In! that relating to the saleuin ; should be read totrether. The , having been allowed to sell in , -pint quantities, there would not babiy be the some necessity for mggists to sell. A ~1 The clause was adopted. Mr. McKay (Oxford) had an amend- lent inserted providing that a med!- bal man who also conducts a chemist s r druggist's business shall not be al- towed to give the certificate required by the act for the sale of liquor by a rugglst, except when there is no other edlcal practitioner in. the municipali- yltir. Rowland moved that the clauses rohlblting the sale of liquor to minors e amended by exempting from the op- ration thereof cases where the pur- base and sale is authorized in writ- ng by the parent or guardian of the .inor. ' The amendment was adopted after a riot discussion. Mr. German wished to have the clause prohibiting the sale of liquor to miners in clubs struck out, and in the course of his argument said that the majority of drunkards became so after they were 21 years of age, and that he was sure that this had been the ex- rerienre of every member of the House. The loud applause and hearty laugh- ter of the Opposition members check- ed Mr. German's eloquence for a moment until he realized what a reflection he had cast upon the. members. He contended that the tattect of having liquor where young men were was not in any way injur- ious, and that in families where liquor was kept ,there were probably not as many drunkards as in other fami- lies. Mr. Haycock suggested that every family be compelled to keep ll- quor for the good of the young men in it. The clause was adopted with- cut amendment. The railway saloon license was final- ly adopted In the following form I-- Provided nevertheless that the provi- sions of this section shall not apply to aneatlng house at a railway sta- tion tor or to which any license has heretofore 1rcaen granted and which is at the'time of the passing of this act duly licensed. and any eating house at R railway station may hereafter Ntwive a license v.'ithoilt having all the hotel accommodation required by law. Nr. German fought hard to have these licenses not included in the sta- tr,lltt"1'iv,/l1?d.'tur for the locality, but did 'i' a Nie . An. addition was made to the clause prohibiting hotels within 300 feet of a church, etc., mm iding that the :zoo feet was to be measured from the main en- trance along the street or streets or {across the same at right angles 'The only other amendment to the act Was Ito make it compulsory for Magis- itrates to notify the commissioners of} any conviction under the act_ " Mr. Dryden's hill respecting places other than factories. Mr. Hohbs' bill IPSpectlng the London Street Hallway Mr. fiolrirs' Lill to Inc'orporate the In: gersoll Radial Electrie Railway tia.. pany, and Mr. C"onmee's bill respecting the Town of Port Arthur were mask.. ed through committee. The bill b 5996"")! loan ('Orlinruunns and it]? 13:; "ltr,),"),'");':" bill Were read a third time. use adjourned at 11.80 o'clock.