described as his impertinence towards and flourishing centre of population and me hi $ ourishing centre of lation an 1 y)2 D w'gfn{lnd otherimembers of the Op-- well supplied with railway communica-- * T er..German foii: with a sbiritéd tion. A double object will be achieved cefence of the Govment's course on uen naee or the coumiry and cinvert the matter. In the courge of it he mad cther part of the country and convert-- some. reference in the pleper !r;m e ing the Penetanguishene establishment | . which drew from Mr. St. Jokn );-rle:uef into a place of retreat for insane pa-- ' "Order. order." . Mr. German's dr rg_ tients who are past all hope of recov-- piy, "Well, that is All_ I had toysa | ery. _ Alienists have agreed as to the about it," caused considerable amusey' ame oo fmes Tomuarariiv amicted. ment. ge | insanre from those temporarily afficted, Mr. 'Miscampbell spoke well | and if this can be done by providing a inyvariably does, urging strong'lvasth:: place of residence for the former an-- the bargain with the Americans was other forward step will have been taken: free lumber for free logs, and when by the Province in a direction in which | they went back on that they could not great progress has already heen made. complain if the restriction of importa-- T e e on oo bun Piotoris tion was immediately adopted. account of the purchase of the Victoria Mr. Conmee declared that it would be College property at Cohourg, and an-- little short of scandalous if the Gov-- other of $5.000 to be expended in fitting ernment broke faith by virtually con-- up the building. Im addition to the ap-- . celling the Mcenses that had been is-- propriation of $95,340 there is an esti-- sued months ago. The reliability of \ mated expenditure of $15,050 on coloni-- the information as to the cut which the zation roads. For mining roads there Commissioner for Crown Lands had is estimated $5,000 in addition to $10,500 communicated to the House could not already appropriated. The supplement-- be assailed. It was an estimate of a ary public works expenditure is esti-- glllt al]re?dy "I:nade. and it was simply mated at $23.000, of which $4,000 is to surd, for e gentlemen onnosite assist the improvement of Payne River, | Prope, fhat the Government ShiErats $4.000 for the Maitland River, $5.000 for | The dobwtg wae retu';'ns. the Curard River and $4,000 to assist in Miscampbell a:dco%jl]l]((l)zd ht:y Mes;ltrs. building the Des Joachin's bridge across which the bill was read a 50 »y, after the Ottawa. Conditions are attached | cond time. to these proposed expenditures. Mis-- | Private Bills. gggli'--n_r:ent\}x's ?xpendtitiltxre ils {estir;l;étg& %txl At the eVveRIN® sesstr y $99,175, the largest item being $86, o bills were I;:tni'h:&:g;ntligec(f)?rl:rz'i'tiknfi nelat erection o crant of q000 2 Prn-i stage :-- C€ ; vincial election,. A grant of $800 for the | Respecti h o meeting of the International Health As-- Bh!'ga,-'.{ ing the Town of Trcnlon--Mr.i |sociation at Ottawa is included. _ A ! f .Respecting Packr ht g further grant of $5,000 to the sufferers | Jl'«n(*tgn:--t']vi'r. lt/;li%dl'cl;t':{;\n of Toronto | by the forest fires in Prescott and Rus-- ; r']'ho Dbill incorporating the Toronto & | gelt is provided 01-- f é{:;';\'tté.a;m:'ll Railway Company (Mr. Railway Subsidies.. n) was read a second time. Mr. Harcourt has given notice of thel ' Supplementary Estimates. * To the Ontanod & Rainy in The suppl es A J o the Ontario & Rainy River Rail-- | ware wrf'r;'jfi';flnifiiéflifi'"';}:é"s f0]"] 1f8-)9 way, from a point at the westerly end en .expenditure in alidmmf Pta t';;r of the 165 miles heretofore aided to a Corie} o Piren s C 94 Piibae & point at or near Fort Frances, a dis-- riginal estimates of $240,856 83. _ The t i 'nrigim\l estimates were $3,397,367 92 ar}))oe n o dn uin s eoc--wente." __*__-- making altogether an anti("i'r'nté'd p-'(-: subsidy of $3,000 a mile--$120,000. 'l't'ndhuroh during this year of $3.638 o ween Pomomchs "and aborden Lan Ssd 5.To provide for the if 'dit-- between Pembroke and Golden Lake, |of January, 1899, pending thnemrf(l{melg'. {;lomTa poiglt o fth:l northeasht goinsd LIHE 0" Tha c reln rrgh e hC = e Township o ice to the north-- !;'qg 10 l]?:u, 'I'eqislatuxe, the sum of $80,-- eastern boundary of the said township, s placed in the estimates. One of a dist f th the most important items in the list is .E}E'moebo three and one-palf milos, imat 3 425000 for ine commencement a cash su sidy of $3,000 a mile--810,000. of the new Normal School for western ' Rai(l)wqe Ifr(())ndale, B?ncr(:_ft & 5o fron, )Ontarjo' to be crecied at London. $7 508 (romadaie' at lt'!'}l1 a po n; 45 miles from 'having alrcady been voted for the site. the ralle\'vaay to ew(;'r;(('lhoa-mth'evqpm'ti_on e Another important project is announced in 1896, and thence du t'fs o ols | in the form of a proposed vote of $7,500 tarce of t es m noan amartaw oe; ' Ito purchase a site for a boys' reforma-- 83?)08 : mi(;;1 2?5(:%?)0 s l oo da s tory i F +h# » --$830,000 . wak .martlgenglotts':{;a.log(gi(}logg bt(;nem;?ct-: w(Re(}mte) To the Bay of Quinte Rail-- ! sent reformatory at Penete{ngulshene &a\xfeqtc:;r:erlzla"n\:he )thngstop, Nar}.)'nnee |t0 be used as an asylum for the chronic or hr;mches of iati i r(z)l:j:utc}(li GXh:]"Shm and harmiess insane. The institution thorized line of raill;)va hR than< All~ at Penetanguishene, built late in the Village "of <'Pweed as wil}; notr ")f the fifties, when men's minds were filled miles in all a wi me the rant with the idca of punishment 'rathm- C'*m')an atl<1'<*<';lt'1\r) 'tlglt enaiblg thp' o o7 than of reformation, has long been re-- 'x'z{iI\{'ayy\\'lth the (;lgon :r:)f'i:hc:]s?tqll??i w gngnlz}t]ed hafi uinsultrtble for the purpose northward of the said Vlllagle)' of T\\ ;\]g or which it is maintained. Iis archi-- r e fanted to tectural lines are much like those of 1ger::i€;l"§]in0g§itr)]r]1t, Naglx?aun';te im\i\h't\:smt-g the Central Prison, and its interior ar-- Railway in the year 1893, a cash sub-- mngemeqt. though something has been sidy of $3.000 a mile--$90,000. done to improve it. is il adapted to |__To the James Bay Railway, to sid in the requirements of a reformatory. An-- 'the construction of $0 miles of the said other of its disadvantages is that of lo-- |railway from Parry Sound to a poia: cation. In Oxford County good land at or near Sudbury. $3,000 a mile fnr':i may be obtained contiguous to a bright distance not exceeding 40 miles ($120,-- the unearned subsidy of $3,000