96 Ks AAm relating oerw: y ';'7 next-- s ) n munici-- pal matters °~ *.~"~* l P Mr. Lackner--On Tuesday next--In-- quiry of the -Mlm\stry. Is the office of 'Registrar of the County of Waterlo® vacant, and, if sq, how long has it been: vacant ?How matiy applicants are there I for the posttion,'and what are their names? Why has an appointment not }Jeelilm'ad_e to m;flHce g'lt is vacant? s there any & an .A int= ment being made® '3033 e&rly'dfilzgo? » Mr. Matheson--On=Euesday next--Or-- der of,. the House for areturn of all reports and correspondence not already brought down as to trespass on the timber limit know## as Coftin Addition-- al. it J8+ * Mr. Matheson Fuesday next----In-- quiry of the Mi What were the names of the t ;{;«ems and ferest rangers in charge Coffin Ad(no?onal, since 1891? What is the area the ' said Coffin Additional? What lumber-- | men or firms of limbermen 'have cut timber on said Coffin Additional since 18917 What quantity of lumber has | been cut on said Coffin Additional since 1$91, and what timbeér revenue has the 'Province received therefrom in each year since 1891, including the fines and \ forfeitures for trespc'As( 7 -- i Notes, Mr. Montagu &@mith Forest, President of East Lambton Reform Association, was in the city to--day, en route to the Pacific coast, on a vacation tour. He, seccupied a seat 'bon the floor of the i{ouse this afternoon. | poues mtcz §