49 in support of the Government candi-- dates at the last election. Mr. Graham, the new member for Brockville, in a clever speech, read a strictly confiden-- tial circular sent by the Secretary of Parliament Buildings, Aug. 10. The chief feature of the debate in the Legislature to--day was the revelations which the Premier promised in refer-- ence to. Mr. Whitney's assertion that the liquor influence was manipulated Opposition Members Recoive Replics to Thoir Inquiries--Their Poenchant For Anima's Again Displayed. Instructions -- Issued Hotelkeepers. A REPLY TO MR WHITNEY. HEAVY HITTING INDULGED IN Revelations Regarding the Liquor Vote. Continuation of the Debate -- on the Address. U EASURE THURSDAYT, AVGUST 11 to the CC C eW CCC en CERTEee 420C apCnl i8 MI,. C. J. Hollands. His salary is $300 per year, he finding his own office, fuel and light.. He was appointed in 1892 as agent for the town plot of Alberton (Fort Frances), at a salary of $100 per &nnum. In 1894, owing to the excite-- ment in mining in that region, he was appointed to give information re min-- ing lands and was furnished with mape, etc., and his salary was increased to $300 per year. The receipts of his ag~-- ency for last year were $8.291 71. The cost of his agency for the five years since his appointment is $1,321 93. The revenue collected during the same per-- fod by him amounts to $29,858 45, Mr. MHollands is also a Police Magistrate for all that part of the District of Rainy River to the south of the 49th parallel of latitude, at a salary of $400 To this the Attorney--General made reply:--*"There is a Crown Lands agent at Fort Frances,in the District of Rainy E.lvsr. 'not Algoma. The agent is Mr. clation to the local Secretary of Dun-- das Courty, Mr. Whitney's constitu-- ency, instructing them that as the pre-- sent member voted in favor of the trade and against municipal control it is unnecersary to ask him the questions which are to be put to other candidates whose views are unknown, as it would be unwise to embarrass him in his cam-- paign, and they knew his friendly atti-- tude to the trade. The principle is also laid down in the circular that "common gratitude as well as sound policy dic-- tates that we should stand by those that stand by us." A series of resolu-- tions which accompanied the circular di-recteq that where the old members of the Legislature voted against muni|-- cipal control they should have the un-- divided support of the trade, and their opponents should not be given an op-- portunity of answering the test ques-- tions. Several inquiries by members 6f the Opposition: were replied to by the Government, and it developed that a one--eyed. sheep with horns, but of doubtful value, will be a leading fea-- ture of the Opposition's next campaigi: platform, the License HolMers' Protective Asso-- Mr. Miscampbel--Is there a Crown Lands agency at Fort Frances, in the District of Algoma ? If so, who is the agent ?¢ What remuneration does he receive ?¢ What is the income, accord-- ing to the Department of Crown Lands, from the agency * Is any other, and what, duty besides that appertaining to Crown Lands agency business per-- formed in the office, and,if so,by whom, _And_ls any remuneration given there-- for ? Inquiries,.