Mr. Hardy replied as follows :-- (1) The Government has received in-- timation that American lumbermen kolding timber limits in Ontario have presented to the Government of the United States objections to the act of last session respecting the manufacture of pine cut on the Crown domain. (2) That these representations have been forwarded to the Imperial Government, and through the proper channels to the Government of Canada. (3) The cor-- respondence has been transmitted to the Government of the Province by the Federal Government for an answer, but not for publicity until further.consider-- ation by all parties concerned. (4) Desg-- patches answering the complaints have been forwarded to the Federal Govern-- (2) Has the Government received an intimation from any source that the gaid American lumbermen have brought the said legislation to the notice of the British Government in any form ? (3) Is the Government aware that cer-- tain American lumbermen, owning tim-- ber limits in Ontario, have retained em-- inent counsel to appear on their behalf before the Quebec conference with ro-- ference to complaints against any of the legislation passed by this House at its last session ? (1) Has the Government received an intimation from any source that cer-- tain American lumbermen owning tim-- ber limits in Ontario--their rights as to which are said to have been affected by legislation passed by this House at its last session--have made representa-- tions to the British Ambassador at Washington, complaining of such legis-- lation and urging that the British Gov-- @rnment take steps to procure the re-- peal of such legislation ? Several of the many questions on the order paper were allowed to stand. Tho following series of questions was asked by Mr. Whitney :-- Attitude of United States Lumbermen. The House then went into committee, and after passing several items rose. : friend seriously hoped that they wouid | ibe spending these estimates, he had ex-- "Dected that his hon. friend would re-- ,:Degtt'ully suggest that a la'r'gevr vote The 'Attorney--General in reply sug-- gested that the hon. mentleman put his question in writing, so that hon. mem-- bers would understand it better. Mr, Wardell (North Wentworth) in-- quired whether any part of this esti-- mate would be required to pay the salaries of the Minister of Agriculture or the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Mr. 'Whitney justified the position taken by Mr. Matheson in order that the Government might not charge the Opposition, as they had done in the past, with having approved of the vote because they had offered no oObjection. be taken, instead of a smaller one-- (laughter)--and when the hon. gentle-- man rose he had been as certain as he could 'be of anything that the hon. gen-- tleman 'was about to complain that the Government had not asked for $800,000 instead of $400,000, and was wondering how the could justify a request to in-- crease the amount. His hon. friend had admitted--he might not have in-- tended to--very, very forcibly that he orchis friends have no hope at all in the future of crossing the floor to the Gov-- ernment benches. (Laughter and ap-- plause.) | Mr. Hardy--My h friend knows full well that there is a: ancy in the re-- . gistry ofmce in Reiffrew. There are several upplicatlt'l' or the position, which has been* vactant for seven months. Just why an appointment bas not been made to the office is not so much because there ars not a number . of most excellent applicants as because | they are dll so good »we have been un-- able 'to select the best of them. (Laugh-- | ter.) As to whether there is any like-- | lihood of an appointment being made at an early date, I may say that when we are able to select the best man of | all the @appointment will most probably ; be made, ~(Laughter.) | Binder I'wine. | Mr. Barr (Dufferin) asked if it was the intention of the Government to re-- | sume the manufacture of binder twine , in the Central Prison, and Hon. Mr. Davis made an affirmative repiy, and -- at the proper time Mr. Barr asked for an order of the House for a retyurn of | copies of all correspondence between | the contractors, or any other parti--s, and the Government, in connection with the manufacture of binder twine in the | Central Prison. He said he was glad | to hear that the Government was going ' to resume the manufacture of binder twine, and showed how the farmers had suffered from & monopoly since the pri-- son manufacture had ceased. He urged that the manufacture by the (Govern-- ment in this way was a protection to the farmers, ard said that it wouldl be an improvement on the preseut condi-- tion of affairs if the Government would do away with the middleman and per--! mit the farmers to buy their twine di--| rect from the prison. | Hon. Mr. Davis in reply said he was glad to hear an Opposition member acknowledge that the Government had by reason of the manufacture of bin-- der twine relieved the farmers of the country from the monopoly which ex> isted some years ago. He related the difficuities which had been encountered after the fire in getting important ma-- chinery from the States, and how, when that was nearly completed,. the war sent the price of the raw material up to almost prolvibitive prices. Then the prisoners had all been>~engaged in per-- fecting the prison water supply system derstand that counsel have been re-- tained by the American lumbermen. Registrar,ot Renfrew. Mr. White (North Renfrew) asked:-- Is the office of Rez'uws'r of the County of Renfrew vacant, and, if so, how long has it been vacant ? How many appli-- cants are there for the position, and their names ? Why has an appoint-- ment not been made to this office ? Is there any likelihood of an appointment being made at an eg@rly date ? ' ment on behalf of the rrovince, in which the contention of the American Iumbermen is opposed throughout. (5) Had the correspondence been public it would have been laid upon the table of the House. ((6) I have reason to be-- lieve that the despatches of this Gov-- ernment in reply to the American claim, or some of them, have been forwarded to the Government of the United States by the Government of Canada, but I a o daws 22e 02 © Sn c Nen Mn mi t OP M 112. 3. )Oens sc uts . / P am not &aware whether any reply has been received. (7) The Government un-- 99