t ew> . orpt -- > _A 'UESDAY, AUVGUST 16 j C s ... o T B L P : n n beslinmaes ucce erroneous impression which has ex-- 62 isted in some quarters as to the nature of the arrangement in question, and made it quite clear that the staff of j officials required by the Province for its aew fisherieg office will be fewer in num-- j ber and the salaries of the officials u«m * much smaller than in the Dominion 4 Department of Fisheries. Mr. Whitney . in general terms approved of the mea-- S d R dm Of an lm- wure being introduced now that the GCOH Ca g Housge is in session, and admitted the mportance of. the subject and the ant 1ecegsity for legislation upon a suwhject pOl'lunt MeaSUI'e. o important. This expression of ap-- »robation wa's, he intimated, to be taken subject to any remarks he might be ie rcountimmentitediig suiuey salled upon to make at a later stage. There were very few members in their > weats when the Speaker took the chair. It was private members' day, but the ITS PHOVlSlONS DISCUSSED. solitary question by a member on the order paper was not put, for the simple * * * reason that the hon. gentleman was not in his seat. The _ Attorney--General's g bhtceaverepmeeitmonneessnss motion for morning sessions was also | allowed to stand over, and the only ' Govc,:'n:]ment order on the paper was , reached, torney--General's State-- At x y. islat l The Fisheries Bill. a ment' 1n Legls ature. Hon. Mr. Hardy in moving the second reading of the hill relating to the Pro-- * * t* j vincial fisheries gave a brief retrospect § ummeaspessmmmemessate of the history of the fishery question. He pointed out that the decision of the | Supreme Court was not upheld in all ¥r q | Its features, but the court gave to the HR' w_H NEY D ENDORSATION' Province--hbhe spoke from memory--a «* 'ertain amount of power and author-- ) Ity in relation to what may be called Smmmmmmmemmemmgemmmeme the regulations as to the right to take | fish with certain implements, and to k | the fl'xlng of the close seasons. The i theli © question was taken to the Privy Coun-- Arrangements Made Wit: | cil, and it was there decided that the Dominion. ' right to regulate the fisheries grant, leases, licenses or permits rests in the Province ; that the Province owns to r the bottom of the rivers and lakes ; therefore it is the owner of the water and the fish I:hthe water. As a ques-- * tion of civil rights and property, there-- Dominion Government to Collect the fore, the right to deal with the taking Rovenue and Hand it Over to the of fish rests solely with this Govern-- ment. 'They have also in the same Provinos. a connection the right to impose license fees or collect charges for purposes of revenue. Therefore the matter is one * on on of _ considerable -- importance. The amount received by the Dominion Gov-- ernment in connection with the Provin-- Parliament Buildings, Aug. 15. :;%' oggshe'rien has been from $30,000 to § ion this ,000 per annum during the past few The House held a bfl;' ;e":::;l s years. Me apprehended that the re-- afternoon and advanced the re-- venue from the fisheries will probably | lating to the fisheries a stage. The At-- :)e consk'l;':'wtgy 'more than that in the 4 uture. e decision grants to the Do--| t:rney General mage t:.:"explanatuon of minion Government the right to make | the provisions of the bill, and at some regulations fixing the close season, ard | iength informed the House of the nego-- as to the use of implements, aets, set ; tiations which took place between the fl:ee; ?;'lfl' t%t:e;umlscexeso fthtztki:nn:yfl "'19' J m £h. Dominion and Provincial Governments These are the principal features of the and the arrangement made between regulations. The judgment does not them for the administration of this im-- exclude f;gm wiProvlnclall tjlurisdlcltiog certain other minor regulations whic portant resource for the remainder of need not be gone into in detail at pre-- the year by the Dominion Govern-- sent. The Dominion Government have ment. In this connection he took ad-- the right glso for ixmu'poses of their 0';" 3 revenve to require Any person who yantage. of the opportunity to. correct uses a Provincial lHcense to pay such