. South Perth. ' The South Perth vacancy having been reported to the House, it now rests with it to " the date of the bye-elec- tion. Notices of Motion. Mr. Hoyle-On Monday ttext-Inquiry of Ministry : (I) Who are the members', of the "Heir. Devlsee and Assignee" Commission 't (2) When were they re- spectiveiy appointed members of said 'it',',',"",,",'),',',': co Row many claims have en brought before and adjudicated upon by the commissioners since Janu- ary 1, 1894, and on what dates were such claims. it any, entered 't (4) How many sittings of the said commission have th re been during the said period. and upon what date was the last sitting of the said commission f (5) What amount of money has been paid to the respec- tive members of said commission for salaries since January 1. 1894 , The Attorney-General-On Monday next-Bill to further Improve the elec- tion laws. 1899. Mr. "tuNtgturt---Ort Monday next-Bill to supplement Provincial revenues. Mr. Dryden-On Monday next-Bin to immmve the act for the prevention of the spread of the San Jose scale. I Mr. "Hosta-Ort Monday next-Bill amending the public schools act. Ai- so, bill amending the act respecting public libraries. Mr. Sirattnn-On Monday next-Bill to amend the municipal act. Mr. Smith-fin Monday next-Bill to amend the County Council act. V , Mr. Crawford-On Monday next-Bill 5 to amend the law with respect to com- 'pensatlon to workmen for accidents.) injuries suffered in the course of their employment.