1i l what: percentage of students writing for a primary certificate failed on the | subject of arithmetic at the recent ex-- ! aminations ? Mr. Macdiarmid--On Monday next-- Inquiry of Ministry : Has the Govern-- ment remitted the debt or any part thereof or any interest due on drain-- age debentures of the Townships of Aldborough and Dulwich, held by the Province, and, if so, what date was the order in Council passed remitting such debt or interest ? Mr. Wardell--On Friday next--In-- | quiry of Ministry--Has the Government | since March 1st, 1898, disposed of any | timber berths either by public or pri-- vate sale, or sale by tender or lease, $ or in any other way given possession of any such berth to any party or parties in' order that sawlogs or tim-- ber may be cut thereon? Mr. Wardell--On Friday next--Ordnrl of the House for a return of coptes | of all correspondence between any mem-- | ber of the Government or official there-- of and any puarty or parties respecting the purchase of any timber berth that ;'ga'y have been sold since March 1st, 898. Mr. Morrison--On Friday next--In-- quiry of Ministry--What are the names of each hotelkeeper in the City of Belleville ? How many times, if any, were any of such hotelkeepers fined during the past five years ending 3ist May, 1°98, and what was the amount | for each offence ? | | ---______--'__._--:---