w @rm by--law No. 586 of the ts 32 r(:r"?nc(t);.'ll':::'liin;)h'. Robertson. ' The Bill W ithdrawn, 1 (37 To amerd the act incorporating the | _ Mr. Middleton said that the general * Sisters of Loretto--Mr. Harty. 'at feeling of the country was that the The Hon. Mr. Davis moved the "'l-[ " '("-!mrlm"nlal stores were injurious to Acation of nrd_v"s in '( ouncil ',l'"",l'll \.".'"' the trade of the country. As to Mr. December, 1897, placing the '",]f\'l "'\.- Illu,\wm-k's argument that legislation 'oria H'ns;nt.ali'I{;(l'rrlx;':l '?ll"lt;.ll'\'!'li't'::ll I'{.:-.l;' | would interfere with the liberty of men ; °n wal); 1enelad ® bates j arru h: ray neai y E'l(:x'}tlz};v(:ll"hw .\":nmtnrium 'for Consump--| '::."I,'(.'l,"il .""\1\-';]1]';"..\'.' '~hl.'\";"'qfl "h," tives, Gravenhurst; St. Joseph Hospi--| o infioang '."'."" io veage t ib vipe out that fal 'Sudbury, in schedule A of the| auctioneers, lawyers and those engaged C harity aid act. from October: 1, 1896, n..i'mm]n,\ fvth(-{~ cceupations . were re-- and the Berlin Orphanage under sched-- ',""'l_"" "~', legislation,. _ In Toronto the lile °C. |.n'lv.'|lf!ll':ln.'ll stores had injured both The motion carried. the retail and ""h"]"'q"hf houses and The following bills were passed had """"l"'"*"l 'Y:H'll.\'.hf them to go out through the committee stage:-- of ""'""""';"~ The defence of the de-- To amend the act respecting the pub-- partmental stores by the press he attri-- ic service of Ontario --The Altun.v)'-[ 'I'l"'('(l to the --influence of their heavy General. | ml'-"rtif'm:x He dwelt upon the dangers To make further provision respect of the de®irtmental store owing to the Ing maternity boarding houses and the absence of firewalls and the great risk protection of infant -- children --Mr. of fire. . He thought that three lines Davis. | would he enough for a store to carry. To amend the Surrogate Courts act -- Mr. Middleton said that he would be The Attorney--General. glad if some record would be placed on the minutes of the House, that the Departmental Stores. ' matter would be referred to a eommis-- The debate upon Mr. Middleton's hbill | sion at the next session, and withdrew respecting departmental stores was re--| the ""L' sumed by .Mr. Haycock, who pointed j Mr. Crawford suspected that Mr. out that the scope of the ordinary drug Middleton was interested in depart-- store would be limited and curtailed menmtal stores, because the only thing M by this bill, and that there are hardly he had done was to give them some R.H\' stores in the country that would cheap advertising. There was pract!-- f not be affected by it. The difficulty | cally only one large departmental store # classifying the various Hnes of arti-- | in the country and it was located in (z(:s and determining the number ur" ['l'n:'--x'h-. The--greatest and best men distinct classes of goods which any 'in business and the professions would force themselves to the front. There | was only one A. T. Stewart in New York and only one Timothy Eaton in ! Toronto. There was only one success-- | ful devartmental store in Ontario. His argument was that it was unwise to attempt to restrict the enterprise of business men or limit the freedom of which was a very different thing from the masses who patronized department-- actually prohibiting the sale of more al stores. He approved of the sug-- than a certain number of lnes. The gestion of the Attorney--General. doctrine of applying a varying rate The bill was withdrawn. The House of taxation to these departmental stores went into Committee of Supply and -- is being somewhat gonerally discussed completed the revision of the main es-- and hetter understood. 1'%,9 depart-- timates, mental stores are not ordinary busi-- Still the Hoggery ° n« »;:- 8, but r ach out thr""g}ll"\]t the ® 4 is 8+ . entire Province. At the present time In the Public Accounts Committee he did not desire to express an opinion yesterday the caretaker of the hoggery, upon the question. An association had | Mr. Isaiah Warner, was again on the h:: n formed which proposes to deal ;.\l:md, and gave some additional in-- with the queestion by distributing liter-- | formation respecting the number of atur in reference to the matter, and ihu:s under his charge and the number by other means. The public generally that were burned: A vigorous cross--ex-- '1«".\'«-\-4', were not perhaps as well ac. | amination by . Mr. St. John failed to quainted with all the details as mirht '.\h:ckv his evidence that the hogs that be necessary to deal with the matter | were dreéessed and shipped to the Central In view of this fact it might perhaps | Prison were fit for food and free from M'_ advisable to appoint a special eam. '«lis-:\st-. He was also positive that he mittee in the early days of next se QV.H'" | took the hogs as soon as he noticed in '-vA-l- r to hear evidence, to give both they were sick and put them outside, I';"A'""'. a chance to hbe heard. and to i"\'\'"'\ cor "".A well hogs. bring in a report unon which any leg-- The next witness was Thos. Smith, islation w hich V'li{-','"t be found 'H n'v';' | ho was '".{'S"n' at the ki"i"": on Mon-- sary could be based. It is impossible ll':l)' and said he saw spots on some of to deal with an important question the hogs, and also inspected the en-- | like this off--hand. The true facts must | trails of.two hogs, from which he con-- i?'v 18( 1'3".215]'."!] before action could hbe (.]."'4'."1 there was ."'Mlh'l'hih;.:' C onR : It | | taken. _ Another mode of dealing with ' was no secret that there was cholera at l",' question would be by a roval com-- | the piggery, as the children in the mission, but his own idea is that a se-- ' Eie L orhood knew all--«bout it on Sate lect c mn ittee would be preferable. In n"l:.l'\" x \1'.' f all these facts. he eXpressed | Wm. Newton, who hauled the dressed i:" '. e that the mover would allow | )."'-':S to the Central Prison, is a whole-- to stand over for fanother ses-- | sale butcher, hauling on an average | Ston. 9 | five head of cattle a week. He would | not swear all the hogs he hauled were_