we! _ _ illllllllllllllltiiiEEEE; .fci"iiTifiriii f, 1898. The galleries were crowded with . indies. whose bright summer cos- tumes lent added charm to the picture which the chamber pre- ' ' sented. There was the us- mu guard of honor furnished by the . lQueen's Own Rifles, and some amuse- ' - 'ment was created by the band play- , !ing 'There'll be a hot time " as the, I) d b h Li t t guard marched up to the building.! pene Y t it IBll enan - Shortly after , o'ctock the Lieu-l . tenant-Governor drove up and was re-E . Governor. ceived by the guard with the customary] i salute, the Land playing the national F ianthem. As the Lieutenant-Governor ---..-. l entered the chamber. preceded by Cap- .tains Kirkpatrick, Q.O.R., and Cos- grave, 48th Highlanders, as aides. and HE TEXT OF THE SPEECH. 'assisted by the Attorney-General, the entire assemblage rose. Following the Lieutenant-Governor were Lieut.-Col.'. --------- Otter and Major Howard, R.C.D..Chap-l lain Rev. A. H. Baldwin, Royal Gren-I ' . . .O.R.' Ca taint . . . Evanturei utters, Major Mutton, Q ' p on. F E A Gunther and Thorn, Q.0.R. The usual: fte-eleet,ed Speaker. formalities were gone through, and the Provincial Secretary having informed . his Honor that the Legislature had notl yet elected a Sneaker. his Honor re-l ll N AN I M 0 (J S tired to permit the House to perform THE CHOICE . that important duty. The attack made! by Mr. Whitney Upon the Government when speaking to the motion to elect a! Speaker came In the nature oft . 'a surprise to the majority of MP. Whitney Enter'saVigorous ithe. visitors and to the oer-u- Protest. l pants ot the Government benches, who l had not looked for anything more than) a formal sitting, in view of the an-i -----. ' nottncentettt made in the morning thati l the Opposition would not oppose Mr.i l Evantutel's re-election. The protest the Situation is Unpaniletod natal, entered by the leader of the Opposition w did not provoke any reply from the . Prom-OI $b Vigoroul Opposition Government side, and the anticipations Government's Programme. of a stormy debate which the incident arousul were not fulfilled. Mr. Whit- _ hey. while disvlaiming any intention to ----------'- elustruct the business of the House, conveyed an intimation in unmistak- able terms that he will ot- -. . - fer a vigorous opposition to the Gov- ." _ yes The opening, of the ",'.5',si1,t)t,uC, h eyntnent's programme. terday afternoon was robbed 0 t e After his Honor had retired from the deep interest which such functions 12.3- . rhamirer the election 'of Speaker Daily create from the fact that thel was proceeded with. - ladies and their escorts were deprind . Nomination of Speaker. of the pleasure of occupying the Leg- The Attorney-General. in nominating} islative chairs and desks allotted to Hon. F. E. A. Evanturel for re-election! F.. ' . ' as Speaker (which he did amid ap-l the people's representatives, and "He! Mouse). referred 'to the long list of; in consequence forced to be content'; eminent men who have rreett ehoseni with the accommodation afforded by to iil't'side over the deliberations of} .. " . ' Parliaments under the British consti-l the galleries. A privileged few werel tutinn. Their names. he said, are his-i ,3. five" seats on the tiocr of the House., torit'al: their duties have become weill