53 SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 6 Oe oee =munpurmommnemmamanenmmeeenemenemesemnenzemnt amenmemmemas Legislators Still Talking in 9 the Queen's Park. Able Speeches by Messrs. Conmee and Ross. MR. CARSCALLEN'S ATTACK. Opposition Leader -- Whitney Calls on His Followers. Long Aftor Midnight He Urges Thein to Continue the Dobato--A Probable Ali--night Session. Legislative Chamber, August 32. The debate on the address in reply to [the speech from the throne was continu-- ! ed all day to--day, Mr. Conmee and Mr. | Ress being the principal Government speakers and Mr. Carscallen and Mr. Whitney the leading representatives of the Opposition. It had been expected that Premier Hardy would wind up the