--, - , -., --'... -7. - .. . placed titiBEririiimiette by the opera-; " . General, would. he thought, almost re-! tion of the bill. ' ' 1 23 ' _ move all the heart-burning which now Hon. Mr. Hardy. in reply .to Mr. , v. ' exists throughout the country. The, -Auld, said that it the supplying pf fuel = might be a little difficulty in the way,| to the steamboats on' Sunday Was not. . but it might be overcome. against the law as it stands now the y The bill was read a second time. l bill would not make it so. The Lord'sl I e, i The House went into committee onl Day act now prevents the running of I; like resolution by Hon. Mr. Dryden; cxcurslon boats on the Lord's Day. ml , Ft. making provision for the payment of; the case of a vessel that was not run-l I .1 _ the compensation contemplated to be; hing in contravention of the Lord's Day . fa made to owners 01 trees destroyed un'- i act, needing to wood or coal up, he pre- E'.. I, o'er the bill for eradicating the San; sunied that would come under the ex- ies, '; Jose scale pest. The resolution was re-i emption as a work of necessity. As to I Ill.;", Wrrted without amendment, and the; the livery stables, that is a very nice. . 'Qiill to prevent the spread of the Suni question. Livery stable keepers have Via Jose scale" was also reported by com- been doing what Mr. Crawford allud- BKul mittee of the whole House. 'cd to all along: they hire out cabs and "IL,", Gar iii . .iiveries, and no one is disposed to in- - a. ' n , ng at Exhihiuomy. 'tertere with them. 'It was just a ques- " The.1rm introduced by Hon. Mr. Dry-l tyyn where the line should be drawn. drn to prevent gambling and games of: No arTyyent was offered by the Lord's . chance at agricultural exhibitions was Day Alliance .deputation that there considered in committee. I [should be any interference with a man . Mr. Willoughhy favored the hill. l ' takintr a ttl,',Y a bicycle and going out I Mr. German aimed that a. withdrawnli !on the Lords Day. The chief aim of r', of the Government grant would bel i the Lord 3 Day act was to prevent the I a more effective than putting this legis- carrying on of the worldly business on lation on the statute hook. in many "y,,tt, day. . cases this gambling goes on under the {he hill was read a second time. - Files and with the knowledge of the,' The bill resr/r'1tirur the sale ttT patent _, managers of the exhibitions. land other medicines and of alcohol for Dr. Baxter said that it is Just about the purposi-s of the arts and manufac- as hip. Gorman had stated, and trp- lures was, upon motion _of Hon. Mr. quently the authorities of the exhibi- [ Harcourt, read a second time. tion had leaned the privileges, of oper- The House went into supply and con- nting the. gnnies of "hauce, and that tinned the consideration of the. estl-i 'sort of. thing should be checked. In mates until 6 o'clock. The Premier in- such cases as ho alluded to the t'on- lrndm'cd a bill to amend tho surrogate Tlablc u'uilzld not want to arrest men, !dli. "-i'citlytta they Were only duh!" what . , they had bought the pricupgp of} doing. Supplies by Tonder. yr.. Miuvam ("I'llccl in vored the Mr. Crawford rose after recess to In- Pt"mrlple of allowing the am-icul- troduce an amendment to supply. de- e tura) exhibitions to stand upon thvil' claime- in favor of the tender system Inr't'lts. in procuring Goveinmeiit supplies. The . Mr. Hile'k urgml that n "1511190 Lo advantages of this method of making "as???" making ttus "mt'ials of thr, cx- fpili'cliziscs of supplies for public. pur- . ' J hilsitions equally responsible.u-ith mp" Eposwz. he said. had been proved by the . luilo operate the gambling "rtttuqrrisrss. fexporicncc of the municipalities. The , L; Mr. Whitney agreed that the bill is it'uili'i-i'iiiiicnt had by partially adopting a good tttettsttrP. . iii acknowledged that the system was The bill ""tty reported. _ _ in good one. The Opposition did not . . lint-till to say that the tender system I.ord tl Day Obscri'niiiu. I . should he applied in every instance, but . , . . _ . it the Government had found the sys- o'.,'?,',.: Mr." Irurdy moved the SOLonl] I Ill,,) " Mood one in a limited extent they ll reading of the bill to snout") the bcttcr mould Ro a little further and apply it ', observance of the Lord's Day," and in iii/ . . extensive] . In iiii; various ulilic doing so hriviiy explained that the bill . .15 . "I . T F p . is rather un M "unatiot 'r" " ' institutions there are large quantities 'euisliii" low is 'i1',Ti1t,1',t1/', J"ht, th: [of supplies which are procured, tho i/iii'. lair "riv"iuiii int-did, t'9 t 'l,?, J'. your largest Items of which in some in tho bill tho Quoting; Ir/l. Jd' Ja.',',',.?,'".,? tnstunccx are not purchased by con- unanin ' "I, ' fwd iii "tlt 17m" fl'.' triict._ .in the City of Toronto large . m.'. nun; ptts"elt iy tho House but] qiizintitics of food and fodder are re- s""sf".m ily'rtito o to the regulation of :"lilht'd- and it is found practicable and certain tulrctrit. railways m otuler to 'profitable to purchase these supplies by . tcmedy the defect whey-pity the penal- Ilendrav, and by specifying their all- tttas of thtt original ar't dld not apply. proximate quantities aha the quality of H.e 1.iad. howgwtr, found that thrs """"| the articles they had obtained a price uiissnou in consolidating the statutes which dcnionstrated the success of the had supplied the deticlenry. l method. The. Provincial Government Mv. Crawfcrd Hsked for {In oxplana- should, in Vic" of the experience of the l ' tion with i-elcrcnce "to the clause ex- City of Toronto and other municipali- cmpiing koopers of livery stables and tics. adopt the tender system in the in.. cabs from letting on Sundays horses 'tertsh' ot economy and etlicieney. He and vehicles with or without a drivcr . g for purposes other than that of doing moved that this House is of the oping business or work. He sow n difficulty ion that the tender system of purchase as to tho hiring of tin-ac vehicles for _ ing supplies for the public institutions pit-more purposes. and asked where t of the Province should be adopteddn_ ' was proposed to draw the line. . lieu of the system at present carried Mr. Auld drew attention to the neces- on. . 3' _ ' . _ _ sity for providing that the clause should _ _ i not apply to tin- supplyini: of steam- ' _ boats with coal and fuel, as there are several lure" plants on the Canadian . aide in u liich large sums of money have been inv sled and which would Le