Md-itll-ll--'""'""-"--""-" Mr. Crawford expressed frge',rifl'tt, I or ' - won oo upon 1 " Collin Addition. and thatif negligence a: tAA'T"irt-fe'"',,",'i',e, favorably. " it t 1 t) on the part of the inspector was dis- Cit t T nto g . . applied solely to t e, y o oro ' closed, which he did not tuttlcinntc, the which asked for t Is change. Many of": rt1'l'lf be dealt with a,3 the facts men had been deprived of their fran- warrante . n I chine owing to the fall in values. The The Premier mentioned the tact that . ' . _ -. . question of voting on New Years Day in mery case in which 3. limit. 1tut.diar had been ion discussed the object be- was found to have overrun his boun- ing to enable ','ve'r"sli'l'il'l'flr, In the city to 'itl,'ii,e"dlt, was called upon to pay tres- I record their votes without loss of tinge. . tloneering bill but t e Mr. Mlscamphell stated that he was It is not an elec ' in receipt of information that there, fi.'J'g1u'/'/1 the promoters ot the bill were contracts given in the Collin Ad- Mr. Marter again urged that, as the dition amounting to more than a mil- ' l f T t onl it lion feet. This was no trifling matter I bill affects the C ty o oron o y, He found fault with the Miniiite for tshould Ro to the committee. having failed to ascertain the 'i','/i.'i, ot Mr. Matheson urged that the my: the matter after having been a year clause might go to the committee, and in charge ot the department. {he thalird clause certainly ought to go Mr. Gibson. in answer to Mr. Mis.. ere BO. campheh.3 question as to whether the l The Attorney-General agreed to al- 'Govel-nment had any knowledge of saw- glow the bill to go to the committee. '5'? du, "mlt'at, being . cut in: i Civil Servants' Salaries. itr g nn. either 1n Mr. McDonald moved the second I e. pass or otherwise, prior to I " . reading of the hill respecting the. at- ithe sale of 1897, replied by giving a lint f i th h d f the ',ot cuttings which had taken place in 2ytnyy," o mone" n e ttrt BO yummy all cases havin l l -", l Crown, which he has introduced for ? ettl T. g men (one by i the purpose of enabling creditors of " ere who were patentees or 'iocatees l ii A . t t i he th i sal- ict land in that locality. He also refer- i t? V Bervan 9 o Irarn s e e r red to information which 'the depart- arles for debts. ment had received as to a. trespass by i The Attorney-General pointed out Mr. Dyment's firm who own 'th ll it! that the bill, as drawn, went a great in the adjoining Township of Geog" deal further than the hon. gentleman The circumstances connected with iris' 1y'/"yJ,e,el,r,, intended, as it applied toI trespass were being investigated It all uovernment contracts, and might was claimed by Mr. Dvment "mg the, iinvolve a great deal of trouble in the '('utting in Coffin Addition had taken , (s',",',,',?,,",',,'.'.'.? of contractors' accounts, be.. ;piaoe through inadvertetwe and that 'sides creating a dangerous precedent. returns made for the some were sent .Respecting the civil servants proper, he 'in along with the Township of Coffin 'had heard no complaints, with the ex- freturns. ,('cption of a few in the City of Toron- l Iroti N Y fin, but the trouble did not extend to m: on A ew car's Day. -tlle counties. They could not by any ! Mr. Mr.rter. moved the Btrcond reading iiiife,iiiiiii, that might be passed by this ;of the City of Toronto bill to amend House make any effective legislation ive. municipal bill, Whioh asks that? in iii, cover the cases of oillcials who are 'citles having a population of upwards (paid by tees. He had had the honor 'ot 100.000 the property qualification for soon after entering upon the duties of 'niuniclpal purposes shall be reduced to 'his othce to obtain the consent of his 8300: that municipal elections be held colleagues to Ire,irula,tPrt? governing civ- (1m ity Year's Day, when directed by il scrum}: who lived beyond their ,y. aw of the Council, and als . means. e was not prepared to say the polls be kept open until 7 $90,221? that something might not be done in In a brief speech Mr. Martcr urged the 'the direction intended by the hon. desirability of the change. member who introduced the bill, but Hon. Mr. Hardy referred to the .he.was not prepared to consent to their changes as "hardy annuals," Which being discriminated against, or to have come up about election time in the City ml-asurcs applied to them that are not Council every year. The first proposi- applied to the public at large. That tlhon has already been passed upon by; the same measures that applied to tho t e Munigipai Committee time and general public should apply to them 'lo",','"),,)"';;?, in: _fiii/)r,e'i'/if the Opin.. 'J,:'g,1..h "new if a 1"l?p"i11r"/,e,y for T r nc we or municipal m s em on. on. 'r. ar y re- J.'df,Q'2.' *guid not at tll events be [nind'vldl stPid.t,t'/t; that in a bill intro- . c. same mig t be said of -lllcc )y ' r. " credllh in 1874 it was the second clause, which Proposes to rl-(vided that it should not apply to 'g'i'f three fi,""tlt,'e', ugon thew Year's til-his floutgacltcd hefty-e Its introduc- . pop 3 quest on t; e commit- (tion., e at no ob cction, however, tnedeftshtl'ioa1,iettegittsef, its opinion, in» the; with going, to the committee. for men (Jug Je ter to ad- 'l'l 1 Sit f'rit on. ',yee (I); ttleg/ye/tll/eg,, i'lxhctd,l and in l Thc 'i"'; "1ng read l second time and . ac s e long twould lr'vivll'v o tiy comm ttee. have been better not to bring the mat- ., ' , ter up again during this Parliament. _ Chmnly Councils Aet. [ 2.3.1:." Jt,hiTiy,'t 3'; $23.3"er It fifi' _,/"i) s'i1ilt/1/e.,r',p11int,1y1.'gc','trv' Reef, f t . It'. . 5' I 'i'. C' 0 n . it had been argued thagt' ache 3:130: "HUME lie 1'C"faT/'ed" that )theoxp'ecrl opening the polls should he advanced to in, i, '.'. of the ' cumulative vote had n earlier hour. The trouble about this ' _ s that it is difficult enough now to keep crutineers at work, and the extension f the hours would otter greater oppor- . tinny to the perBottator. He suggest- i1,tiht it would be better to withdraw