p The Timber Quéestion. _ 1] Creasing the expenditure on coloniza-- I am glad to see the reference in the on roads in Ontario by 100 per cent. | speech t'o the timber regulations of the Continuing, he said : | Crown Lands Department. Bu;, jsirt, before I dizcuss this question us Mining Development. I wish to say that I am not in the se-- Only very recently a large portion of | crets of the Government upon this mat-- the population of the eastern portion | | ter, but that I trust and hope, from the $ of the Province of Ontario regarded the | | experience I have bhad in the past, that j i Algomas, Nipissing and FParry Sound | when the bill is brought down it will | wA as nothing but a wilderness, that we | be found that the rights and interests | had nothing there but trees and ice and i of all those who are especially con-- | snow and rocks, but since the peoplei cerned in this very important question[ down here became aware of what that | have been preserved. I wish to express rock contained many of them have_l not only my own opinion, but the been very anxious to get a piece of our | opinion and trust of a large majority of ' rock--(hear, hear)--and they are now | my constituents, that when the Gov-- disposed to be more Hberal in the mat-- | | ernment take this matter into their ter of grants for developing the coun-- | | consideration, and when they crystal-- || itry. Another matter whickh affects us | | lize into an act of Parliament their de-- © up in those districts very materially | | cision upon the matter, that the views | _ -- is the mining development. Perhaps | ' of those who are interested will be hon. gentlemen who were here last ses-- | found to have had an effect upon their 4 sion and saw the stand I took in Par-- | | deliberations. To put the matter in a liament on the mining law then will be | short way, the people are strongly in surprised that I am singled out by the ; favor of regula,uo(xgj compelling -- the Crown to second the address upon this | manufacture of these logs in this Pro-- occasion. But I must say that although | vince of Ontario. There are mills in-- | it is defective in some points, it is pos-- | volving the expendituré of hundreds 1 tlbly the best mining law in the world | of thousands of dollars all along the | . to--day. It is not perfect, I know, there ; northern shores of; L@&ke Huron and | OOE bL tWS little particulars in | Georgian Bay, situated within the dis-- | which it might be improved, yet I hope | trict of eastern Algoma and I know w. % 0 I may have some influence upon the | las & mMAtte® of fact there are many ®*" | members of this Government to get | burity similarly situated in the district them to make these amendaments where-- of Parry Sound, but I consider eastern by it may be made better. Mr. Speaker, / \Algoma enough for me to look &after, I was surprised, and probably you will 'and T will confine my remarks to that be surprised when I say that when the t 'part of the Province, the owners of hon. gentleman, the leader of the Op-- | which would be greatly benefited by & position made a tour up through that | regulation of the kind referred to. Mr. mining district, thise who were look-- | Farwell then pointed out that by the ing forward to the satis{action that the i action of Congress lumber sawn in On-- Te great occasion of his visit was going | tario was at a disadvantage of $2 per % |to bring them, to the minner in which | 'thousand in fAvor of lumber s&wh \he was going to point out to them the | from logs exported froth Ontario and way in which they wene to carry out | | Into the United States free of duty. their mining operations,;that he would | \ The effect of the export of logs has been point out to them where his great mind 1 'that many of the Canadian mills he re-- was going to make/'these amendments | 'ferred to have been shut down for the that would make them «all rich and' [ past two years. The people of Algoma + bring good times to e¥erybody, were | 'think that the proposed -- regulation surprised that he 'figid nothing . about | would have the effect of placing the i the"mining law. P ooe benfieman manufacturers in Canada upon a good | nap iot spent ten .gninutes, certainly and equitable basis. It had been urged } not an hour, in studying that mining that such a regulation would be an in-- (law. When he made that remarkable justice to the Americans who came "apeech at Sud-bul:y..hls own followers over and purchased largely of our tim-- were very much disappolinted at the ex-- !b limits at the sales, but when the t ribition he made. You must remember | er rt duty was taken . off sawlogs § 'that T live in Algoma;'"you must re-- | sly;gr?e s y!'m express agreement upon t member that the pehce'and prosperity --| the part of our Government on one side of that part of our Province is wrap-- | andpthat of the United States on the * 'ped up to a very large extent in the | |other that efther Government should be success of the mining interests, and for | t Hiberty to exercise its own judgment these reasons I am speaking more forci-- | a'!th ference to elther question as Ni Shd. more o 1 etherwigk upon' S ;: eth'at reciprocal arrangement these matters than I otherwise would | -"f'onb oken . by either party. 'The Mi-- be justified in doing, and I hope my : "}ss rmlll owners, who are large hold-- hon. friends will externd that charity to ('--. gan ImbBe llmi.ts in Algoma and me which I have no doubt they would ers of trI{l l; Ontario xent to Wasi-- like to have extended to themselves in other pa 3 (t)he result was that this §" similar cireumstances. I think, Mr. zlngttm:\"asén faced upon sawn Jumber #60-- 'Spefi!(e;, ;};?:rtgfsht(r';\lx'rlzal;l'i; (;i\eth:oer?- ix?gyto thepUnited States. The result is osition, e = | B h l{)ry will find it very necessary for him-- that the lower grades of '"mbierts"g'z ! self and of much benefit to the people of in Ontario cannot be shipped n:t Cz | that country if he would give this min-- United States because ltpes(;uctann Adocs N ue stion a little more study, so that ford to pay this excessive y« » | No 4 > > b ers had gone to Algoma and purchased when the question next comes up be-- ut th & Aumber to ship to the Unit-- t \fore the House he will be prepared to all the goo is to rot.while f *# fassist the representatives of the min-- od States and left the cul'e ot!;m. rlverl ing districts to make Vthose amendments ilthtey tl:&;o%}gitgg é':iltl:. a;';::ls W here the | | fwbictthe case needs, (?n?arlo mills are situated and our,' | ;chase largely of lumber -- sawn from | P