" emaee iess use _ on e on ommncomnirectinp C ym s store carried would also operate against 1 36 11L : the smooth working of the bill. The § . fact that departmental stores are not & confined to Ontario, but extend to the neighboring Province, must also be borne in mind, and care taken that ' business is not driven away from On-- tario, and such a measure ought there-- R Nuewentniestecminy fore to emanate from Ottawa. The effects of competition from the mercan-- | tile departmental combinations was not * * y the only evil that was being experienced Ml'. Mlddleton Wlthdl'aWS ! in the country, but the country lawyers were also feeling keenly the competi-- « * s tion from the great legal departmentals H[s BIIL which were now operating in the big cities. : » Select Committee Propogsed. * n ies Mr. Hardy admitted the great im-- . portance of the bill, which differs from those introduced into some of the Amer-- AN lN UlRY TO BE MADE jcan Logislatures,*®where the question j a had been discussed a great deal, and the details had been gone into to a very large extent. A bill had gone through xm the Senate of the State of Illinois, but bad been thrown out in the Legislature ~-- by a narrow majority.« There was a § great deal of force in the, remarks of "A Mcasure of Relief For the hon. member for Frontenac (Mr.! X Haycock), and there were also forcible | Toronto Juncetion. arguments advanced ih favor of the | bill. He pointed out that the bill did | not profess to prohibit any store from | keeping a variety of articles, but thatf the proportion of taxation should have | I gome regard to the number of dopart-| P | ents or classes of goods carried INTEREST RATE CUT DOWN.! o es e ? | that a select committee might be ap-- * pointed during the early days of next . | session to take evidence and bring in a Stmnimnionomentosmentosenge report upon the question. This morn-- . s ing the House will sit at i1 o'clock, and § notice has been given of the intention Modification of the Toronto & to hold morning sessions after Monday next. York Radial Ry. Scheme. | First Readings. ' The following bills were introduced e and received first readings :-- f Mr. Dana--Bill to amend the muni-- cipgl waterworks act. Continuation of the Evidence in the Pig-- seggr'fieg: ':(],'t"n--'mn to amend the as-- gery Invesiigation--Liberal Caucus-- 'M!i. German--Bill to amend the muni-- "wt cipal act. a Day at the Legis ature. Mr. Hobbs--Bill tw amend the act re-- * lating to cemeteries, tWhid eatrent ce remvyainnttied | Third Readings. | The following bills were given third h 5 # readin«s ;:-- Parliament Buildings, Jan. 7. Respecting the incorporated Synod of .. The House had &A brief session this the Diocese of Ottawa--Mr. Matheson. afternoon, adjourning at 5 o'clock. A O'Ill'e';nt:cllng the City of Ottawa--Mr. % A % . Iz:}rge number of public and private To prevent gambling and games of bills were advanced a stage, and the chance at agricultural exhibitions--Mr. debate upon Mr. Middleton's bill re-- o Mearecling a . specting departmental stores was re-- (Haer:;'r')lct;nx)).g watler powers--Nr.. Gibson sumed and brought to a conclusion by Respecting the Sydenham Glass Com-- the withdrawal of the bill. This course ?;:l"g of Wallaceburg, Limited--Mr. » T » > i -- r 0. was adopted by the mover in accord-- Respecting the Town of Walkerton-- ance with a suggestion by Hon. Mr. Mr. Truax. Hardy, who pointed out the desirabil-- crlis'sg)('rvdting the City of Toronto--Mr. e VLO . Ity, in view of the mag:iiitude of the in-- To amend the act relating to Victoriga terests invoived and its far--reaching of-- University--Mr. Davis. fects upon the business of the Pro-- fiispg'ifér;;l: tthc Village of Huntsvilte. i o IGAAWE o i --Mr. dleton. vince, of fully ascertaining all the facts Respecting the City of St. M omas before taking action, and suggested i and the St.© Thomas Street Railwa Company--Mr. Macnish, i# , jM, ®