_ _ Hon. Mr. Gibson announced that he ihad decided to amend the clause |\ against blanket claims by inserting | the words "For mining lands contain-- \ ing ores or minerals of the same class \or kind," so as to permit of applica-- tions} being made for mining lands con-- tainikpg one kind of ore adjoining lands contrining a different class. He also redifred the radius within which dual clayas are prohibited from 25 to 15 mi':s. Mr. Conmee wanted to have ths reduced to five miles and to have it rrovided that the restriction should tply to claims on the same vein or loe, but the Commissioner could not se his way to doing this. 'r. Conmee next urged that capi-- ta'ists and mining men would not in-- Vot their money in mining claims un-- es there was some assurance that &er they had their machinery and ?nt in operation they -- would se to interfere with ' ghts the Toronto Railway ve under their charter if any rights. Hamilton and were the only other places Sunday services, and it proposed to interfere with them. ect of the clause would be that eet cars 'where they had not at resent, time a Sunday service 1d be prohibited from running on nday, except in the City of Toronto. r. Hardy then read the proposed clause as follows :-- No street car company, or tramway company, or any electric railway com-- pany, except where it shall be neces-- sary for the purpose of keeping the track clear of snow or ice, or for other acts of necessity or charity, shall run ears or trams upon the Lord's Day. The foregoing shall not apply to companies which have before the 1st of April, 1897, wgularly run cars on Sunday, nor shall confer any rights so to run cars on the Lord's Day not now possessed by them, nor shall it affect the right (if any) of the Toronto Railway Company to run cars upon the Lord's Day, if, or when, sanctioned by the vote of the electors under 55 Vict., chap. 99, and 57 Vict., chap. 98. But this proviso shall not confer upon the Toronto Railway Company any right to run cars upon the Lord's Day which it does not now possess (If any), if sanctioned by such vote. Nor shall this section apply to or effect any of the provisions of the electric railway act, 1895, nor shall it affect or apply to any company that has by its charter or any special act the right to run cars on Sunday. Mr. Whitney, Col. Matheson, Mr. Pat-- tullo and others suggested that the matter be left in abeyance until next year, but finally the amendment was put and carried, and the bill read a third time. ain The Ingersoll Radial Railway bill, the license bill the mining companies bill, the aid to railways bill, the trust com-- panies bill, and the bills to make fur-- ther provision respecting certain mat-- ters of municipal law, to amend the municipal act and the assessment amendment act were all read a third time and passed practically without discussion, Hon. Mr. Gibson consented to amend the clause so that the afidavit shall set forth that the applicant "has no knowledge of and has never heard of any ad\'erse~ql_alm or prior discovery." ° able to _ obtain the _ timber n essary to carry on mining C--rations. They would not sub-- I to be hedged around on all sides by Olers who merely took up lands on tt streongth of their discovery. . ,ion. Mr. Gibson pointed out that iqgler existing legislation the Com-- y }aioner of Crown Lands had author-- n} to sell timber lands, and there is ef sequently no--necessity for amend-- Nyuat. ir. Conmee objected to the clauses ing power to the Commissioner of 'n Lands to withdraw a district in th valuable discoveries have been rom sale or lease or to limit to one or more locations of The House then went into committee upon the bill to amend the mining laws. The distance of any new vein or lode from any known vein or deposit in order to entitle the prospector or dis-- coverer to a free grant of 40 acres was reduced from fifteen to ten miles. Mr, Conmee pointed out that it would be in many instances impossible fot a prospector or discoverer to make ar afdavit that there had been no pre-- vious discovery of the vein. . He sug-- gested that the affidavit to the know-- ledge of the applicants should be suff-- cient. THE MINING BILL. 1 Hon. Mr. Gibson pointed out that the length of time for the payment of pur-- chase money was one for discussion in Committee of the Whole. If a sugges-- tion had been made in committee to alter the time for the payment of the purchase money he was not prepared to say that some attention would not have been paid to it. He did not think that Mr. Whitney should have sat in his seat while the clauses were discussed and then make such a motion before the whole House, He suggested that the bill be referreq back to committee for | discussion on this point. Mr. Whitney said that he was per-- | fectly willing that the bilth shrssyHEa i2d Mr. Conmee said that ; avail himself of this oppor: a few words that he mig! at an earlier stage. Certair had insinuated that in s other he was interested di directly in the Engledne ev referred back PWkatie id in atihochids 4i 12 c he mentioned his name, in whic stated that section 8 was not interest o%/ the miners, as it ga er to withdraw land from expl It seemed to him, Mr. Whitn that in this bill the interests prospector and poor man had n sufficiently safeguarded, and t conditions under which they mi Bage in gold mining were not . the principles of the time and th and privileges of .the people der and for these reasons he made t tion. led that one--hajr ..¢ 7, | NC Clause provided that one--half of the purchase money be paid within 30 days and the remaining half within 60 days. Mr. Whitney moved that this be altered to one--quarter within 60 days and the re-- maining three--quarters within _ three months, and that section 8, which pro-- vides for withdrawal of lands for ex-- amination with the diamond drill, be struck out. He read a despatch from the Sudbury COrresnoandant n# mc eacere ~gshouiq CRZ~VCYI that the Gov. ernment should accept the Patror policy and allow any man or company to obtain mining lands upon the same , terms as the Engledue syndicate in any Quantities, even as small as one square mile, > the (}OVernment reserving every alternate mile, MR. WHITNEY's OBJECTIONS. When the bill had been at last passed through committee and Mr. Str . reported it to the Speaker, Mr. Whitn moved that it be not concurred in, but be amendea by enlarging the time for paying the purchase price. -- The clause provided that one--half of the purchase money be paid within 30 days and the remaining half within 60 days. Mr. Whitney moved that thie ma .12 °~_ i | 10 acres, He assarted that 40 acres 'was not sufficient for any person to f take up Aas a mining proposition, , Hon. Myp. Gibson insisted upon the clause ag being necessary for the pro-- ' tection of the public, a ; _ The sub--section reélating to pending A&pplications was amended so that pro-- per Protection is given to applica-- tions now pending where discoveries have been made in good faith under the existing regulations. * _ Mr. HMaycock Ssuggested that the Gov. ernment should Accept the Patran Politcy anA aslruc} _ . CONMEE'S EXPLA NATION 'mal he was satisfied wlth: v before the House. but gen-- ' measures had been in thef mining development, and he | 'Afl s¥ os PE wo should acce d allow any n mining lands the Enflk'dnn a of this opportunity s N2 F ' _ ¢% section 8, which pro-- thdrawal of lands for ex-- ith the diamond drill, be He read a despatch from correspondent of The Maii 'ede the few matters ) wished to see alter-- irgely to mining de-- and their mining uts n L 4 : P t in the newspapers. he Government had zed in regard to their 1 their mining law. mlsunderstanding of 'am --, 3. 36 o pending amended so that pro-- is given to applica-- n# where discoveries n good faith under the in e that he was per-- the bill should be °©d, and that the h they might en-- were not such as f was not in the as it gave pow-- rom exploration. . Whitney said, ne wished to had not been to say the Gov. _ Patron company the | 10re ' any s | rink of-- the see ' ers er-- de-- ! k . same in any square _ every