en e en C Eemmmenmme > .Mannmdn informed the House !"m iat hig ab§gnce not ne | « ¢ hat he had received certain reports !{'om& S Saenehled the At--| O . m Judges appointed for the trial of [ttate n view --opgome s red to | ¢ ' _petitions in various constitu-- e, in view --ofsomé statements ""! 3 encles, and that warrants had been is-- Jlating to the matter>which have ap-- _ gued to elect representatives in cortain [ Prone m eeveciogay in aienn tos woy ts co T * t Jul'li:tel:?eneles declared vacant by the {lm.;'%the:ad pe"ogjm '..] is f t. i The Clerk 1 tifi-- e orney--General, reply, stat-- § teesemeey o hen members fienl. \ea that he most heartily| appreciated | . ie Sreair Co m hnemed c n tnmoator s altaiegs. t j er o e pos n in e thfieth;zl;e:eacf&;gn;:?;dtthhee }I-'I:gui:? kindly terms which he had used to his trar of the Court of Appeal the certifi-- hon. friend the Commissioner of Crown cate of the decision of the court in the Lunds, He was Mppy to say that the s imatter of the election of &> member illness of the hon. gentleman is only for the electoral district of South Perth. temporary, and was brought on by his 6 efforts in a certain part of the country New Members Presented. :' whore he thought?'.t'he hon. Commission-- The interesting ceremony of present-- ':rl we tthe ]pleaaqte T m?)e ting':}is oup. ing the new members then commenced, oie..f'e?ta'?fi oi%ggfégg; t&%lcl? 11}1? ne(:('l ltlxg; 1 fhe momter hed secn Sale deding To t tm dome Sh caur ts taken the oath and signed the roll, and hon."gentioman -- quite to nis wonlsd | now 'claimed the seat. Premier Hardy | |\'lgor, The members of the House will | o smenctinet! esserontantint E: » r re, to serious the matter w e hon. mem-- «. the front, and he, as did all who follow-- ber for East Wellington. { ed, shook hands with the Speaker. Hon. The House then adjourned. | J. T. Garrow, West Huron, was pre-- . | | ;en:t[;ed by Hon. Geo. W. Ross and Mr. Appointments Made. | \ F. Pardee, West Lambton ; Mr. John | ® S \Barber, Halton, by Hon. R. 'Harmurt sg:e,'.: "fi'ff,fitg?fi h:gatbee%rhg;!llr:m s pefsantii (Cemetects nenmul ' 3 " I * * I; as wes : }BNal:t II;I:;tt.y m\'dMMr.J S}?muHel Russell, Division Court Clerk for the Fifth Di-- FEast Northuimberiand, by Hiun. E.. 3. T ie Since of im 6. 3. Moleitihin; to. | Davis and Mr. Geo. P. Graham, Brock-- | l :,','gt,'éf,_p 4 * * iCs . " y ville ; Mr. Donald Macnish, West Elgin, Sibatrreremmmore commnratommmmemnrmmmmmmmmes by Hon. R. Harcourt and Mr. James * Mesaacurecsuidhtinnien snn in es Conmee, West Algoma ; Mr. John Loughrin, Nipissing, by Hon. Geo. W. Ross and Mr. James Conmee ; Mr. Wil-- liam John Allen, North Hastings, by Col. Matheson and Mr. W. H. Reid, Ad-- . dington. . Mr. Speaker informed the House that he had received a copy of the speech just delivered by his Honor the Lieu-- | tenant--Governor. The Attorney--General, in accordancel x with usage, ignored for the time being f the intimation of Mr. Speaker, and | a moved, seconded by Hon. Mr. Ross, that leave be given to introduce a bill entitled an act to provide for the ad-- ministration of oaths of office to per-- gons appointed as Justices of the Pegce, and that the same be now--read a first | time. | |\ _ The bill was read, and the m'omg'a-i tives and independence of the 'Legisla-- | ture having been thus asserted, the ; Attorney--General moved that the speech | !of his Honor be taken into considera-- ltlon "to--morrow." | The Attorney--General introduced a \regolution providing for the appoint-- 'ment of the usual standing commit--| |tees, which was adopted. | I | 1 Hon. Mr. Gibson's Health. | Before adjournment Mr. Whitney, | calling attention to the absence of the Hon. J. M. Gibson, Commissioner of Crown Lands, said he desired to say that members of the House, in common 'with all others who have had the pleas-- 'ure of acquaintance with the Commis-- < _ 'sioner of Crown Lands, regretted ex-- \coedingly his absence,. through illness.