__ 'ypen Pioe Winn "will etititaig6rtt"tttat he had: begginmfg . g'f,',f1"f.tbt'll' of the 'gtger,'l'tt ' that the m member or iron in tether. and upon the legislation that is sex also received . load ot ttCrap w to be submitted tor the consideration of - the deal which he made when Men .nt.r th H . n th he. is, moi e ouse. ve men s ve e peed of the animal elicited an earnest de since their defeat, and the House is from the Bom Senileman- , called together while they are still The Debate. without seats. It had been hinted V N rth m- that other seats than Hamilton and Mr. Douglas, East on u South Ontario might be found for them. beriand. resumed the address, a ier 31:- There .wsa nothing before the House, ferring to the various evolutions n tl: to show that the protests which Mic "mpservytive _1e1ott.Itt8 policy In'.',',',")),",,"; been fyled by the: Ministers would be calf with a cough down to t e ram prosecuted.. The crucituopint W." that Middlesex County. The speaker had a under m sibi t h 'th protest hanging over his head, and 'Legislut pon egovernmen W en h: Mr. St. John had visited the Conserva- to he In" meets the Mdnis'ters oug "we of the riding to urge that truch t 'l their places' to give an 813-1 laction be taken. And yet the mém- Coun o their stewardship and of the: lber from Centre Simone resented out- tulvtee they have given to the Crown. l iside interference. The petition clrcu- (dp'plauseJ The ctulintr ot Parliament: ilated In East Northumberland praying wat, a material consideration in the de- for the retention of Hon. Mr. Dryden ,termmnation of what is a, reasonable was largely signed by Liberals and iiime to allow. At some length Mr. B'oy Conservatives alike. As a practical T quoted precedents in support of his con- farmer and the son of a farmer the tentlon, and laid specialtstresa upon the speaker defended the establishment and precedent created by the resignations curriculum of the Agricultural College. If.. Mr. Blake and Mr. Mackenzie in He resented the Conservative imputa- i1812, in the discussion upon which Sir I tion that the main interest to excur- ;0"V0r Mowat pointed out in extenua- slonists at the school was a good square tion .thtu at that time the House was meal. Farmers and their wives pre- not In session. and there was no like- ferred to visit the college and secure 1ihood of the House being called '0'; the information so valuable to them ttether at an early date. Sir Oliver rather than' spend their hard-etrrned had also declared that the Morrison holiday at a horse race. Personally case, which had been quoted as a pre- he had secured many valuable point- ctN1ent, "was indefensible. having re- ers from merely conversing for a short gard to the British constitutitonal 5)". while with n young graduate of the tem under which we live." college. He pointed But the benetit The Principle recognized under our effected by the college in the fruit ins ', Bytrtettt is that the Minister of the dustry. and went on to Justify the ap- I Crown must have the confidence of the' pointment of a good roads commission- l WONG. and the reason why the Min- er. The Government had been held re- i 1.qtetr was required to tro Wk to the, sponsible by the members of the Op- i people for approval after taking office position dor the rise in the price of'i wad, for the purpose .of preventing binder twine. Why not also give the , undue Inttuence being exercised by the government credit tor the rise otl Crown upon members of the House, wheat . through offers of office. The necessity ' of the presence of Ministers in 'tittJ,1 Mr. Fey 3 Argument. te,',',',','"', was shown by inquiries that had ' Mr. J. J. Fo ' .C. t _ teen made in the House in reference; fisheries bill 2'fifif 'tall',',',",',",, gating: I to matters pertaining to the Depart-l , ly and Would he considered in all calm I merits or Agriculture and Crown Lands. 1 [less and deliberation, s" that it would , since he ceased to hold a seat in the ) nct afterwards be found ultra "grog House the Commissioner of Crown,' ( The one fact which had been made Lands had been sitting in Judgment on i patent by the debate upon the constl- questions arising out of the adminis- tutional questions Involved in the reten- tration of his department and had _ tion of their portfolios by Ministers who given decision in at least one import- lad, not retained their seats in the last case before him. i ouse was that there l "hhiCh ought to be 'i'i'iut'Q 1'i'"ivel't1td, A Question For the Courts. t ose which on ht to h . . ltl'éld lift" 'itluii'l1'jti, 'r2etfellit,"t"1ale OILS-1e 12'L'ggte,,t'"e,tte"'a,t,?,e "(1:35:32 'i'rl),' fitotCglerifa'tt""trrd,l .335. 1tl'iest.'e, brrgheteinttehnetie, ot the Amen being raised over his hon. friends to had 11h: ri het 1'e,n','/,ad,mi',,' always have the right of Mr. Speaker for the pur- was no necge it0 vote it correct there pose of showing them that if the At- together Fess y {fir tty.?.! the House torncy-Generai is wrong in his present upon to . N mona y'he yff, not-called 2','ht11t1,utg, were elected as his suil- ter and {indent}: 32:: 1','lft"'ttlrtet"iJ'h,ti, _ per ers an s ould stick to hi . ' ' g . ior' _'sivtrf,','ft Je,'rto,','1thl",', t'lp'r,1a'dg.') n2: L1"'riet, rename? saloons; I os on a n I l 1. . ' - 50"" Was and»; '1'?ir,fsti?,t.1e,tge 3;); lane and change the law for the future been defeated ought not to be asked 'th " neceMary but not for the past. The resign as long as there is a reasonable Il,t',',.t,f,r,' at issue. was for the Judges to hope ot his being able to regain his etermine, and the Legislature should seat, and he was not disposed to iiuiiir n}? interfere. He expressed pleasure rel with that contention. He further t at the debate had elicited an exprcg- agreed that what is a reasonable time sion ot opinion from both tMes of the must be determined according to the House antagonistic to ex pogt facto attendant circumstances of the case In legislation. " the section of the act the present case two Ministers are hold- u hich dealt with the matter under dis- , ,mg ottiee as advisers ot the Crown, cussion is loosely constructed, as Gii-l ' ---.---,