. wrongs were Gdraareiv,uisir _ _ - _ had'iost his seat and some Parliament and certs": 'm' V" other i1itptiiled member of purnament_ held otm3e in the Legislative Aatmgttte5. O for we are wonderfully ditptifted at' ';of their respective Provinces. such a o these timetr--had sat in his place. after L Mr. Chauveaau. Hon. 'Mr. Duncan. Hon. the-decision gave him back his seat he 'M'T- Beaubien. Hon. Mr. Chamheau. would have to come back to this House Hom Mr. Irvine: John Sandlleld Mae- and my, "Smith, Brown, Jones or what.. donald, E. B. Wood End John Carling. ever your name is, you got there on a were deviated to have been capable of technicality: you got there on the de- election and sitting in the House of cision of a rota Judge: the Court of Commons. and were trtdemnifted also Appeal says it is my seat; get out, you against all penalties- In section two of rascal. and let the man entitled to the the act respecting E. A. Macdouald. seat have it." That is the state of un- Queen's Printer for Nova Scotia, who utterable chaos into which hon. gentle- was elected tor Lunenburg, to the Com- men would lead us by opposing the mom, it was declared that "he has legislation which my hon. friend has been and is capable of sitting, notwith- l n iodueed. (Applause) ' 731mm his holding this t%ti/ Much Declaratory Law t . eers.) Coming more closeIY. n I . an act w n the law 'Mr. Ross went on to state that the relating 'd"g'gr,', ti',',',,':',',",',',' IMO, 68-! English statutes are full of instances of during that the said act should be eon- ! declaratory is w, mentioning the Magna mind and have effect as if "id see-l Charla. the Statute of Treasons, the tion had been worded as hereby amend- ftt/,ten olfssglghtls b(1627). the Bill ori if,; In 1872 an act indemnified anem- _ . a. cue Corpus act era of the Government for exam lture i (Charles It. . P, . . , overrule th)e '/,i/,y/t,o,,t'I'f t'/e,1"d.' mist? , "1253:1331"? ',etpedl"ll'd" t/tfdr, $2: l, 't1'e1nu1J.'ee1taet' "/, "t2t1 libel. 12mg"?- 1',V1'e, ii trct cams" _ e msa es of, n ac on o the arbor omnis- LJudges. Instances of retroactive legls- sioners of Quebec and Montreal and the lotion in the Imperial statutes (1853) Minister of, Marine and Fisheries and iand cases cited where the verdict of th held the "me to have 'been jfi'fltL'it,ntaf,,n',','.e,t,et'i',' set aside by In"? fraud. In 1877 an act declaredi t . as . - 1tetenrt, Ham": 'k't'to')'reivtitteg.'ttn', 'd fJ',tu,a hafi"?mi log": "f. t "arid! Scott, Grey. It was 'he am ii'. n that th 1 h if?" o vo e, a'1 I Place of Parliament 'as the hint; ' the (Cheerse) if; t /if,"1','it/,"? baek P. Wi it of the land. to stahd f,'l/t'w'l'e'r', court of 'iii/s' .th I h e al -breed seilp'ac I yrern1---tinieky, it you 'wiflfW'i'i'lrh'l, too mad i t e r . its ct halt-breeds were interpretation' of the law and f,1,'rttl,teerlic and tin rigggvert mgk to the act of 1874, terests of the people [i,'l't'lld'l Il',',.- to rem . End 18 1 an act was passed Ross made mention. of 'll/JJ,','??", r. J1/?Q'/,'a, oubt as to the rights of where the British Parliament had $55? under thrtis of attrte 'Ntr/her'lA111'v'l,', gallant ' C, .. . tf'lJlrltt,e'etut,right,p'tg,t the people 1880 and 1882 retroactive legisla- so is o e laws, going tion respecting the disputed territory r even as to declare -b rind th y, that eels were not f h .v an an: e Northwest Territories was when the court had Led mater thrit passed. Sir Charles Tupper, while Min- tLaughter.) e d they were. #33:; 1f,a/l'hvall', andi Canals. was ap- It bei . ' g 0mm ssioner to Great ' mr 6 o'clork, the House rose. 323:}; Eng spentipaig of his 'gil in . n par n ttawa. e did Evening Sitting. . not draw any salary, but was paid his After recess Hon. Mr. Ross conti I travelling and office expenses. Doubt his alignment before crowded 1 tttted I Was raised as to the right of any mem- To 'show that the character $315916: l iber of Parliament to hold an office of ftetlt a; which his hon. friend is lanaolgnzeiat 1'sldet'Ct,ht, Crown, even if he ow 0 gang has not been r o raw salary attached to even in Canada. he 'fc's"u"tutl, l that ofrice. Sir John Macdonald intro-l figl."de,'i'tt,lg',1 'gge,tt'" act of L iggigfera a1ii,ll2't""rnn,",','g Siltr Charge): ' - c c ' a na w t new passed "fates? tothagupelt'tt}: Irifiiiii be brought mam: f,rm. The Land and Manitoba "shah be (last "use ig as follows :--"Thitr tutt deemed valid and effectual for ff?U'.t 1 may be pleaded as a bar and discharge poses whatsoever from the dat ,to any suit pending or which may be which they reepeotivet.v received thee no" 1 brought tttrtyinst Mr Chtbrteg Tupper tor gilt of the Goi'ernchenei'ai In 'lt,tt j,eJ"'th'?s,ate,'t? cause if". thing mentioned "rhatwasretrdut . s c.an sallaisobea 1- (Cheers) The 'ldi't1lr51l,vh1,2'/,','t'alth (,t,'it,tiiie", if {my Judgment for any .35. ' ' S S t 'Jvae'laru2','l'ttl?/e"1',,,rf,idt1'"ht:?, aw" ceding J1',t'i'ol,','ehtllnfe,1t,1,,"tin'/,1,'urgt, notwithstanding' that Lord Eldon] 1'it jd2Tin,ti"ddtit,t the words "and shall urged that declar t " so use of any Jud ment should precede and "13%" legislation for an" Buch ponalty." I lull,','),' that legislation The ar ow judicial the hon. gentleman will say that Sir drirnidrii 'is, 't'htlT"l'ee"tttf the Gov. PM"! Macdonald was playing Jill'; tetr- House of Commons. in etlifrltéih (-i,ii11:,ttg,i1utd1sh2ist,s,git; as he was In are," of its sovere-i n . - _ ' a ere was no necessity for Signatory Crl7/iet'lyry'fv'rf 'u'Ji,'U",r,'l Ighttirgg) it retroactive. (Government tt Legalature l' All . . the act of 1875 in refere-nii: 'tyig,1',1',e f0It 'ltd been said a few moments he- ers of the Parliament of Canada . re t at there were no Judicial decis- specting the Northwest Territory E; ions in favor of suits pending. There! no" polnted put that by the Dominion 'they had an act of that kind. Bo much ' tutt of 1868. cap. 26, " w" deciar ed n regard to the legislation of the House ', that every member ot the Dominion I of Commons of Canada. Turningr to . I examples of declaratory legislation in