F : p on's own figures,| 8 M F hosition not on f * e pfi)flfl' it would 1e | the Dominion itself but in the empire. :gm lqual;eh atm"e'ét hy Tate 40 gc:v :; t')':leyo c':)eunhtt:g d&':let s?x-:rakt'e ;e:d. at which sales had been made in the bee ; o ast quarter century there was tim-- & ' n done by the late leader of the Le ger l:nd c rough to last for the hNext 6 gislature. He had been in public life 50 years. There was little danger, & 'When DEofederation was accomplished, .therofure' of the exbhaustion of our re-- * EInd the important -- questions settled sources, f Long before that time the !that' laid the foundation of the Do-- provisions for the protection and re-- | n:;""m' Among the public men of Can-- production of our forest growth would | '?x 2 Vone fad a grander record > * have produced new areas which woum' | q oufracter, and the people were come into the market, . There would | ig--l-ad that he would still be in touch be no danger of direct taxation if the | | w'nth Provincial affairs, and that they principles adopted by the Liberal party | | would have his guiding hand in the were carried out as they would be, | future as in the past. He hoped many | days would pass before Sir Oliver would A Marked Contrast. | find it necessary to retire from bhis high * Infllce. Dr. McKay then took up Mr. The care exercised over the fm-«:q( | 8t. John's speech. He told how Col. wealth by the ('.()\'vl'nmpnt' was in | | Matheson had expressed his amaze-- marked contrast to thf- action of the ment at he crowds that turned out to Conservatives, who during the bound--| l'h" Opposition meetings. Why should ary dispute bad given away the timber they be amazed? Gentlemen had heard lands of Ontario to the friends of the | Mr. St. John's speech. Were they Dominion Government at $5 per square amazed that crowds went to hear him? mile. _ Under Provincial administration (Laughter.) 'fhore was a license fee these lands were sold to the highest of $50 now for Wild West ahm\'s,raml hmndder, jirrespective of his !'mliti('.'il the people had not often an nmmrtun-l l-umpluxm.n.' k'(:\tl:)rl'l'al;;v;:"-v) the(dr(:(r:rtli'::lt": \ ity of listening to such exhibitions as | 2-,3:}\-:2%;[){}::(-(lr('gisz(l'ature i4 the days tbat "t~ Ine peoply n r"" T ie rear miany of th;- territorial dispute had taken w ({ndm.' the people flocked to hear him. sides against the Province and in favor A;rffll:ntn J(:t'ln-vha«?f tIa::(;;;'l I:f "})fe "SZZ of the action of the Dominion Govern-- | sir . 1 th ¢ m ment in seeking to control the territory sired to tell that gentleman that the nding the avward Fad--their --policy Liberal party when it _ohta'invd power {);.2,(, (-'erried nu't fhc Province would | at Ottawa adopted a tariff giving a pre---- how. have no Aimher fands to dispose| {orem-p t(; British goods. During th: Of (Appiause.) | 'onservative regime Canada never ha ' 4/ f iFin fie | a clhance of being raised to the position ntlh)::i- h;':q';(ag\' lf;T'L.eef:lY |t;;u?;;-.d ;}'llmg(l;u\:. it' now holds in reference to commer-- He pointed out that strong Conserva--| c-'ml treaties. It was true in effect that tives like Mr. Brock and Mr. George| :_'::'nudathzftl hcw"n re-«liscn\-nrf-(l durlqg Gooderham were on the board of the] he "?::s year. in the face of all this General Trusts Co. -- Sir Frank Smithl beyr 8.'surpns(~d to learn that the Li-- L also could hardly be called a Liberal. i)mal Government of Ontario, fl('(tu)'(]- The company was not one of any WH", '[r'lyf t.; Lj"' St' John, was pro--American. ticular political complexion, and so ti e'QtnLt.h"as' that the only annexa-- long as members did not permit their .ml1'x. w o ever held a s--a't in the Le-- business interests to interfere with ix:s dtu'rfa was a strong Conservative their public dutics there was no reason rom E'ssex. (Applause.) | why they should not become company 'Mr. St,. John--I said the Government | Airectors. He (the speaker) had |ntrf>-| was pro--American only in reference to ; duced recently a bill for the inspection the timber question. | of loan companies, which had been| I strongly opposed by Mr. St. John, \\iml A Superior Policy, ' was acting then as solicitor for a '['nr-l Dr. McKay said the hon. gentleman | onto loan company. If that was thu, had no right to say so, even in that re-- l case, why should hg l:-um;-lzun of mem--} spect. The policy of the Liberals com-- ' bers being directors ? Aall ' pared with that of the friends of gen-- | The popularity of the succession tlemen opposite gave no warrant for | duties were spoken of, and the l)ppusi--l such an assertion. The policy pursued tion assured that the people were be-- | ;\'as in the interest of the country, and | ']l;mll l'hiv \"F"\"';r"lm'{l:tdl(grthe:'tl!2"&;9\;!1':- ar & Ww > i revie e spef asse > late !;l::]m?nlq?r{ Gl,):\(,v:xi;r:)tfi? 't::atth:tm:l';'.l County Councilts bill, which had great-- ' o oY p I ly reduced the cost of County Counvil ':::"l"{h}z'sltlm\l\'l:figuth::thlfillfit(}:s?ll:)t (')\t'h:hzl government, the :xr'iminit-'(rmiun~ of the I Dominion Government was in the hands I \';::ll:'\l(lt}::'\:':"«;.I!;]:\; ;\!\x:':'k"(m}l;l1:-)1;::;:;0S erVy '@ » a w 0 * (a # ? . ) A & 8. O~t Cufmtr\'ullus s alh'n (ahor l he said that there was not one traitor | was ever placed upon the statute I.umks. t in the Liberal ranks from Algoma to E':mt until last session, under a Liberal | Lake Erie, from BSSEX to Glengarry. sovernment, had such a 'Ia\\ bee n' pass» | Al1 were true to Liberalism und 10 one ed. (Applause.) The Liberals had a1-- | ot the best leaders the party had ever ways in Province and Dominion stood | )" j 1€ cLaua ("I"('}'*) arty hi frieen:" Capplayse y . ""° "tht> of the | ll L;(n. r«-h)'\' to Col I'((ntlh-:--'nn Hon. Mr ar{llsa'l;]. h(Almfla.usp.)" £f the destruc | Harcourt announced that the estimates Ali k CC ABRIL Aalf i ruw cwong on ho s would be brought down on Friday and . tion of the lumber industry and of the the budget on Tuesday next. , ' rapid sale of timber landg. 'I')lfl'hlg the Mr. Haycock moved the adjournment |\\.hul.~ of Sir Oliver Mowat's adminis-- of the debate and the House adjourn-- tration exactly 4,394 1--4 square miles d "at 1130 $.m,. f of timber lands had been sold. Refer-- ring to the statement of the Pron;ler Notices of Motion, " 2 s of timber T ::a';neth;ll:el:he;i"ltl:?\(:flmg:::l. '{"'l Mls-l | _ Mr,. Langford--Friday next--Inquiry campbell had asserted that the figure | | of Ministry :.38 gfi?"'{n,'l."fi'-fe-" J'; .H.'\\m; should be reduced by fifty per cent. 'molt engage a y 1 a