82 f"\"-"'*"'.. and pro .*v"r"f'&':' idays of the year. Binoc'",' 54,122 trees have been planted, 15, of these in 1896. | Private Bills Committee. The Committee on Private Bills met this morning and organized, with Hon. Mr. Gibson in the chair. The first bill brought before,the committee was that for the incorporation of the Canadian s Consolidated Copper & -- Nickel Co. This is a company composed of David Maclaren of Ottawa, Alex. Maclaren of Buckingham, John Maclaren of Brockville, Jas. Barnet Maclaren and Albert Maclaren, both of Buckingham, Que., which seeks incorporation for the purpose of prospecting, exploring, de-- veloping and operating gold, silver, copper, nickel, lead, iron, coal and other mines, and to reduce,amalgamate and otherwise treat the ores. The capi-- .| tal stock is placed at $5,000,000, and the head office of the company is to be at Ottawa. Mr. B. B. Osler appeared in support of the bill. The promoters of this bill, compos-- ing the Canadian minority in the Can-- ada Copper Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, have taken steps to have the charter of that company cancelled owing to the failure of that company to ob-- serve the proviso which requires the smelting of the nickel in Canada, and now seek an act of incorporation for themselves in Ontario for the purposes named above, the intention being to enter into active opposition to the Can-- ada Copper Company. The bill as drawn did not provide for the manufacture of the ores in Canada, and a clause was inserted pro-- viding that the company shall be sub-- ject to such regulations and condi-- tions as to the manufacture and refin-- ing of nickel and other ores in On-- tario as the Lieutenant--Governor in Council may from time to time direct. Mr. Osler asked leave to amend the title of the bill, if his clients deemed it wise to do so in view ot the am-- endment. The bill respecting the Shebandowan Mining Co. and incorporating the Frue Shebandowan Gold Mining Company, Limited, was passed, with the same technical amendments suggested by the Chairman, by which the exercise of the general power sought by the dir-- ectors of the Shebandowan Mining Co, to sell the property of the company and take stock in other companies in payment limited to the sale to the Frue Shebandowan Company. The bill to incorporate the Ottawa Stock Exchange was laid®over until the .lol!cltor of the company is present to ; explain its provisions. | WThe bill to validate certain canons of the Ottawa Diocesan Synod from the date of their adoption at the last i a.;mual session of the Synod was pass-- ed. 1 Income Tax Exemptions, Mr. Macnish has a bill dealing with income tax assessment. He proposes to raise the limit of exemption from in-- come tax from $700 to $1,000. ____