill £ profitable. 'The appropriatiod _ ei'!:} gfls:::}r:gwtee with a t(l;r :f?'(jpnf'&:;m bpmp;r was _ $6,850 aag a t recov-- it i about $4,000. He the e able in the Divis t C ry that if it was possi oueh rears oF calls is increas-?c(;o':'::(t:-, ();14oar~ in Ontario l)ayp evet!?:re :?f eA n farmnt 1 £100. l_Anothe: clause is added t]o maltg }?ade to make the model :;:mst;)(;\'x'ld n4g-- i t perfecty clear that shareholders shall it was a sad thing if it 7, an't ot be called on to pay for any lability sible to make a model farm pay. {MM fin. their paid up stock. In r y liability was a discouragin atrin pay. 1% + great many, applications *;ig;:ls,e Ay young men of thg Pfo'fi;%mple for the, ompanies, Col. Gibson said the GoY-- Cor. Matheson asked If it ment had agreed to vbermit the lend. prooibie o do away . with the rahtor * ' r the spraying experi Mr. periments. y r. _ Dryden replied that the ground