Mr. Davin-To amend the acts re-I lating to Victoria University. _ Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)-Respeetintr) water powers. Dispute Between City and County. Mr. Kidd's bill. though deal'ng with the municipal act generally. is intend- ed to apply specifically to the dispute! now pending between the City of 0t-' town, and the County of Carleton. The city and county are separated muni- cipally but not judicially. It has been held by the courts that there being ho Judicial separation, Ottawa should not be called upon to pay the county for the use of the court house and, jail unless the city has some use of the I buildings which other municipalities do V not enjoy. Mr. Kidd's bill relates to; the matters to be considered by the' arbitrators in determining the amount ot compensation the city should pay the county. It provides that tho arbi- trators shall take Into consideration the original cost of the site and the erection of the buildings and assess the city or town a reasonable amount for the use of these. i Mr. Dryden's bill prohibits gamb- ling or games of chance at agricultural and horticultural fairs or within half I mile thereof, under a penalty ot from 820 to 8100. The bill ot the Commissioner of Crown Lands authorizes the reserva- tion from sale of any water power or privilege on Crown lands, and of a suffi- cient area of land in connection there- with for the erection of buildings and plant. It also empowers him to make the terms on which water power and land so reserved may be sold or leased and deveIOpcd. Mr. Brower put this quosHon ..---on what business does C. A. Sippl travel for the Lnndon Asylum ? What do his travelling expenses amount to ? Is the amount over and above the sum of 81.166 M he receives as bursnr in the Londcn Asylum for ten months' service ? _...n _9_"P__... \n "gnu. u-vu vv, uuu IIU "gore. Repb"ms: to another question hy Mr. "hossrr, thh Trnosurer said that but- vier is not made at the Mimieo Asylum. Mr. Harcourt replied: " is only on very odd occasions that Mr. Sippi finds it necessary to travel. His travel- ling expenses this year amounted to $33 90, occasioned by his being sub- poenaed by the hon. gentlemen on one or more occasions to attend before the Public Accounts Committee. This amount is over and above the $1.166 he received in salary as bursar. -Mr. iiotmscmespectintr the City of London. . Mr. Stratton-To confirm a certain agreement between the G. T. R. Co., the St. Clair Tunnel Co. and the Town of Barnla ', also respecting the corpora- tion of the Town of Midland ', also re- anecting the Town'of Trenton. "irT.HGvden--'ro prevent gambling and games of chance at agricultural exhibitions. - _ _ Mr. Kidd protested that the answer was not in accordance with the statement of the futrlie ac- counts, but Mr. Harcourt soon convinced him that he had been look.. ing at the wrong l'ne of figures in the book and that Mr. Sippl's travel< my! egnenses were $33 90, and no more. iiriirwood. ]egaiuze_a by-law of the Town of Col- The consumption last year amounted to 20.966 pounds, all of which was bought by contract. Creamery butter at eighteen and three-quarter cents a pound and dairy butter at fifteen and one-half cents. The Treasurer also said, in reply to a. third question,_that James Corcoran, the bursar of the' Mt, mico Asylum, is the omcial who moat- ly uses street our tickets. which are charged in the public accounts. He requires almost daily to go to and fro between the asylum and the city to purchase supplies. Muskoka Timber Licenses. Mr. Langford askedt--Has the Gov- ernment Issued licenses to any person or persons for the cutting of timber, other than pine, on Crown lands in the District of Muskoka. How many such licenses were issued, if any, and to whom were they issued ? Mr. Gibson replled:--Ttte Govern- ment has not issued ahy licenses in the District of Muskoka, especially to out tlmrer other than pine. _A11lcer"es in Muskoka. District are pine iicenses.' but incidentally convey the right to, cut other timber until the land is either' located or sold. when, under recent regulations, the licensee's right to cut anything but pine timber ceases. There are sixty-SCWO licenses current in. Muskoka this season. some of them of very small area. Of these, thirty-one are renewals of old licenses issued be- fore Confederation, twcnty-one are re- newals of licenses issued by the Gov- ernment of Hon. John.sandtheld Mac- donald, and eight are licenses issued by Sir Oliver Mowat's Government. Mr. Willoughby obtained an order of 'the House that there be laid before the jliuuse a copy of the petition presented to the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun- cil asking for an audit of the hooks. vouchers, etc., of the Township of Mam. vers. A copy of the commissioner's or- iginal report. together with his sup- plementary report. Also, copies of all cortespondence in connection with the matter. Mr. Whitney, before proceeding with the orders of the day, inquired of the Attorney-General what the intentions of the Government were in reference to the Christmas holidays. He urged the desirability of some definite infor- mation, in order that hon. members who intend going home to-morrow might he able, while at home on this Occasion. to make arrangements for the holiday season. _ . A A lllc lAL'llou 3'31»th The Attorney-General in reply stated [hm he could not make any definite arrangement until next week, and in reply to a further question. by Mr. Whitney, stated that It was not at all improbable that the House might be asked to meet between Christmas and New Year's. The Attorney-General drew the at- tention of the House to the report of his speech published in The Mail and Empire. which was somewhat misrep- rcsented, and, if not corrected now, might be misunderstood in the future. He did not complain, recognizing the difficulty under which the reporters la bored. in condensing their reports, but moreiy desired to put himself right. Ti e report referred to was as follows: Christmas Adjournment. 83