W, T Mqo"eimiiaarrrpirt . - tr or- . _ i i Tdiff . ' t 21rl,','tnUll'dv' y1395 HOB- Geo. W. Ross reviewed the dim- , 4', no , I't,','el 33.5mm expenses to cum" 'tehteh had been encountered by . Seine Centre, not to exceed $10 per . the Government in selecting a suitable "nth-mm he "e- there todJa'f,'"i','; 1:21.12, (UJJffl't"l?o1u'Prag"u,ti t2"arTle,tey,-duo,he'U,i,e'nt and, if they could set a very man lot at a ' "when did he time; the f.,',tv,trrh'r, Il",',,',.,'",',','?,'."',?,,'; 1: Jill: £23.31; mg; as ce?Itno'tn escrvoeo e, . . , Government now, h" he been, in 523' 23333 1?i'th2',Gt,T,",a','geg"g,t,1nr 5mm; in the past. and, if 'hi orf' nd I munitwtion, tn London South for 87,600. period. Whathaabeen theraeo a I Londo Bo th h inted t h "arretrate amount ot ,r,er."'E,"ie,r, re- l I 'd'h"el1,otil1u'l't'iohe'"lh'l'fft' 106100. 'lt'Lf, ' "il".? Big? 'r"et'dle..hrP' 33:11 I. itrmbre than trumeient tor Model School I l Robson a not in the service of thetggv- s's"i',g',gt,"'id,'?t,ev? Jd' 12m lagnenlgwfllil; i _ " a ' f'nrl',','r,gts"u"iutcr1',"'B'S'rrl It: the rapidly in this district and there is ' f2t,rlotfgrt,'tl,t.yt1, ',iteg,t .313 are: as: ",t2'e'tT",htlou"/irtlti1toue,'ltr't _ " e r as _ een c s no ' - . 1894. His remuneration was $4 per day. at Nazis. a practice which the f/PIT/li F.' and during eleven years he has receiv- 2":th 'ig',',", g"itgtfg,1' 'ire'.' Th ed 8213 80 for " services and ',e,'r"lrf': Norm a] Scholol it: J'l'/J,'/g' "In; it wag I. . ,eg,,,1o,?,','to/tt,,the"mt1eilU'f "ft "gang; established was. he pointed out, tur- / times during the past ten years for ther removed from the centre of the city . ' than is the site of the London school t which service he has received the cus- h! h t T . tomary allowance, averaging 849 70. He r e wi 1193"?" be the 5:1"th '- was also appointed a member of the 'fl'nuofle swat!" l Tiv,, gown. Th2 Fees Commission. which held its sit- rs harm h fl'), l', r nrvince the tings in the years 1894 and 1890. Tyy 'dao','f'i,'i','ul'; the dl,',',',', f,',,d'fltnvdlf made remuneration was $10 per day. The,,' l i ' er aggregate sum received for his services I tb 300d se ect an. wt" t1,t00." A cultural Farm Mock. but "atixii22"/,y, m3 '"grf'he,'2'. Mr J 8: Hodxins moved for an or ' y the wvernmen rom . . o - , . . - Bins ""2." "du"'? 'tt "if" and, lf 32235 t2'df'g,"t/gat 'ie,,tiyin,uN,o"ti'e' so. for w at pr ce . n w ose recom- ' mendation was the purchase made , purchase of a ram by the Government To this question Mr. Davis repliedzw s','g"n"e,,'t,"',, (gentile! Mrtggdgins at: "No ram was purchased by the Gov- miner that (131': the n'ast uc " l n ernment from Mr. T. D. Hodgins dur- g . camps. g tng the $5" ten g,fg'a'lflhe terre any lufgf /lete,Lt1tg'itte,r 'tta, tii/tu' a not mme on or sucn [ . aeggghge' or a'ny correspondence re- sold a certain ram to the Government letting thereto." _ at an exorbitant future. He described at . _ , At Mr. .Whitney's suggestion the tome length the circumstances under J l name of Hodglns was changed to John -'; which. in a process of weeding out his Glennie, and a fresh return will be se- i flock, he had dlirpoared ot the animal. A 'cured. Rome time afterwards he recognized l I , _ the cast-oft animal at the Ontario _ , London Normal School. Agricultural College farm and was in- ' _ ' formed that it had Ibeen purchased at ' Mr. Hodgins moved for an: address to l a high figure. The animal was sold by ' his Horton the Litrutentutt-Governor him at a very low figure. or rather it praying that he will cause. to be laid was traded on and he resented the before this House a return of copies of k charge of booming. as he had not sold all orders; in onurtl. correspondence it to the Government. The animal was i and other documents reUthttr to the l tit only for exhibition purposes. and he. 2 deciding upon and purchase of a trite in I was informed that. it was purchased 1 the City of London for the proposed by the Government " 8100 or $160, and I Normal Bcttoo1. Speaking to the mo- if this is the way the purchases are ' ticn he stated that he had been re- made for the college, the Government. l quested by a large number of the Citi- the House and the country ought to wens of London to bring this matter know it. before the Legislature. and in. doing Hon. Mr. Davis repeated his explana- so he had no other object than the best tion that search had been made in the , interests ot the City' ct London. It wad' department respecting the purchase of i the desire of the citizens that the " ram from T. D. Hod-gins. He would Normal School should be placed in a have further search made in the light more Central portion of the city than 'of the information now received and the site selected. He asked the Gov.. f bring down the papers. errrment to seriously consider the , , Mr. Whitney unplugged the point i prayer or the petition of the City of that the hon. member tor East Middle- London and to stay proceedings until l sex had completely refuted the charges . there can be some attempt made to ar- , made against him during the cam- range the matter between the city and patgn. ' the Government. He had been request- Dr. McKay (South Oxford) created ly to King the .riiatter up by very some amusement by his references to , tttrong iends of the hon. member for the debt of gratitude which Mr. Hod- London. He was assured that the cor- gins owed to this alleged "a? sheep, poration of the City of London would l Who" name. he infomed' House. acquiesce in any arrangement by which l was " my and whose inttueetce in a more convenient site would be adopt- I the mpg," had been of the greatest ed. assistance to his former owner. Hit, h------------_------------#