1 T 4 .. lg?- ,mm Electric Railway The 1deiuitut-aovisr1torsi, Speech. ' / ' .* His Ho we. then pleased to de- l him "arpeetittg the sandwich.Wind- liver the 'mowing speech _ _ sort ATtt.eintttrurirpui1wav, Company: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the .Al: act to incorporate the Smiths Legislative Assembly: In relieving you Willa. Rideau & Southern Railway Com- 'ttom further attendance upon your pany. . legislative duties. it affords me plea- I An act to amend the act Ineorpomstintr [ sure to express my appreciation of the I the Strathroy & Western Counties diligence and zeal with _which you, Railway Company. have applied yourselves to public busi- An act to amend the act of incorpor' 1 nos: during the session nownbrought atfon of the Toronto & Scarboro Eleo: l to a close. tric Railway, Light, & Power Company It is a source of satisfaction that (Limited). the entire 'body of the public law: of An act to incorporate the Toronto & the Province has been again consolid- York Radial Railway Company. ated and revised. and that you have, An act to incorporate the Canadian ccnttrmed and approved the work so} Consolidated Copper & Nickel Com- faithfully performed by the commis-' pony. sinners appointed for that purpose. . i An act respecting the Cataract Power The new volumes of the statutes will, Company of Hamilton (Limited). withcut doubt, Prove to be ot great i An act to incorporate the Ottawa convenience to the public. and espec- 'Stock Exchange. ialiy to the bench, the bar and the l An act respecting the BhebtT.dow.tyt mturt.strttcsr. tMining Company and Incorporating the I hope and trust that experience will IFrue Shebandowan Mining Company prove the wisdom of the bill passed for i (Limited). _ V the purpose of securing the manufac- An act reapectirut the Sydenham ture of the pine products of our forests [Glass Company ot wa11treetsurtr (le- in our own country, and I cheerfully lied). as out to it. An act respecting the Synod of the F have perused with interest the re- Diocese of Niagara. port of the Royal Commission on Re- An act respecting the incorporated forestry, laid before the Assembly dur- l Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa. ing the session. and have been grati- An act to incorporate the Presbyter- fled to learn that several Inexpensive lan Ladies" College. Ottawa. yet emclent methods for encouraging . An act respecting the act lncorporat- reforestry have been suggested, and its the Sisters of Our Lady of Loretto, I trust that the bill founded thereon, 20 Victoria. chapter 187. which you have passed. may greatly' An act respecting the Sisters of St it contribute to the end which you have Joseph for the Diocese of Toronto in hlid in view. a, l l'pper Canada. ' ; I assent with pleasure to thegmport- I E An act to amend the acts relating to ant bill having for its object e pre- ' Victoria U'niversuty. vention of the spread of the San Time An act to authorize the Royal College scale, and trust that its effect will be of Denial Surzeons to admit Lewis to save our orchards from the destruc- ,Frederick Riggs azasttident. tion with which they are Just now I. An act respecting the estate of the threatened. late Richard Stubhs. The bills to amend the election law I An not respecting the sale of patent and the manhood suffrage registration 'and other medicines, and of alcohol for act will, I do not doubt. he found to l, the purposes of arts and manufactures. contribute to the more etftcient working I To these bills the royal assent was of these laws. Announced by the Ce-k of the Legisla- The measures respecting jails and l tive Assembly in the following words: the public service will; I trust, contri- y "In her Majesty"! name. hi! Honor buts to the more economical adminis- i the Lieutenant-Governor doth assent tratlon of the affairs of the counties) to these bills." and of the Province, and I readily as- 1' sent to them. The Supply Bill. The measures which you have adopt- 3 Mr. Speaker then said '.--- ed relating to ttl"ig'g,nii/ii,yt1 an? las-i . n . . sessment awe, o uca on. o mung, May it was" your. Honor . to the Division Courts and the examin- we, her Majesty s most dutiful and atlon of Judgment debtors. and to pre- faithful suhrcts. the Legislative Att- vent gambling at agricultural exhibi- sombly of the Province of Ontario, in tions will I am Batlsfted prove to be Session assembled, approach your Hon. advantageous to the public. . or at the close of our labors The appropriation made by you to aid with teent.'ments of ttttfeigned de- railway enterprises will, I feel eonmr. votlon and loyalty to her Ma- ent, conduce to the material progress Jesty's person and Government. and and advancement of the country. and humbly hex t" present Pri. ycur "..t to the extension of settlements in the ur's acccptunce a bill intituled An newer parts of the Province. act for granting to her Majesty certain I thank you for the liberal yet judici- sums ot money to defray the expense', ous appropriations made for the public of civil government for the year 1896, Iservlce tor the present year. and for cther purpose" therein. At the close of this last session of T o this bill the roytM atMrent wat, tens the Eighth Parliament of the Pro- nounce-d by the Clerk of the Legislathe ' Vince I cannot help congratulating you Assembly in the fillowlng words '.--" n n'the wisdom and prudence which "His Honor the L'eutcnant-Governor ":38 ided your deliberations, during doth thank her .liajcsty's dutiful and th enral sessions of this Legislative loyal subjects, accept their benevolence e B ve the many good and useful and assent to this bill in her Majesty's tterm-upon . name." _ _ » _