164 was not that it was too limited, hut that it was too comprehensive. A lim- ited curriculum well taught was the beet system for the Public School. As to the proposition to create an ad- visory board of experts. the Minister pointed out that there were at the pre- sent time available sources of infor- mation and advice that could not be improved upon. The experience of the whole teaching profession was at the disposal of the department. Dr. Ityer- son had found it impossible to work with an advisory board and it was abol- lshed. It an advisory hoard was nec- essary in the Education Department why not in all the other" departments at Government ? Moreover, the proposition was inconsistent with the principles of responsible government. Upon the Question of the cost of text-books he The Minister's Reply. Mr. Ross made a brief but effective defence of the educational system and ot its administration. ..He expressed his astonishment that while Mr. Whit- ney---"this Delphic :grracie"--had de- manded that the Public :School system should be remodelledxhehad not indi- cated in what may " should be re- modelled. The Minister acid that If he were going to remodel the system It would be In the direction of its mo- ditication rather than its extension, be- cause If there was any complaint it "This House observes with anxiety the evidences of dissatisfaction in the public mind with the working and re- sults of the educational system of the Province. and is of opinion that a scheme should be devisedl-by which the sphere of the Public Schools may be re- modelled and, where necesasry, widen- ed and enlarged, with the View of at- fording to those pupils whose education begins and ends with such schools such further and increased educational advantages as may be practicable. This House is also of opinion that. among other desirable changes, there should be created a consultative or advisory council for the assistance of the Minister of Education. on which council should he represented all the teaching bodies in the Province, and this House is also of opinion that steps should be taken to reduce the price of school books, and thus lessen ma- terially the burden now imposed upon and home by the people of the Province by reason of the large sums they are compelled to pay totsuch hooks." On the motion to go into supply Major Kerns offered an amendment. which read :--."The House regrets the large and steady increase in the or- dinary expenditure of the Province. greatly exceeding the increase of the revenue, and also regrets that the Pro- vince has not kept within the revenue. and that the Province has to depend to a very large extent on the Crown lands receipts to meet ordinary ex- penditure." The amendment was sup- ported by Col. Matheson and lost. The Educational System. When the motion to go into supply was again made Mr. Whitney moved in amendment _ their! and develop $ttit"ttower or re- linquish their franchise and let another company occupy the ground. The de- bate was adjourned on the motion of Mr. Pattullo. No reply was voucheafed the Colonel. and tihe silence of the Ministers was interpreted by Mr. Marter as a confes- sion that the case was so had as to be indefensible. He gave his version of the evidence adduced before the com- mittee. Mr. Garrow denied that the Opposition had established any part of the charge that diseased hogs had been sold from the piggery. When Dr. Wil- loughby had spoken Mr. Whitney stood up and delivered a. fiery speech, in whieh he condemned what he alleged to he unfair partlallty ot the majority of the Public Accounts Committee. He denied that Mr. St. John had stated that the pUrtrery had cost 830,000. Mr. Macnish, who was present at the meet- lptr, at St. Thomas where Mr. St. John made his ttrat plum son made the assertion that to the ex- tent of his opportunities Mr. St. John had proved every charge he had made in regard to the plggery. He charged that there had been expenditures not shown in the public accounts and not appropriated by the Legislature. IMr. John Rk'hardson moved an amendment, which was unanimously carried. providing that the rates of fares on the road to all parts of the city shall be ten cents return fare be- tween 5 and 8 a.m. and 5 and 7 p.m., and on statutory holidays and civic holidays of Toronto and East Toronto, and on Saturday afternoons from 12 noon until 7.30 p.m., and 15 cents on all other days at all hours, the last car to leave the Woodbine tor East To- ronto at 11.30 um. As so amended the bill was passed. The Plggery. Upon the motion of Mr. Charltorrfor the adoption of the report of the Pub- lic Accounts Committee the Opposition brought on a discussion. Col. Mathe- Mr. Haycock characterized the am- endment as more than double-harrelled. in fact a regular Gatling gun,containing three different questions. one of which, that relating to the Public School sys- tom not going tar enough, he was in hearty accord. He could not agree with that which favors the establish- ing of an advisory. With regard to the price of school books he appreciated the reduction in price that has been made. As he was not in sympathy with the most important clause in the resolution he could not by voting yea or nay upon the resolution. as it stood, correctly re- cord his opinion. The amendment was lost on division. The House went into committee up- on the bill to amend the act of incor- poration of Uhe Toronto & Scarboro' Electric Railway, Light & Power Co. (Ltd). "Mien otit-Wi"ift"'ttre commission an- pointed to inquire into the matter, com- posed of his Honor Judge Morgan, Mr. James Rain and Mr. C. Blackett Rob- inson. had, after holding 21 meetings and taking evidenoe of practical men, reported that the readers are of superior quality of paper and binding, and that the retail price now charged tor the hooks is not excessive and cannot he reduced below the prioe'tixed. The text-hooks of Ontario are represented in every Province In the Dominion, which in itself is a._tribute to their excel- lence and cheapness. and the system of royalties had been found to he the cheapest for the public and the best for all concerned. .