& The . necessity for the bill was tyrannizes 'over tne peopic. -- If the 5 7 € 'reated by the fact that the time twu people were gll as ingenious and crook-- O 'approaching when the Legislature cd--he begged pardon--ne was going to must under the constiturion meet, a say as crooked as lawyers might he,. to -- number of protests had been entered work out such & scheme as the s and it was evident there would he hye-- member had sugRge#téd, there mlghm | elections, and a large numbe> of them. | some ferce in 'his . argument, but he 1 It was apparent to anyone that the Le-- | pointed out that there would have to be gislature might be called under cir-- | a conspiracy of perheps 40 persons, wh, cumstances which might render it im-- would perjure themselves to enable it | Possible for any public business to he | to be carried out. But & few years ago transacted.~ But there was still an-- | the 'hon. member for ,East Hamilten other justification for calling the House had approved of the humbered ballot, together at this time. and that was and pointed out that by.the numbered that without this bill the Dye--elections ballot no man could be cheated out of \ Ceaving out of the question the few his vote, and that there had never been : seats affected by this bill) would ha;;cz a single case where the manner in | to 'be heid with a ol pon t(he which a man voted had been improperiy inéaning of the law, under which the | revealed: (Government cheers.) That holelkeepeis, telagraph -- men, | livery ; was the hon: gentleman's opinion, con. stable kcepers and bill posters might be | tinued Mr. Conmee whon he was get. deprived of their votes. _ (Opposition | ting thoae""llttl'emjbl;e and now he can ' | laughter.) Hon. -- gentlemen might| i * c a2 | v ry to say nothing that.is good, and the Gov-- augh at that, but it was necessary n us : y up before the ernment supporters cheered again. They have this noint cleared up . 1 would have to take the hon. gentleman | bye--elections are held. rH""'pflm io as they found him. n"oul'dgeth be-- men opposite complained of the Govern feve.him now of 413 th: Dell 'e}' hat | mént tyrannizing over the people. he said then ? When ifl};a %ee:x':t:'rlnl [ Mr. Matheson--Hear, kear. _ f his honest opinion ? He 'eft it to his Mr. Conmee----I don't "'}g" o :_2;,' hon. friends on the onposite side to Government that ty"""'},'"_',o' efm t settle'it between themsclves when they people more than that. Govornme itc retired to their room.' Discussing the | Ottawa which hon. zent'!emon «é.;p')as). timber question, he twitted Mr. Mathe. f | supported for twenty yeare. t ; n" o:he son with talking "upon a subject of t | He defended the Governmen frq:n Tt which he was in ignorance, and, after * % charge that the machinery of the 1.;-- some cross--firing with the hon. mem-- cense Department was used to tyr?n- ber for South Lanark stated that the < f nize over the people, and in refutat nln 'hon. gentleman represenied a Cconsfl-- w | | of this fact stated that the only hotel-- | tueny, whieinwould rerormm Hon..John § | keeper in Rat Portage who was a mem-- Haggart's gardener If he took the idea T ber of his committee was the or;ly man 12 SSO e efphmer # i MMApommebteilynomec h,Irn c &?fip{pr: in Col. Matheson, with great indigna-- f | question, he said that the C' anlot] tion, demanded {hat Mr. Speaker com-- question, it was true, ','e': h"i::;)al,f'; pel the hon. member to--withdraw the | | ticense, but it was taken C . He aso expression, which Mr. Conmee ultimate-- t n .. noor man . wWas Tvetn the charge ar ly did, remarking that it' was no worse > | read a leiter in reply to t o tirey that for him to make the statement than for | the hon. member for ""'g'.{; + him had |'Mr. Matbeson t5 'chNarge that his elec-- 4 hotelkeeper w.}}',o Fing that the notel | tion in West Algoma had been secured | i :?::pz,';s ',',1"3?,?.1'0"":&'"0: anpiied for | by the expenditure of colomzation roads 1 (Gov-- money. ' oo mnentiproposat to repuinte the iigher: (Mr. Mathéson renlied that the tone 6f a TeX m oich nognt t:eregtd: a source of 'the debate was being lowered by hav-- k _les, which might Tidk I Ing such a man imake such assertions, % revenue and which are deserving of de-- | and the Speaker informcd the Houss Cl velopment and encourag. ment. -- He did | that the hon. member for West Algoma $ not think the hon. gentlemen oppuvite' had withdrawn the assertion. / were warranted in insulting the 29.00G m farmers who went to visit the Agricul-- ; ' E¥ening Ses«ton. | tural College at Gueliph by charging l o | that they went there to gei a ten cent Mr. Conmee continued after dinner, h \ lunch. -- (Government applause.) > exvlaining that he did. nct wish to be | i misunderstood in his> remarks about KE | Appealed to the Records, | fire rahgcrs. What he wished to eay s i He then read quotations from form--| |--was that six only were appointed by t4>: er sneeches made by the hon. member | the Gbovernment; the others, al®ut a $eZ for East Hamilton, who had said of | hundred in all, were the nominees of | Bir Oliver Mowat, "Te is the greatest | the timber licens> holder®, and it was CX constitutional lawyer the country huj & far--fetched charge of Government 2/% every produced. _ Sir Oliver Mowat will conmivance in the matter. He denied §" live in the minds of the people when | that cone dollar o¢ colonization monsy gg: his traducers are forgotten. While from | had been used to effect either his cown : Ottawa there comes evoery day the | or his colleague's clection in the Algo-- story of fresh robbery committed under % | mas. . Mr, «Matheson had visited that o the watchful eye of the Government, | district and returned with the story of 4 who can, point out a scandal in Sir rebeilion against the Liberals, but not Oliver Mowat's whole history ?" _ And only had they'L in his case at least, yet, added Mr. Conmee, he comes to this 'been returned "With an increased ma-- | House as a follower of that said paity ;jorlty,. but ; they had captured Musz-- $ and lectures hon. members on the Gov-- 'koka as well. (Government e@pplause.) etnment side of the House. Th hon. Taking up other Opposition arguments, h &* member now came to the House and he said there were more supplies pur-- | held up the numbered ballot as onge cf chased by tender by the Government the means by which tas (jovernment than.were purchased by tender by pri-- ' w § § vate corporations.such as railroad com-- c P UEA n