(-u' 1 iBFiai,Teu to resign- Even in Toron- ralslnd'mjr have been en- _ to. "where all the lemming and intelll. deavorlrit td "g" in the, Province ot 29 y nave and business Prudent? tuttldudg- Ohtariot He thought hot. Mr. Strat- ment of this whole Provt'nce *3 SUP- ton was.mentionintr various public posed to exist "-(hear. hearr--they had men who had expressed their approval I reduced the Conservative majority lot the contention that constables should l from 6,069 to 3.827. And the Liberals ivote, and after Sir John Macdonald he carried nearly all the Important towns mentioned Sir John Thompson. , in the Provmoe---Peterborxr', Brookville, ' "It can't be shown that Sir John l Woodstock, Windsor. Guelph, Brant- Thompson spoke on the question at all," ford, Stratford. London---. said Mr. Whitney. . V Dr. Barr-The Normal School carried "Didn't he vote for it?" :1st Mr. London. Stratton. ', [ 'Mr. Stratton failed to catch the re- I "He didn't approve of it." said Mr. i mark. and went on to compare Mr. Whitney. i Hardy's majority ot eight with Sir "If a man'votes tor a..thing he no- ', Oliver Mowat's majority of one or two. turally expresses his approval," re- . He felt that the people of the Province plied Mr. b'tratton, amid Liberal up- I would haVe greater eonttdtyrtctt in Mr. plause, l . . l Harm's capacity and ability to man- continuing. Pt speakier-said thgtitllc' th or the 05 t on carre n o . ture the affairs of the Province:: "m: the: 'irxaU! wogl'd deprive even the l went on The speaker deterr e the billposter and ilveryman taking part in ',,, construction of the address from elections of their votes. The Conserv-i _,' throne. He claimed that it bean a atlvos were trying to score on a flulmi _ special tr.esrtslon for a special te,eret: and were sore over the defeat of their. . the address contained all that was 't I plans. It was sharp practice and nntl . quired. If Dr. Barr "'39 called in ho; the action of statesmen, and he ad-i writes. prescription for colic would ei Ttsed the Opposition to get a policy. , leave in addition to the required pre- that was bigger and broader than that ', scription one for trout. for rheuma'i they had adopted on the constable! tism, for liver complaint. tor lung question. The speaker then quoted the, . trouble, or the fashionable malady. ap- approval of The Petermoro' Times upon , pendlcitis? The address outlined 8.130 Mr. Hardy's mump' the point helm: the titgheriety legislation. Mr. Har y that The Times had bitterly opposed did right in submitting the propo-sltim: ' Mr. Stratton's election. The Hamilton at once to adequately Tlt i Herald (1nd.) said Mr. Whitney's at.. the fish in the waters ot t e I tempt was a clever piece ot party Province and regulate all matters. strategy. but it was trickery just the In connection therewith. He hoped same:- The London News (1nd.) de- the bill would be a practical one Y, _ plored that there should be an occa- an improvement upon the Domin a"; Minn for calling the House, and even law. Incidentally. he claimed that if. The Toronto Telegram approved of Ontario game law was not exactyi the course of the Government. right" and hoped for an improvement The reference to Tho Telegram pro- in it also. a]??? an inaudible retort from Mr. 'csc, ' . ney, apparently to the ell'ect that mg The Judges Went Fishing its. editor was a Conservative. 'dc', Regarding the constable vote, Mn. "Then." said Mr. Stratton, "if you 4 _ Stratton said " seemed strange "ml-i have not got the support of your own r the Court of Appeal could not take tll Conservative papers you surely must little time to consider the matter when have a very bad case." . . it was referred to them by the Gov.. The approval of The Star was next . l-rnment instead of taking refuge in cited. .which led to a cross-chamber .iheir holidays. With all due respect to. discussion on the past, present, and . F the Judicial impregnability of the Jildl-l future politics of its editor. f 'ciai'y. he could not see why they couldl . In. conclusion. Mr. Stratton dealt-with T _ . not take a few days to consider the} the _question of Cabinet Ministers re- question which was of such paramount', mining their portfolios after-their de- _. public interest. The Judges ot the! feat at the noble. _ He strongly sup- land and the omcials existed in the ponted tine view expressed'hy the hon. Public interests. and they Should have; member for West Huron, that reason» decided the question one way or the. able time should he allowed these hon. . _ ' other. If that had been done it lnightl Ffmtlemen.to wrest their seats ttom , not have been necessary to hold thlsl those they lrrMeve -to have secured J:', special session. But the learned Judges them by Hit-gal means. He had listen- took a"torty stand: they say they have' tsd with a good deal of pleasure to the no regard to the expense. this Province] "rrst'edettta quoted by the leader of the might be put to, and they must have a Opposition and by the Attorney-Gen-: few days' t1sshirur. Nero tiddied while oral]. but he did not attacih'such very! Ilome burnt. and the Judges tro ttshirttt great importance to precedents. as he: ' while the Opposition is trying to rob believed ea'eh case should be considered: a great many of the electors of the in connection with the circumstances. _ Province or their franchise. The law which exist. It is only fair that real-i was not intended to deprive constahteal, sonable time should be <giivten to these] of their votes. The Liberal party for] hon. gentlemen to secure seats It thel a. hundred years had too-gilt for the. leader of the Government desires to! oxtenslon of the franchise. and had retain them in the Cabinet. The elec-' given to the people of the Province time only took place ln-IMa-rci'l, the manhood franchise. Dr. Barr said it trials of the protests come ok in Sep- made a very great difference whose tember and October. and he thoughttl i. ox was gored. Mr. Sttptton would like that a ttaeotttthlt-time, would not have '; to ask Mr. Whitney Wthtr., constable expired until the time of the trial 01" ! vote would deprive him ot' eight scatsl the election protests had passed. (AD- |\i'flultl he and his followers have been plause.) l