Bum" if called upon would res V . V W ' ' pond I tewed ' and behold. ff? their request to act upon that prln- country is ritdntf,.'l": tt, "whole . .mle. _ (Cheers.) With us: the 'leSi'iet will he Lg? 1 ll me . ._ ' . - Not Running Away. 'ggilt,f Essa? 1:18;" w,ll?lf!tt'et.yi't'il' 'ttfl'; r c o dgty,', deal of argument hag hoen all? Opposition, a Ithe one repeated G031}? and statements made that the torus what the N'rt'-e1tetions. were , Ci'; unment was running away from the going to do; At t last Benefal elec- ii prts, Withdrawing from the courts. lion they said it human, until the ow monstrous a statement that wasl people were sick , " The f in view of th f after th . ' . Y sad it oi) th e act that the first clause I . e elections ' over ; they re- Ho e bill which ht? was asking the) i peaded It during tpi'? thpaigm and yet to use.b to read a. third time provided} the people said th Were behind and r so mlttlng the question to the court i they were tn rema 'A,' ht d The" [ 'ltt,ttttlt argument was: "0h, you'l ple.. endorsd ttreid, $131.1; Chum: yo: 'ge"'t,lt t,u',1 t"tii'tul""t' court: 'Jfr'lt,; the people Wh'eld' the Liberal. 'm it to one par y ttpon that T V Judge you do not s . ' . (trplet8tone They ' " ubmlt it will uphold it agai _in t - 'thon :3;- mjuages' Had the ques- WM- (Cheers.) AW lit,1,ittht,',t1'pi/?t1it,t I over bee n urged, had the argument mg to be a prophetq without (,eil',','l.lUt the 1?fflUt'if'r't1t,We'e',', the floor ot 2,..,rgtit.t tho rtourtrtt?,4rfthis hon'. friends Boverned co Q' of a. constitutionally at", S') he dld "Emmi? to believe that to have a. Tld rnthatdt was not better (lr.'),"'! some of themeasure of support a Judgment tl'",',',?, ofa full court than th ch they have gualunntced them in single indlvm part of a eourt, or a we past they will giVe to them in the 'i'; he urged wi gal ot ir,' How could it, ' ture, whether al. a bye-election or a "t decene ' t propriety or even with trenetxrl election, because neither hi .5 tho c ?y, when they were appealing to hon, friends ndrAhe "ch 1 ' s ..r Ourts on this tter w a could lace l ape at large t were makin it 'al ' hen they D their hands upon any poll", ' cases shall he Jit'Jli'l "W before these l (3:9th Government or upon any act of 1., . pon n - _ lovern , V ff 3:129:31] alpaclties that a. full 33th.. worthy "£2133 1ifiuy1f,,h"i" J? a; h m... be stau""lor-t-i/,'rrtPttt,t resort 11"d1"i,','rSi',"it,r, in the Province (Cheera.) ion upon tha e r opin- S w oie energies wero ho I. . . t single tl . i , t ' Contended_ ized Into sec on, crystal- n a. burst of enthusiasm th Ill, if?" Way :ws'a;nw:a:flf:§t 'fare let, gallon: devoted to 'ev',.',',',',,',.')',' Jyut - I Id that h ' Ems. .e IN), q e prcsperif! . t .. 'ia l e t are nev r "as tal - Y and the develcrs- h . i 'l/lei','.,','",?,',',',"?,',: thirty 'UT"L'"iofy- ment of the Province, (Loud cheat-1;.) ( ' C u an t e Ho . ' i Emir 1universal 2,dgt'iu'ugll,e, gr": Mr. Whitney. r ' . . C,','],' 2"1,,thtt, his hon. friends hadn't lygfir'towmmey said that he Sympath- and said a"! act, and trone further friend t: glrcat extent with his hon. Objection math, has no room tor This reme eader of the Opposition. I was a. ' fair te"":,',',,""",',)"' course until Mr 1,r,f,p'/yt'."e general surprise ra gm: when they 'p'2,u"1Jorg'/,.""g "Anttdr2tsr..p,f,2tgivd.gnatef, out that the 't oun- . er n " _ a ew iilii 'heel"gvt,',"1ttt,lt. with ought to '/f/2'i,e'/nre,.p,11iatt ti called . 333154??? . tl o it, a , k ' "r o r. Tir . I ' st,'t't'utiihr'"t',etgtei1giidyt ortothiet'cJunpti r1iihrtu,h,!lniti"p.r of the hl,tg'at,'i,et,1,'te.) ,2 , election cases (G tto ng on with the "title P. A r. Hardy must b . . - . t the o . e thm , 1 Then they h f/oavfltnh"d."1,t, applause.) He qt: 0 ppottitltm. (Laughter I founded char ea another equally un- 1iu1'"s'y,eit,',1ef, with him in the .) .L r ' 'VNV . t strain mr i enor.. . foundation It one without a mm of i , q q " oh must co ' . ere wa ' man when h 1 me upon a , ! the bill which h s not a line in a _ e s leading hi Ai f e had asked ) {Rainst not 0 lv 3 party .,I to assent to whi the House l n ' all its tr di " h ave' , lit a directl.) . ' a tions, but . of the House . f g any member :1 7 n ll hich could _ r no" er to vot . . ' 'een Pointed 0 only have Tr The most that e himself m. _ and ut. by a desperate l . ' that they said lama be said or it was _ obje fme who knows full wetl th eader, disallow _ he c°nstable vote was l . .ft which he has in at the; h g ' House 52,8 "3386333 32:11le of the him: Emmi); inct,pgl ,,r/k"'ih,/1,,tT..e a an appeal to the - '8 B ma be ot . . ft "Rf? of the 1 - al eople to l the rum-ten _ ast decad r . understand that a!) ' r they must t' . enth cent" . P e , t the tim ', "end had re d tW. His hon election when thes e of the last,' st t a COmmentn l . . . . econstahle , ' " Utes which . ' "is on th . pointed their vot s were ap-l ed cr , My. Whitne e lenged for so es had been unchal- to'n f"eta.lrred no Nferen y contend.. © thought the d/e,,", The Government 1e Point at lasue be CP whatever parties of u . tween th the next 50 yearee should be good for f . tis country H e two . B, and for ll .rotariot that th _ . is hon. frl r'. come tor that m tt I time to me a . . e mere fact of end ehould hold by , er, but if the court MK; IPse Citations Was co his quot.. , . a de that this view w ny sort of reasonin "he they were a n ~mnatorv " - inteort . g ol to court . Wtuments ad ." should go back f ec t, then they in S with regard dress- ' term 0 the people h.. g ot lawn th to the me. - ttf?Je'h',atl"igripe,i'g the samgncingl'l Shame that 'tlc,',',",',,,',',', iii,l.ii,e,ilii,l'ii, - yMledtref .. 'north Pin-leg 'e%q. " as a. e ore. , . e we ?it'vt2lrc).Q, reasOnable Proposing," 'llns was his 'f,uttitgia,npts, ri'Cri'o"un'l1'/'f ttiariiiiiiiit', "i,'lit'ily1h'1t hin flu-Tel: RYE 'd'ht,hn,s, right trough "thin constable - tor the' . on. riendg , P Cass . court past ymfaigdt": fare and for 2:9. ['l",llit, it there Initialize?" Pending ":3 , :12," lit." at the Shift: aaylng, '/'fJJle'lt.)t:, 1ujiiii,i,",' Shem->1?" _ w " , e . .nc _ " is' rising his h(La"ghter.) 'fmrt'ii'2 b'lree,""',t before I', might be 119.0(th 1 _ whtin he'no PT 'friend Ba te O 5.tance. He Was pr Turt of first . 1 . _ . v mes lnto to , . _ y ' and lime of . not goant _ m- } west he at G/f"" from east or what hi this House in ssh 0 Waste the l Tthe newspapers, and animals to ,'irld/,'/;' £323 friend had 'le/pt, that If a inter.: Writ, not one It W6.'re inscribed that?" ounce or iot n ciy .. . ap'fuits value