The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Aug 1898, p. 5

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it. He gave some instances Of alléeg--© r 46 ed partisanship ghowed by deputy re-- | in dquestion 'had only one eye. _ Here, , turning officers and constables at Ot-- | then, was a new policy for the Oppost-- | | tawa. -- He denied that the Australian tion, a policy with a single eye, and ballot was at all similar to the num-- that single eye was open to get on the | bered ballot, and thought that a model Government side of the House by a ; Agricultural College should at least technicality. _ (Laughter and applause.) , be able to balance expenses. _ But the In reply to the complaint of the hon. | Mining Department was run the worst l member for Ottawa (Mr. Powell) that | of all the departments. The man at Sir Wilfrid Laurier had spoken on be-- j the bead of it was no good, was not & half of the Ontario Government in the | practical man and had not the con-- last campaign, he recalled to the mind | | | fidence of the mining people. _ The re-- of hon. gentliemen the fact that BSir | |'port which he gets out rcads like a John Macdonald had spoken on the | | book of travel and had, he alleged, been platform in Kingston in favor of the l absolutgly condemned before the Lon-- Conservative candidates in Provincial don, Eng., Institute. His assistant, a ' campaigns. -- The Premier of the Dom--| boy graduate of a nearby Tecohnical , inion was a man of whom hon. gentle-- ' School, was equally useless, and his men on the Government side of the writings upon mining matters were ab. House are proud, and they would not : | surdities. _ He trusted the new Bureau be found -- repudiating all connection | of Fisheries, which he understood was with him, as the hon. leader of' the | about to be established, would be fAll-- Opposition had repudiated the leader of ed without regard to political services. ! his party. _ Hon, gentlemen opposite The Dominion House should not have | had asserted that the action of the Gov. adjourned to participate in the Provin-- | ernment with regard to the butter in-- cial election, and the Dominion Premier | dustry had retarded its development. should have followed the unwritten rule : As proof of the immcorrectness of these $ and considered it beneath his dignity to assertions he queted from the trade participate in a Provincial election con-- returns, showing that the export of but.-- test. _ Conservative civil servants at ter from the Dominion of Canada in Ottawa were intimidated by the num-- 1897 in quantity and value amounted bered ballot. _ It was explained to them to -- double _ that. of 1896. _ Taking and it was shown how they could be the City of Montreal as the outlet detected if they did not vote Grit. I for the Province of Ontario, the returns The Premier asked for explicit in--' snowed that during the shipping season formation ahbout this matter, and Mr.! »nding July lst last there had been 39,-- | Powell promised to divulge his facts at ' 000 packages of butter shipped, as comm-- the election trial, i pared with 20,000 a year ago. (Cheers.) @ i He justified the action otf thfe Gc;:'err;- An " fal" Polic ment in the appointment of a Roads A Afm"'fu Policy. Commissioner, and arxtut;d th':'( lm(t)d Mr. Geo. P. (Géraham, ¥ roads are of the utmost importance to ed the le-mency'M"meBmp):-fl,l,l,(;}:':::;! the farmers as reducing the cost of should he as 'a new member in the | marketing their produce. One reason | course of his remarks innocently make | why more rapid progress had not been | any aperturessinthe rules of the | made by the Commigsioner was because | House. (Laughter) He warmly con-- | of the lack of support he received from gratulated Mry*Speaker upon his re--| hon. members in their respective rid-- clection and patd a warm tribute to the ings. As an instance of this he referred value of the French--Canadian race as' to a meefinr held at Perth, in South | desirable citizens.!'""The eastern part of Lanark, which Mr. Matheson did not | the Province h&at produced such men as attend, and for the information of that Sir John Macdonald, Sir Oliver Mowat, | hon. member he stated that one of the Hon. T. B. Pardes, Hon. John Sand--' imost ardent supporters of the good field Macdonald{ anhd "one of whom ' roads movement in Ontario was a even the stone@'in--this building speak, | prominent Conservative of that riding. who literally laid down his life for the | Another illustration of the beneficial re-- Province," thel@at@Hon. C. F. Fraser. | suits of the work of the Road Commis-- (Cheers.) _ He alsw congratulated the . sioner was shown in Cornwall, where Attorney--(General: ppon the fact that i he had constructed a road. he 'had behind.him a united bana or | Mr. -- McLaughlin _ (Stormont)--One 2'!;]8'1' Hummrtersi]and reminded the hon. | block. entlemen on the other side that the | same power that put the Government i tes"?rt(!?nm?gé hf'): (:m';?g: reag c Gorn. supporters where they are also put rall inviti c eooay ve of Corn-- them on the Speaker's left, _ He. con-- :'own nv t'ng Mr. Campbell to visit that |;1'lated h(;rt:. gentlemen epposite up-- mnmr:fifk?n a&d.t;gi\;la:"tell(;? :rlr)gno:l'l'; on the prominent place which animaus > | . occupied in their policy. _ There g¥ov t\','f'"o':"'('nh:'h""'t been informed by the the calf with the cough, which was ad . passed a by--lew:, oroviaine Tor ind buried in one general election ; then all °x vex'l)dltse 'f is ooo providing for the the a-p;')lliances of science were employ-- P ure of $35,000 in the making of | ed to discover spots on pigs, but the 4 disciple of pork has been left at home; lI':fl:;' da(:;eflet;, ai("corg:lng to the sample | and now hon. gentiemen. have roted §s moianghiin 4 sud that tng do:. U#tle Mary and have a policy that o . s | might be called all wool 2!111 'ta yard t:(l)::,m;:teg?qg"h:oto tconstruct a plece Oti wide. (Laughter.) He was surprised Mr.. Graham U';!'hy as a sample. I that the hon. member for East Middle. stand the hon. sentioman Appr under | sex would stand up in the House and the Abpointment of : o oo otat aiof confess that he had sent out the hired He does ! 'Phereoi the Commissioner ? man to trade off a worthless agimal up-- sinner that re nte?hmy over even one ' ( on --an innocent neighbor. _ (Cheers.) Pe «. (Laughter.) % | He had been informed that the animal | Py |

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