House in that direction, so that the' will _ certainly not . require to be ect which was undoubtedly intended decided ixhthat sense at the present 9' y be attained. 'Then, in regard to moment. Having read further authori-- J DJ le 114a, it certainly must be admitted * |ties upon the subject, he decided that | that in these petitions something has 'the point of order was not well taken. | \come in question touching the return | _ The motion for the second reading | 'or election of these hon. members. was carried on the same division. Therefore I say that, in my view, this point of order is well taken. It may he Frovincial Estimates. said I do not propose to argue this The Speaker read the folowing mes-- matter on anything but first principles, sage from the Licutenant--Governor:-- and I apprehend that the plain, innate The Lieutenant -- Governor transmits Justness and fairness of the conclusions estimates of certain sums required for | | to which I have come will commend the services of the Province until the | | itself. In opposition to my objection it estimates for the year 1899 are finally | | may be possible that the precedent of nassed, and recommends them to the' ; December 27, 1909, may be quoted. Ob-- Legislative Assembly:-- | ection was then taken to the votes of Civil $1%....... .. .. $00,000 4 certain hon. gentlemen, on the ground i eelsiation, 1. 9 «iL 1.1) c * $5.000 | l that they had a direct interest in the Public institutions,{{--mainten-- i -- | question. The Speaker held that the ARHCE 1,.. aemerecnees rame) BbQ 000 | / | bill, which related to assessment. was EdUCAHON 2 ..rr¥oere»s, 21. c0n. 0s .. -- 40,000 | 4 ['t'}ffl: P'ulblic nature and not affected by Administration of justice ...... _ 50.000 ; | rule. I intend to dispose of that MigcellaneOUus ..;....«........ + _ 40,000 : objection in a very few words. . It can--, ' Fa o so hn geccasenreat wedt | not be contended that this proposed | \__Total . $425,000 | : legislation is a public bill in the sense Th y nara on M t tA t e 1 that an act relating to the assessment fot e House then adjourned until 8| -- +ds a public bill, inasmuch as an assess-- o'clock Monday évening. | _ _ ment act affects every person in the Voucher 'for the Ewes. Province owning property. This is not 5 a public bill in the general acceptation The followingiis !a copy of an in-- of the term, and affects only a certain voice rendered. to Mr. Brown, farm number of individuais, few in number. manager, Ontarto Agriculture College, « . I _ suggest for your consideration b_y Mr. James Giennie, for sheep fur-- whether this could be called a public rished by him in 1884:-- bill or not, if there are, perhaps, only y 'Guciph, Dec,. 4, 1884. one or two cases to which it can apply. Mr. Brown,--Bought of James Glennie-- I apprehend it will be impossible to Four Humps, Down Ewes, in lamb, aver that in any sensge this is a publlci $150. & bill. Therefore I leave it to you, Mr. No. J. M. 12. ; Ereaker, to decide, in order that a pre-- | Amo'fmltI 8}50 uace) e |\ cedent may be established if in the fu-- | | Guelph, February 28, 1885. ! tt!\g:msuch an occasion should ever arise |\_-- Received from the bursar of the On--| ) % tm'l(;3 Agriculiture College by cheque on tm » 5 | the Bank of Commerce, dated Pebruary 'The Syeaker's Ruline. 28, 1885, the sum of one hundred and | The Speaker, in giving his ruling, fifty dollars, in full of amount rendered | n said :--I think I need not take until to-- to W. Brown, February 15, 1885. -- | morrow or any other-- day to give a de-- J. Glennie. -- |cision on that point. I find that the | |__Voucher --No. 12. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery has Certified correct--A,. McoCallum. notified the Clerk of this House of the Approved--W. Brown. return of hon. members sitting both : 1 '\ on my right and on my left, and also, Notices of Motion, to my personal knowledge, that the ; Mr. Brower, on Tuesday next, inquiry I hon. gentlemen have taken the oath of ; of Ministry--What amount of money office and their seats ; therefore they ; was paid to the four officials in East are, as far as I am informed, duly | Elgin appointed by A. H. Woodbridge, qualified to sit as such, and I am not | Inspector, under the San Jose scale called upon to decide in that respect | act ? How many days was cach offi-- . whether they should 'be here or not.' cial employed, and how much money _ _ _There can be no doubt, both from the did each one individually reccive ? What _ _ rules of this House and the House of | amount was paid for travelling ex-- Commons in England, as well as in the penses in each case ? Dominion, and I have ever been dis-- The Attorney--General, on Tuesday posed to take the rules of the House of next----That the rules of this House re-- Commons in Canada as the guiding specting the times for reception of pe-- star, but I take the decisions in the titions for private bills, the introduc-- House of Commons of England to be tion of private bills, and the reception the decisions which should prevail and of reports of standing or select com-- ' have always prevailed in Canada since mittees on private bills be suspended, and before Confederation, It: is clear-- and th';:- timtes éog the said several pur-- k y stated in the best hority--I-- hay poses be extended, so as to provide that l}'ay'l Nast edifim----bh':ttnglqix};stllo}f'xa'og the same shall run from the date ot' this kind can be raised--wilthout it be the reopening of the Legislature, after by substantive motion placed in my the adjournment of the House, in the hands. The hon. member for Dundas early part of 1§99, and that the said has not, so far as I am aware, placed | date of reassembling shall, for the pur-- in my hands any motion to that | poses of the said rules and all neces-- effect. The question of pecuniary in-- | sary proceedings, in all respects be f | treated as the first day of the session. terest, according to the authority I The Att f have here and will: read, must be next--A 'bi?lr ney-Getr;e,-al_On .'Il'i'"day- --of .uc;n A hature that it certa::fi dtmreepeq.: ng yolers' : lists inl o S mm n TT en