-- Opposmon Amendment Fav- * a c orlng Its Adoption REJECTED BY THE HOUSE. ___.__ --.-- - " Bill Modifying Powers of Division Court Judges. " _ , I NO llETliUh'0 ALLOWANCES I Civil sevvants'Must. Depend on 1 Their. Salaries. " _.-.-.---------- I I l Power or Manietpanties to Dispense! With Gaolqrt5--b'ill Dealing Will: Ma. ternity Boarding-houses. . i I Parliamo-nt Buildings. Jan. 4. l 'lhe Legislature to-day resumed the, labors of the sn-ssion. and they will nuw I "e continued v. ithout cesration on min) i .'VPt-k Jay until the business is disposed 'r, of, unless some unfm'esvon circum- i _ stance arises to interfere with the pro- grnmme. l Mr. McDonald tftruce) introduced! a hill to amend the agriculture and: arts act. . l The Pn-mier brought in a hill resumi- l ing (-nunty jails. It movidvs than where the prisoners in a Jail do not ex- i med three per day for two years an . akt't't'lnC'nt may he made with an ad-[ Joining county for the keep of these! Pt isomers. 'When a vacancy in the omve I I -i-------,