MajJor Mutrie--A gimilar petition from ~W o on Sithey or them. o ::fli (oy guardian, or either of them, or in any 5 the County Council of Wellington. , other one appointed to discharge the Major Mutrie--Petition _ from _ the duties of either of said officers, are, to County Council of Wellington praying be deemed t vested in them 'In trust for certain amendments to the jurors { he M to ?Q ¥ :lCt' r:sjpectlng the cost of the se'ec-- for her Majesty, | on of jurors. * + i y Mt. Fallis--Petition from the Town-- Heir and Devisee Commission. ship Council of Caven, praying for cer-- Mr. Hoyle made the following incuiry tain amendments to the municipal act of the Ministry :--"Who are the men-- resp;ctlng t;::e establishment of free ' bers of the Heir, Devisee and Alssignee{ markets for farm produce. Commission ? When were they re-- yr-- | spectively appointed members of said Workmen's Compensation. | commission ? How many claims ha\'e! Mr. Crawford introduced his b'll to been brought before and adjudicated | amend the law regarding the compen-- upon by the commissioners since Janu-- eation to workmen for accidental in-- ary 1, 1594 ? And on what dates were jJuries suffered in the course of their such claims, if any, entered ?¢ How employment. The object of the bill is many sittings of the commission havei' to make the'employer liable in every there been during the said period, and case to pay compensation to the work-- upon what date was the last sitting of n}l'an where hej'has suffered injury in the commission ? _ What amountiof the course of his employment, excpt money has been paid to the respective where that injury was caused by wil-- members of the commission for salaries ful misconduct of the workman injured. since January 1, 1894 ?" It does away with the doctrine of com The Attorrey--General in reply stated mor: %nploymentl.l and alin'wlt'h th%t of that the Judges who at present con-- contributory negligence, boing an adap-- stitute the Heir and Devisee Commis-- tation to Ontario of an English act sion are Hon. Sir George Wm. Burton, passed in 1897. The amount of com-- appointed' Nov. 6, 1874 ; Hon. John pensation is to be in accordance with | Douglas Armour, appointed Jan. 16, the schedule attached, under which, 1870 ; Hon. Featherstone Osler, appoint-- where death results from injury, a sum ed June 10, 1879 One thousand dol-- equatl '{0 utlhi' 931';""8;](1)" th(;? eimp"'t'i"" lars per annum is payable to the ment o e same employer during the Judges vi Com-- three years next preceding the injury. mission ana t ail other Juoges. Chap: or the sum of $1,000, but not exceeling ter 52 of the Revised Statutes of On-- in any case the sum of $1.500, any week-- tario recites as follows :--"And where-- Iy payments that have been made be-- as divers other important duties have fore death by the employer on account from time to time been assigned by the of infuries to be deducted from that Provincial Legislature to the Judges of amount. If the workman has be>n em-- the said Supreme Court of Judicature ployed for less than ? years, the amount for Ontario outside of litigious mat-' of his earnings for the three years shall ters dnd the ordinary duties of t'he said be deemed to be 156 times his average Y Kly ings. Thes ayment o Judges, including, amongst other par-- weerls caminks o Fay h oSte ticulars, duties connected with Provin-- to be made if ého }:vork:;xaan Iea\{;s fa« cial election trials, estate bills, regula-- th'."" m-other, ons q ',t"' i C aonils tions to govern the practice of the Sut--| child or other person wholly or partly F a c a Di depending upon him at the time of rogate Courts, County Courts an s death. If he leaves persons in vision Courts, as well as the practice pending upon his earnings, the amount gf the "95(['9('"'79 b"('lni':"'is '-}f '&e said + Y > »termine1 supreme Court," an s further re-- gfy 't'g:\.nrggl:r?:;roréot?rtt%u?lze?;nd";s to cited that several of the Judges of the be reasonable in proportion to the in-- Supreme Court of Judicature for On-- jJurics sustained by the claimants. In tario have for many years received an case the deceased workman leaves n» %nmilal allgwan('le (;f $1,000 atsh H@ié' ?i"d dependents, the amount of compensa-- evisee ommissgioners, e uties tio'l)lp will be the reasonable expenses of aforesaid extend to the Judges who are medical attendance and burial, not ex-- Heir and Devisee Commissioners, as I ceeding $250. When total or pnart'al in-- well as to others, and the $1,000 per | capacity for work, the workman is en-- annum paid to them as Heir and De-- titled to a weekly payment not exceel-- visee Commissioners is intended as | Ing 50 per cent. of the average weekly some compensation for all the afore-- | earnings during the previous twelve said work, as well as for the perform-- ' months, and not éxceeding 810I Ref ance of duties a; Heir emdb Devlgeet,w week, or $1,000 in the aggregateo. In fix-- Commissioners. here has been but ; | Ing the weekly payment, the difference one claim before the commission since| | ' ' between what the workman was able January, 1894. It was entered in Jan--. 1 to earn before recetving the injury and vuary, 1895. It has been adjourned sev--| % his capability afterwards is to be con-- eral times and awaits further inform--| ' sidered. In all' cases ((l)ft dis;l)uete :;:: ation from so"c'tors' e is to etermin ;'&\:)r:)tnyt ;,'}' %gt;npe,,gauon, § | West Elgin Election. The bill was read a first time. | Mr. Whitney asked :--"What are the Moneys of Infants. names, residences and postoffice ad-- dreeses respectively of the persons who | The Attorney--General lntroduc:d Tt acted as deputy returning officers in bill respecting the moneys of i1 n ich the West Riding of the County of Kl-- ' and cthers in the High Courts, whic gin at the recent bye--election there, and contains a declarattion that moneys for what polling subdivisions did they | Fespectively act ? What was the date of each such appointment as deputy re-- &