e ang e it Some Criticisms of Comments i [ The Globe. $ lREMARKS BY MR. WHITNEY. ; Legislative Chamber, March 26. I The House to--day advanced the leg-- islation in hand perhaps more than : on any previous day during the session. _ A number of bills were read a third'i time and an unusually large number, f of second readings were given. Mr.. Marter, upen a question of privilege, J complained of a paragraph in to--day's. Globe which stated that the Opposi--. tion had delayed the introduction ot;;i- the license bill last evening in orden-\gig that Mr. Marter might consult hia? friends in regard to the bill. 'c Mr. Marter, before the orders of .the _ day were taken up, rose to a question ,;'T of privilege. In The Globe of to--day J£ there appeared the following para-- © graph :---- ' "After recess the Opposition kept ham--, | mering away at the Agricultural Col-- _ lege estimates, and it was passed about, ! that they wore killing time so as to fi lay the ta@ing up of the liquor license| bill, the object being to let Mr. Marter)| have an opportunity of seang his. friends as to the amendments whic . ie