The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Jan 1898, p. 5

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,'"i,i'd,,ii'teggtpi,e ,'tffltt "I 1 30 tlt'2 were; teoroutrty ap- umris'mtiiod.ttii't' " _ C-. _ "l 'sattieit p Med by his to -Mr. McLean. Gout tr, rem . . Bowen. 1 I' w t M , 'ithtut,',tWit, , i'lrliu"t5 th Titan"? . . ans orelntormt . an uy, ee ews 'Mr H a Ion. . ten times the amount he had reported. n /'v'Jid2,'iTi1', agreed with the Attnr- Mr. Hoycock again interrupted to ex- mid of b at this is largely a gum- l, plain that he was only Auditor for one of ve "flitkeopinz. but it is a ninttorl year. and that the defaication was T of on? git-at importance to the Dopplp f spread over a number of years: Bot menumry that they should know Mr. McLean was afraid that his hon. V _ ne lug about Lthe_sg.'stmn of hook- friend would have to accept the blame l keeping. But he galls.»'¢liought that they for the years prior to that in 'l'tll,t'l, f ( should Ito fuvnishrd il/ith su,mcirmt mi he had been Auditor. . i , t"/J,'tet/,otn, to 'ella'ltle them to judge upon Mr. Huyeock--The Jefaloation.q worry I . 111,t,in,e,.t,tc'ifil '?/t2h'f,1'.ma"ntl1', ['o-garqinq _ 'fl in 'ttgig,.'.""""""" to that in which F l _ . I" s in In; an all matters; was Ut tor. in connection wllih the {whim of tiw ' Continuing, Mr. McLean urged that vamv" should ly', "fecal baron» the ' the 'i'rcusurer was not only Justified in} 'tit',;";,,':,', l morei F'mni't'Ehensihlp shut"' I taking into account all the aSSetS which I C 7 IF'5" 1nve , I . . s .. ho had includ-d in his statement, but bad no quarrel ',lr'rlid','ctl')'d.11,'i',tint at. _ would Le cntit'led to take into account including ammo,r the assets of the Pro; as assets the mineral and other natural l vinm tho l'pm t' Canada Grammar [astources of the Province. Along tlwtsiv! School fund, und'might gov tho 9min. linos they could fairly claim that the! . .1yith Nam." to the I'o'irer Canada build- l'rovincc is in. a good and satisfactory l ' in: and' the land imbruirerm.m.t funds. _ tlnancial condition. I No member of the House who had look- Mr. St. John began his speech. by ac- ; ed into the motion will mspute the riuht i cusing the Premier of not only tritliugl of the GovetminrmC, to "Mace WES... ( with but humbugzing the Province. l iltgnunt; tum)!" the nssots of the Pro- l.T.he Government had no. right to go; V, H o intmlo. He was free to us- ialltlllt the country and claim that thes l snrt that these funds are justly ('nlcn- had at surplus: they should state it as) lated among the its-tots. and also tint a surplus of nssxets over liabilities pre- i i the (lovernim-nt is wrong in 'iid/f/i/id svntly payable. If a private individ-; . q that the annultios and railway aid (or- uni with a future indehtednnss Off I . a',1l"i",d1i' T; not 1ia.hilltitxs, hotuttttzts 1lv:y l admin were to :tttcimnttto scrum; 03mm ! f _ "e sun- or s ir-ciiic ur Fit4. l or. tlto represertat on lat ie in no! i' iPrnvim-o was 11.'iv',",'//ti/"/J,'"iCrid.fd,"/." liulnlitics, in: would be arrested for"; I/s: I thtse ntrsmttt would bo good value if [frond just to: the Government would, l ' the Provime of unturio. and in (in: {bi- if'tht-y "are subject to law. The; _ I f',"""' wny I'vPry' dollar of thcse atimti.. I ll: minion (lovcrnment. win-n the ('till~.i .' luvs and railway aid t'ertltleates would [onions of subsidy "(To fulfilled, paid i time to bc dt'duvtvd or provided tot' ovrr tho cash to the ratio-"y. and did, trum tho nsscts "eforo setrllcittst a but- not issue t-crtiiicatos,. as tho.thttario, N'""'. Itegardintt the alleged dissiptt- Govc.rnrnen't did. Ontario could not pay . tion "I the surplus. in; ventured tous... the cash subsidy. but the Government , sert that the Government would have . issucd certificate and mortgaged tho bcpn deservlnq of tho most emphatic home-stood. These ceurtiticutr'tt should C'PnFuro ir thoy had plied up a large hr placed as a liability in the public' ' 'surplus. This was. m his estimation. 'uuounts, so that a proper balance , the xt'mtkost point of ttttack that tho might be strurlt. in position have, when tht y undertake . ' totshow that the Government hnve not l The Elucttors are Intelligent. i . F!) a Sill'ti us. The Govern, PD ,3 . , v . '. . I place ltefore the "iii/it) a Tm: ',,h/?tt'. l hon. (no. w, Ross inquired where: mom of the Vresent vnluo of "he" the hon. nwtulvw from hh est York, whol . _ dektrs that arc Honing due and must 'i',",,' had attacked the Government's method '. Iincl. and, holding that view ho "U'; of bookkeeping, had obtained all the' . l tmmlwllud to vote for the zrmc'nrlntn-nt'. int-ts upon whh.h he based his remarks. i Mr. McLean congratulated tho hon ' (New it was frrstTI that very Irotrk 'e int-tuber for Frontenac on the admir. ' "mph he had condemned. Mr. St. John . Milo monitor in which llt' hud b'tl'incnd 'lmd my" able to understand the ar- ' on tho top or the rpm... "m, "if t; , tnlliilH issued by the Government. but P \greut arguments ndvancld in n',',',,,.'.,",',', complained that the "electors were not i the adaption of the . ' .lllll' to understand them. He contendvd . : ithat the public mtstrht"rd,"'i'i,tt/i.It, divas" [that the rice-tors of the Province Wer" i _ tho ti ' ' y.. Pe on i ' «is intclligcnt as Mr. St, John, and could i nanclal aiming or the Province b . l _ _ _ tacl stt.hi . . ' 3; :JllSt as easily obtain the information l p ne, . s titatetttcnt in thepubiu- no. 1 . l., . . _ . , counts. where they would sce It. Hal I ninth the.) required from those (It- reminded hon. gontlemen opposite that 1 t counts. His hon. lriend had taken t'.N- not one out of 6,000 of the livtlplt' of Oh l [ WNW" to thy s.taterpent of asru'ts, but tario ever how the public at'mlunts n; , m the fa": 9f the facts he ha.d diysired to draw the attontion of' the? quotcd all. his figures from this stato- _ House to the fact that his hon friend I "out. which, he contended, was dis- who hud Just sat doun had hmh Audi- hum st. Ho repudiated the assertion of tor of tho County of Frontenac vhttt' ' tho hon. gcntlomnn that the Govern- _ . . ' ' , l t'e im-nt had put forth an incorrect state- there had been a 1urgo lcnkage, no nt Tltr Pr IVllltlal Treasurer had in ', . . f k , "' - . . , Il.':,. Y/e'/"ct "WNWIWM to say that his sin-och upon the budget shown that (.ulllmlg J, {your he, was auditor he had ni'u-r tieductittq' the value of all the an- ca 1/"t1h.ettte/r1l"l', to an vrror of $3,165. moths and railway aid trertitltxates from 'l/d t" _' e f ounty Undue had hold the assets, the Province still had a. sur- 1 tautpht. te done blsmwhoiu "NY. and plus of between $2.000,000 and 83.000000. ' t e rm ncial 11ltli't.' had ttiso Justi- iThe Government had made no effort at tied ttin ttctlon, an he, had been exon- concouinn-nt of the liability upon ac- lcount of the annuities and railway aid 'ccrtiiicutcs, but had published it in the " d statement which had been plac- ,

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