presence 0| e press on trat occasion than I had. Yet a secret interview that there should be something done has been charged against this Govern-- and a manufacturing condition, if no-- £ ment, almost as a crime, since that thing else, imposed, that the terms of 93 deputation came here. It is not an sale under which these limits were sold f unueual thing; it is rather a usual from time to time hre just such as pro-- thing, when interviews take place be-- vided for a contingency of this nature tween the Government and deputations But the foundation of our pow.' ; of importance, when we have no re-- ers is the .act respecting _ the presentatives of the press present, that sale of timber on public lands we curselves have a report taken of The first section of that. act ro-- 3 what is said. It is not an unusual vides that the Commissioner of C B thirg, when a deputation comes to see Lands may grant licenses to cut u,rr)'wn a Minister--perhaps a deputation con-- on Crown lands " at srx.lch rat * ind sisting of two or three persons, or subject to such conditions r'n' els and even a single individual--that the Min-- and restrictions as ma f"n 7 tmhe is 3 ister, if he wants to preserve the sub-- time be established by )t'}mllrir\ tim? [ o stance of the interview, calls in his ernor in Council."" As to {} olsn fany" private secretary and asks him to tion of that clause it m f 'm mady oi s take notes. That is done just accord-- on the one hand'lhu uuz- )'e conf.ondud ing as the matter is important or other-- time to: time " 1~(.f'er tl anande * from § wise. On this occasion the Government timber which may tak e e sAre ot | * did think that the representations to to time in Iharx(,s;jy, e "e place from time | be made by these lumbermen from restrictions, or, of § 1 lose conditions or | Michigan might be useful for reference fer to the regu! r:;l ie Ofher hand, ts in the consideration of this question imposed in c(': u-"m" h may he f which they were to discuss, and the that has been mm}l'"m,w"h any sale secretary from one of the departments act it nas 1eop UONar oo ts under (that was called in for the purpose of taking tice to th e?l_custumary hy ameaon nctes. He did take notes of the in-- and the c?)n?ilixi"c o2 Ofi te y aurhos, terview, and a full report of it will be vertised th t"ms Inl oms Are. ad-- 4 given to the House among the papers breadth of r;:u;.,huu( 1e ength and that will shortly be brought down in tions, st 29 o PPE Sueke condi-- _ _ connection with this lumber question. vide th ireot.y,,,fl in their nature, pro-- _ _ I trust that after the assurances which to the ): :a( h berth is to be adjudzed have been given. and the' statement 1J be bg est bidder, and so on ; bertns | which I have now made, that a full re-- sunject to the Crown timber regu-- . pert of every word that was said at lations except in so far as these regu-- a that interview will be published, so that lations may <be inconsistent with any , the country at large will be possessed of conditions hercin specified and such t 3 all the speeches that were made by orders in Council as now exist and may { -- each of the gentlemen comprising that hereafter be passed affecting the tim-- ¥ $ deputation, and of all that happened, her territory. As it happens, the blank i 3# we will have heard the last, not from which'I am reading at the present * & orly from hon. gentlemen in the House, time has the restrictive clause 'that the f but from the press, if they want to be timber cut from these dimits must be $ i fair, of this so--called secret interview. manufactured in the Province, which & f American Limit Holders Object. Lering Sno conditions of it' k, o pit "i The manufacturing conditions which broad, and these are lth(:i Da:;:'telo;l\;eof\ :l';{ £ we have been urged so strongly to contract between the Crown and the ' impose are conditions which those who lumbermen in which it is urged and have purchased limits on this side,with contended that the Government has the intention of taking out logs to be power to adopt regulatiuns which w"u(l('l R sawn on the other side, regard as an require the manufacture of timber in R interference with vested interests, They this country. There is a distinction T say, and say with much force, that the however, between the cémeq of llcénwfl; limits were purchased by them in good which -- have -- already & bl*en iS'%li("(i faith, at prices enbhanced by reason | and licenses which have .nnt 3 of their presence as bidders at the been _ issued which _ are s to _ issue $ various sales when they became pur-- in the future. As Ofo existing chasers. We all understand, when licenses the ()u'\'(-r"nient has some there is a wide ficld of competition | time ago, declared its policy It issm:fi among moneyed men from the other but universally admitt 4 that it would side anxious to secure limits, and be in the nature of aul (out]r"l"o on th(n perhaps willing to@give large prices, part of the Government t );"Je issued away in advance of the present value, the licenses for the h xq" ta\. xg i e having in view the holding of these th(,rizing' the h n].('c'pr}':;,' "filr- a:u; limite until a rise takes place in the to go on and ('ut" R (Llil 1(-x s t%se ?fi:\'.'\d value of _ pine timber in fu-- with the timber ?(n ,;",a{h e{(,pa(x rect ture years, that _ there . would that _ they mi:'ht'n m'k*~emth 'I; l;u:-- be higher bidding at the sales. rangements for the dlr-xm:)s'(l £ t(l 1 t 'They say that they purchased these during the present w"ph;a s man c':t limits subject to regulations from time them have pm; Ld( ubtlnd(;:euarggngh (»n ' to time, but it is contended that these withdraw the alrmle'zlon 'which (Lm | regulations were mere matters of de-- have given {hpn?' nd~say t th"*m yal_ | tail and would not include so important though we told 3(,] ;wo.t OA »( i1 'you | a condition as that which would require might do s qubj(;ctuto ':i\e S-'.nl }o'n- the manufacture of sawlogs in this ditions, at :)h; ,.eg(:nt time ::-euiacwe country. They say that they paid their have thought lp tter of that andy we money and that the vendor should not how m'a.otlg(-an s withdraw the license render their property useless to them ; cwhich we ' * that the timber is their own and they t rears. $ o0 f -- _ ought to be allowed to deal with it Protecting the Workmen. _ freely. There is great force in all that, Q Mr. Speaker, no doubt. On the other w,lu t:i,"k'thy'ieni't';akg;' c'(');rt';nd';':\'; rand it is contended b y those who urge that this Government was called upon