ermommintores 'fi '3i § me, having } s rfi; Mr. Willoughby, in the ahbsence of beeeuy ;:le?ity tg:".tlyflgltitut'):fm.a 'e y Mr. Carnegie--What portions of the Al-- By -- Mr. Matheson--What is the " 5 |gonquin and Rondeau Parks are under amount of railway certificates issued | * : se esd ait Secnes leaued 1. * during 1897, hnd what cash payment do I Hon. Mr. Hardy replied that licenses I?I):)nl.'el'\:[rris%'ar'court in reply said that \have been issued for the whole of the it amounted to $2,000 per mile for three | \ Algonquin Park except 165 square sections of ten miles each | 'miles, and licenses for that might be! € * 4 {issued at any time. The license cover--| The Arbitration Awards. | 'edB;ngr.ufiatt,;xz';otx:-m--wgat is the aver-- Mr. Matheson obtained an order of ' ; lage rate of interest payable by the | the Hpuse for an address to his Honor ' ' Province on the annuities sold in 1897 ? |the Lieutenant--Governor praying that ' Hon. Mr. Harcourt replied that the he will cause to be laid before this t 'average rate is 3.24 per cent. ,Hnuse a return of copies of all awards _ By Mr. Brower--Has Mr. Daniel Mc--| ;made by the arbitrators on the ac-- Crea been appointed to lecture on tub-- | counts between the Dominion and the erculosis among cattle ? If so, is Mr. | Provinces of Ontario and Queb.c from | McCrea a veterinary surgeon ? Or has 'and inclusive of the award of 1870, and | ; he had any previous particular experi-- | copies of all Judgments given. on ap-- ence as a lecturer ? What salary does. | peal from the decisions of the arbitra-- he receive ? | }tors. together with copies of all cor-- ) Hon. John PDryden replied that| | respondence, reports _ and' orders _ in Lieut.--Col. David MeCrae of Guelph, | | Council and other papers not already to whom the inquiry referred, studled' brought down, touching the arbitration veterirary science under Dr. Andrew j | between the Provinces, with a state-- Smith and Dr. McFachran while at--| ment of all expenses thereof since the tending the University of Toronto be-- appointment of the present arbitrators, fore the Veterinary College was or-- f:é:':gg.:llnpald. ali'lg :ilfp estimate of those un 5 e ganized, but has never practised. He | penses are concerned. .. _* far 'as .ex is not a veterinary surgeon, but hf"i \_Among the large batch of petitions # made a spe(-iatstudy of tuberculosis, presented were a number in favor of - and has been'employed for severul; amendments to the dicense law, and years as a lecturer at Farmers' Insti--| also one from the Christian Endeavor-- tutes, and has been authorized to lec-- | ers of Lambton County, seven yards ture on tuberculosis and to practically j long, asking for an amendment to the 4 demonstrate the use of the tuberculine | \Lord's Day act. f test. He receives no regular salary, | | C has not a permanent appointment, and | e Notice of Inquiries. r:(:'?s' o':htgxlf l\:":\:zl":rge for institute lec IO,M{{|,,(;§{',';'.°"'" Monday next--Inquiry * By Mr. Matheson--Is it true, as re--| L. "OoF 7 + P ported in The Orillia Times of Novem--| ha(a:)h\g}:la:m'l?l :)};9 t;":"arl,r:'\','."""_" f %"" | ber 25, that, contrary to the're_'-solutlnn tario 'during the past tc'nm('}e'g-s --f'(:' | 7 (l){f this House of March \7.' lhi'*)-. Di"- lNl printing, stationery, supplies "al'\d mar" 4 . Spohn, the surgeon of the Provincia 3 i nractegs roptaary l ova Reformatory at Penetanguishene, took t""a'l of every description to the firms ; . E 5 A of Warwick Bros., and Warwick Bros * an active part in a Reform -- conven-- & Rutter, Toronto ? 5 & tion held at Oriliia, forming one of a (2) V\'h'at was th;* total & Committee on Resolutions, and speak-- the Above Arms:#ar paper amount paid ing in support of one of the candidates; (3) What w 8 t":'""'}"l" "of T9 also that, as reported by 'The Orillia 6ther m '1" a e value of type and 2 Pracket of November 2%, there were ramk'y "')"3 tlhla 'S(,"fm_'l"'q to the above 8 present as members of said conven-- durlrslg t"he :qt'?'e"}m'_"t') of Ontario tion Messrs. Blaney and Martin, Divis-- (4) wh t? in en yeahs © ion --Court bailiffs, _ and . Archibald id b at is the amount that has been Thompson, farmer at the Orillia Asy-- pa' y the Government of Ontario for Ium, who also signed a circular as f'a"o""-" purchased from and supplied President of a teownship Reform as-- ;ga?.'e,, above firms during the past ten sociation, and also two keepers of the Eky § Orillia Asylum ? And is it the intention ",'Yr' Ma':esnn_'"_]""""'-' of Ministry : of the Government to dismiss these v hat is the present value of the rail-- officers for disobedience of the regolu-- o certlficatesflnutstandmg discounted tion of this Legislature ? at the rate of 2.24 per cent., and amo, _ Hon. Mr. Hardy said he was unable d@iscounted at the rate of 3 per cent. ? ; \to speak from knowledge of the facts. What is the present value of the an-- | He thought it possible, however, that 13ultles o'us)standing discounted at the some of the officials referred to came '.m" of 3.24 per cent., and also dis-- within the exception from the applica-- counted at the rate of 3 per cent. tior of the resolution referred to, inas-- Notices of Motion. much as they did not derive their «n-- tire living from their office. In regard Mr. Byorsnn-----Mnndu,v next--For to Mr. Thompson and the two keepers leave to introduce a hill to amend the at the Orillia Asylum, they are per-- assessment act. sons whose whole time shouid be oc-- Mr. Marter--Tuesday . next--Bill to cupied, and communications would be amend the municipal act. | 'addressed to them upon the subject. Mr. Ryerson--Monday next--Motion Hon. Mr. Davis added that he had re-- to introduce a bill to amend the as-- ( ceived information from Mr. Thomp-- sessment act. son, stating that he attended the meet-- Mr. Marter--Tuesday -- next--Bili to ing for the purpose of resigning the amend the municipal act. office of President of the Reform As-- & # | sociation. The two keepers were pre-- A Stratfora Deputation, > |sent, but took no part in the meeting. The Government was waited upon to-- | day by a deputation from Stratford re-- | presenting two sides of a dispute about