o C ut on license-- that they coutd mot 00 30.' He T eferred :,':,'d"e',.'f ".*;':";E%,L'.'n?&-" Should nave sa\d' 'to the difMicuity of making 60 speeches to these genflemien : '"Gentlememn We | 3 on the public platform during his tour cannot listen for one moment to any without occasiongally saying something proposition of that kind i 1'" * .-ilv that was incorrect, and he paid a tri-- | sgood morning and a happy | Journ s \ bute to the press for the fair and cor-- across the line." Public H'llt_ll"""l wAas [rect reports given under the difficult in favor of the imposition of this re-- '(-ir(-umstanves of -- condensging _ long striction, not only that the int_o:r"(:it].s «peeches. He looked back to no feat-- of this Province might be Aaveand ts ure of that trip with more pleasure Imt that we might be able to turn jati with and the Sround and look the people of foreign than to his asscciation s rfor » T luties by the re-- countries in the face as men who had performance of their « e hon us by the Government in presentatives of .the press. The LO". rot been caused y '14 Aiajrek a i q spoken the other | power to lose their seif--respect, It had gentleman who had spo R ction } 'a'd that because some people be--| day r]dh-ulr.d'hlfll:i\'}"'n }';1(. ((f;:;llzsl th'El :!I'. ".l.'.;'l\\',. \:'-'-ul('( I'w m;.ul'» to suffer H'i with the )mu:::gi attention to the fact | i we did this thing, it should therefore | Pz'f:{ l'(hpe:):'z?r)\mir;sitvnt'r of Crown Lands [ not be ']"_',"/'. 1t .\"'.;.:s.hn'." l:)i\f,'.",({ -""hl"i'\)--\f g 'cepted the amendment which he u...n...r prin« u-|-~.~'.'\u _as Il\vl 1a e| had accep incorporated it in the British people lived in the state o suggested and inco ANM be trivial for :ilénv that they now enjoyed. It was law, and whilst it might be K. dinyc+: 5 yosite. -- 'There was : repibcink w ) have the time for pay-- by exactly the oppesite, PDe _ YA f a merchant t< led to 60 days, it was ntimental as well as a material rea-- a o nrmar ho "-"-'.m-'-(t ) the mining pro-- | son why the proposed action should | mecroce." "The nebple f the Province | be takes, and this would show the Pre.| spectors. The people "_ e entitled to | mier beyond the possibility of a duuMl who owned the lands were L(; e 18et ] :"m' he would oL "be ('ll;I.\'ll]li))}:' /ig every possible *"l\:'\')';'x("-]a'll $ iu'- ;l.\v | | own interests by carrying the amend-- people to be (A""fld'.rw} ons \'md the | ment to the amendment and refusing syndicates, the corporations i A to imvose the restriction upon the Am-- jobbers. Mr. Conmee | erican lumbermen. He hoped the Gov-- Mr. Whitney said that Mr. ConlI 1. | ernment at the last moment would see had distinctly stated that the ams« ,;]'i';, their proper course to be to impose the ments put into the mining act at | restriction. (Mr. Whitney's) instance were l-."""ll > amendments. Commenting on 'h'.'""j The Premier's Reply. marks of Mr. Charlton, the .h.dmdfnl\h::n: Hon,. Mr. Hardy on rising was greet-- the Opposition said that the -'-,';'m in-- ed with Government applause. He ex-- for Norfolk might have no spe J it for pressed his intention as briefly as pos-- terest in the lllhlmp'«lllflx(i(pl?.' \' ~st-9 sible to put before the House the pre-- some reason he was ,m.-m'gl; mltrl'm._, clse issve that is now being tried and ed in preventing the "np"}.\l'"'\"'l'l(':' nut | discussed. The Opposition had asked | proposed restriction. .", iC :( t' that | the House to vote censure upon the 'f' onetarily i"""""""} ".'?;"_ _\\1;:._)"1"",'." | Government because they had not an-- | impelled him to take ""'A "_'_ $ e | nounced to the House specifically what \he advocated with the consent of the the n N1e? ap unman s i Es Pn PeC and which members nfl i2 enlire policy of the Government is. ) Government, an« led ? He did not think that his hon. friend | the Government applande Mr. Whitney | had risen to the true Importance of the Mr. Charlton reminded Mr. Whitnej | question in the discussion which had that he had spoken on his own respon-- | taken place ; he had looked upon it sitility and had expressed his """'z from a party standpoint. . True, he view. $ made avowa ~ b ey could 0 is-- | Mr. Whitney said lhat' Mr. Charliton associate "ML,' "l\,.'l,\i.:.; ,»,,,Il,lx'"l:«l':'],ln_ was not an unbiassed witness, because per, the manner in which the discus-- he had accompanied the delegation and sion had been carried on. But the hon. had taken a strung.mtc-rest in the sub-- gentieman did not disc Usg it ith that ject matter of the interviews. Taking violence that he did before. He admit-- up Mr. Charlton's calculation as to the ted now that he was dealing with a timber resources of the l:}""'"'"'; Mr. business that had occupiled a vast | Whitney asked if we had 152 years' sup-- amount of capital, which has only re-- [ | ply on hand how could the Government cently risen to the first class in im-- justify itself for spending money on re-- portance and falien within the range forestry ? Mr. Charlton had (llf"li."\'q of practical politics, for reasons which that the imposition of the restrictions are not connected in any way with this which had been suggested "'"}UM be a Government. Thewhole has arisen breach of contract to the limit h:ll']vll-. from the policy of the legislation of the In some cases it might make u'.mr_d- American Government, which fact the skip, but it would not be an injustice hon. leader of the Opposition and his | to any human being who held a lHcense colleagues artfully leave out of the to--day. 'Thé'law stated that licenses Question in their endeavors to lay the might be issued] subject to f'""" ""'!'l" - blame upon the Government of Ontario, | tions and restrictions AS8 might be im-- whereas he had pointed out nothing, pored from time"~to time by order in and could point out nothing, in respect Council or depa--tmental regulation. l"1 of which the Government of this Pro-- addition to that a provision of mmi vince is censurable. The Government is kind was introduced into every license | pursuing the same policy in this coun-- issued. Mr. Whitney said that there try which it had been pursuing for lived across the line people whose prin-- many years. But circumstances have cipa} object In regard to foreign na-- very much changed, wholly as a conse-- ticns was to destroy British rule on the quence of the legislation by the United Continent of : North America, and in States, and hon. gentlemen in their at-- pursuance of 'that intention zhn-srj gen-- tempts to enlighten the people of this tlemen had come across the line to Province on this question ought to have meet _ the Premier and -- endeavor the fairness and mantiness to instruct to induce him not to put on the re-- the people on this phase of the ques-- striction which hinety--nine men, and | tion. His hon. friend had allowed this women too, <aut'of every hundred in }