EmmE eieeiennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnenenenenmin y % n-- roag@ stock, concurred with the Cou cillors in advocating a reference to tho commissioners. { The deputation was accompanled by | Mr. Pattullo, Dr. McKay and Mr. Carpenter, ! Notices of Motions. § . Rennett--On 'Puesday next--Order o 'thi"llouse that there be lald before this House a return of coples of all correspond-- ence subsequent to previous returns be-- ; | tween G. O, Hays and other persons on his ; behal?, and the Commissioner of Crown ; Lands, and between the said G. 0. Hays and other members of the Cabinet with re-- i ference > to the claim of the said G. O. | Hays as bhaving been the first discoverer ; of gold on lot No. 9, in the 9th concession | of Marmora ; also copies of uffld'a:-ltu made | by Johna W, Taylor aud John Feigle, Aled in snp{mrt of said claim, and of all other affldavits filed since the resignation of the Sandfie!ld Macdonald Government with the dates of filing; aiso copies of any report made, or the elaim by any officials of the Departiment of Crown Lands, or by any other person smce the date of report m#@de by J. C. Miller; also coples of the dect-- slion or decisions, if any, arrived at by the Commissioner, or by the Attorney--General or the Government since the report of Mr Miller with reference to sald claim, and of all letters transmitted to or advising the said G. 0. Hays of such decision. Mr. Dickenson--On Tuesday next--Bill to amend the act res&e}ctlng Coroners. Mr. Langford--PTuesday next--Inquiry of Ministry : Did F. HalliGay lease or pur-- chagse from the Government any land in the Township of Effngham, or in the adjoining township ? If so, how much land was leased or purchased, and what amount dd the Government receive for same ? Mr. Garrow--Tuesday next--Bill to better lde!inn the relation between water supply | corporations and municipal corporations. Mr. Caven--Tuesday next--Bill to amend the municipal act. ; _ M#. Little--On Tuesday next--Inquiry of Miniatry: How many heads of live stock are kept at the farm and in connection with the Reformatory for Boys _ at -- Pene-- tanguisbeno ? Also on Tucsday next--In-- quiry of Ministry : How many acres of lang &re under cultivation and used for farm purposes in connection with the Asylum for Idiots at Orillia; also how many bead of horses and cattle are kept in connection with the institution %., Sittermmccmermmnmnmuermnemmeremeeememers