The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1899, p. 2

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F _ . AmesAsieemene COeREeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt e 0000000 vepeed: listsof members""to" compose TMr. Cal is of un-- flanding committees :--Messrs. Davis, . ty Council of Lanark County »asking ' iGarre , Stratton, Chariton, Carpenter, '(1) That the Education Department re-- Vhitney, -- M . Miscampbell, -- Foy, store the primary examination and the ' © .?'exu lqd Hardy. > f;",'a:'mtrfis gt.p:;lima.ry mcerrtg'w:ch:ls ps (& a e bountles pa VP8, ' ' 'i'he foslowingpepgg(t)lrcl:;s were receiv< fluii lomnubors. and De fixed DE MINe l 64 :=--. . .4. 1 * county. | y .. _Mr. Carscallen--Asking incorporation Notices of Motion. | ,01' the Young Woman's Christian Asso-- Mr. Tlill--On Thursday next--Bill to .oidtkm and Technical Institute aof Ham-- amend the municipal act. AMon. ::3., ; +.: F3 i4 Mr. Jamicson--On Monday next--Bill 4 'g Mr, . Conmee--Petition of Edward to amond the municipal act. _ F pencer Jenison of Chicago, asking Mr.' Brower--On Monday next--Bill / power ~to conduct the waters of the yeag 5 in ' hy (varimtte' s # sous to amend the public and high schools| I M mm _ Aacenuiatattihe on« sn emieicemceenteetomint act. ( * x Mr.dKriET-;On Thursday next--Bill to s o y Byc 4 y# amend registry act. . __-- 5 ts t i1 i W)/inp: . * }? 3: Mr. Matheson--On Thursday next-- i C ed s aaeine eagriinie olX tss cis Inquiry of. Ministry: Has the contract 4 Aobl y Sall '\'Q 1 for the public printing, for which ten-- r @ @\/ - ders were advertised, been let ? And if f + d8tg R 1 ;'\ / $y > 1t s(;, dtol wh;)m ? If not, what is the cause oo £ of delay T "*:**~ K lng" f 5 Mr. Matheson--On Thursday next-- 1 ») f 2 t fK*K Order of the House for a return of all ka> J _ ~ '. dA x:3z t papers and documents in relation to $: CyHH % N hn > : the proposed contract for public print--| t ,[ TR I '/' 1 ' | ing, including specifications, tenders n Irs & M\ o lt hy a . and a comparative statement showing A / 4 Ifl ' { the different tenders for each item of tA x s/8 7 MmSAXA R -- the specification .and the estimate of f £ ie l? / /1 ) hax's 3 | quantities required, and also the total 8 P «. apiet | | n tt estimated amount of each tender. | is EW * t -; n Mr. McLaughlin--On Thursday next-- | i y# [ 254 . I' festy . Order of the House for a weturn of f i. J\ hss t #/M copies of all corresnondence between § C ;J"' . / any member "of the Government and | ie c¥k ob Ds | t j ! /' 2 any other person or nersons, also of all : 611. ! netitions to the Lecislative Assembly | l V of Ontario. from the County Councils 3+# s A); ' in the united Counties of Stormont, . I pie Dundas and Glengarry, relating to the o Chamk. s i ig ) -- zf ég.\_. dispensing with the services of one of o +23 i1 . I'S' Tss the two license inspectors appointed K. y ;57- for the Town of Cornwall and the out-- EV -- | lying County of Stormont, comprising HON JOunN CRYDEN | 'lhe electoral district of Stormont. { en e _ 4 | Niagara Power Company. I 'Kaministiquia River tr A s Mr. German will on Thursday next Ts to ie Towns of Pl(?rT ffi;fi}? I;'?)'x)-t | inquire of the Ministry : Has the Cana-- William anid intervening' points, dian Niagara Power Comvany. pro-- Mr. Burt--Petition of the Brantford T 1ied DP claumomom ofan' t a m Gas;Co., praying that an sct may pass | \"idod by clause ten of the agreement to extend their charter and powers. | wifh the commisgloners of the Queen . Mr.\ Russell--Petition of H. T. Jen. Victoria Niagara Falls Park, made whe| nings and others asking the incorpora-- 7 pril, 18982 *4 tion of the Civil Engineers of Ontalriu, i)tllst((}él{vg{e;?%gknti%b:: ft:r *;%:edggg- l Mr. Brown--Petition from the City opment of 25,000 horse power, and to , Council of Stratford, praying for an act have ready for use sti:mly a.n'd trans-- to legalize and confirm by--law No. 779, mission 10,000 de'velé'ped horse power? !ur'ujer which it iq'pmrnvos?d to grant the (2) Has the Canadian Niagara Power 1 W hy:tb Packing Co. $30,000. Company performed any work under || Cx;'(il;trgi)sv--vgfetg';%nl:]z):; tP'e Count_y itfq a;lm'evment with the commissoners : , CC C ter aski r a uni-- of the Queen Victoria Niagara Falis | 'gl{;mt blcyc%le law, free markets, amend-- Park, made the 7th day of April, 1892, ' | nt of the municipal law regarding and if so, to what extent ?. | 211{1"01'5 and amendment of the jurors (3) Has the Canadian Niagara Power | ct. ¢ Company submitted, iss plans: for ap~ +*Mrt. Barber--Petitions prayin for © i j amendment 'of the jurors );cg the glz)o\:{e':'lm?er:? eac;lo(;n ?Eis:;'mtf:l: ?sl\'xctl? ;g? municipal act respecting auditors, and proval been 'gi en ? i the 'crlmina,l act respecting t'he costs of (4) Has the éavna.dian Niagara Power }g:sgg;ld)na(;r:)ethceol}mty of criminals be--| l Campany,..or anyone.onits behalf, an-- Mr. Pardee----Petition to incorpomtei ?AfdGoszr;lzegf rfl;rcgmcrgg,:{'%n?;s a,:;"' the] Ca'rrr:l\en Naltural Gas Co. of On--! plansg, etc., filed and submitted under Sal' (?:'a.rmesl 8::'15 C'Jm('g interested are F. the provisions of clause 14 of said vx;ell : Isaac Green'i;-:-l: '1(1i31 menfiB%tqh- C fennrnepatront ehnanaoe beon ppinted.or Quien feffug® ud Albert E. «Shau-- o maiesmjich changes been gtanted 0r: nessy, Sarnia. The capiftal stock is e racompmemmenneds © $30.000. & P ta§ _i rmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmaaas 7 Mn ies

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