The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Feb 1899, p. 9

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P', undertaking work which otherwise cent. The payment was a fixed one, 3 s \ would fall on thom. Municipal relief and therefore the Provincial Treasurer « 'and not increasing our cash in hand rublished to the world that Ontario's has been our constant policy. We s@-- credit was so low that it was possible cured additional revenue for ak time to redeom the securities at a discount of to come by passing the succession duU-- 4 1--4 por cent. Why, the little Province | ties act in 1892. I have already Shm'": of New Brunswick, that they affectbd , that this act has been reoehtdhwt tit to despise, put their 3 per. cent. bonds ! Ahawes ty van croice a fall roiueh 6n the Montreat market and sold, them M Rrfipeaiwe xndsints at 98, almost at par, while : 'FTrea-- mbe' tnty 3 e rad to pay --4 per cent. Is was | :?ox??a.ns(;) t'fi;%;gfmz';"cflugogfré;rglttas. | not for want of geod credit, but owing If this House continues to demand to bfl@ fin'thing with which th03~1e ('f'r- . | increased votes for education, for agri-- tiflcates were issued. He congratulat-- culture of other~services, if the large ed Mr. Harcourt because he had cor--| measure of relief we have heretofore; rected matters to a certain extent this ; given _ to the * municipalities | is year by discounting them at 3 1--2 per o. _ continue to grow -- in' the| cent. Last year he told them thiat the | s | future as it has grown in the | annvities and railway certifivates were| past, then, sir, even aside from | worth $3,267,000 if redeemed to--day. To--| I | the question of a probably \_'\gson(,d! day he told them that the same certifi--| ? | revenue from our woods and forests ; (':f)m_'s almost to a dollar were worth | '. | growing out of the restrictions we have | $3,156,000 in round numbers, and he con-- | placed on the manufacture of our logs, | gratulated the hon. gentleman that it would still be wise and prudent to | even at this late date he has tried to anticipate any possible lack of equil'b-- | mend his ways. (Opposition applause.) rium which might arise hereafter be-- | He congratulated the hon. gentleman K tween our receipts and expenditures by' also because the public @ccounts con-- i making safe and immediate provision | tained more detail than last year, They | e | for additional revenue. We hope, Mr. ! had asked for this year after year, and 1 Speaker, to make -- sulitable pm--' he was glad to see there were 30 or 40 vision during the session, in _A | more pages in the public accounts this | -- fair and equitable way, to meet flfl.V[ year than last. He asked that they | I emergency which may possibly ariss. should go further and publish the| (Loud cheers.) names of all the guards and other em--| -- Col. Matheson. ployees in-- the public institutions or f ] elsewhere, and the amounts paid to Col. Matheson, who was loudly ap-- them. They had a lump sum of $11,000 P plauded by the Opposition, l'unt_'r.\tlflu',--' in t!lt' accounts for guards. He desir-- f | ed the Provincial Treasurer because he | ed full information, in order to show ® had finally admitted that there was a | whether certain persons were dr:iwingl ' deficit. He had hulw:l,]hu\\'(-\'til', lhut'i money from the Government trousury! he would have gone further, and given, and doing nothing between c~1(~(-ti(mfl.] m s He cited the case of John W. Thompson | as y y t--sneeche a 4 io igre an in nop aike aage | or fouth ontario. who was before the al ' ture, some hint, some account of th('" H'('- )"",:\I;lfff,r:f:, (":?i';',;";}(f;;,eg"t?{::a;(.::fi(.z{ & ?:E':::)"{l?o ':':'1\1':}111U:}vl'lllll({)e"it'?;k;(?lflt'oi';:'l';: 'rh-]cth'm agent of the Minister of Ag':'i-' , of the amount which 1?,--. ',,.m,..;..; +o (:u.tm_«j-and was put down as a sub-- | raise.. So far as Tu'* had hlwu ';Q.l)l.n {o 't'"'er in the Department of Educa-- | understand, they were to have :ln'in-' "b?;' Ross--Merely a clerk, a ' ( (ir(t'fi'so, ;1'211 extension of the succession suh--(-xum'l'nvx'-. ore'y, & Clefite 4nd AOL ai du'ties. That was plainly told to them Col. Mathegon--He was dow e ® ' :)[:'t:']}l(\ st;};('('ti'z. i It "'-;;T :ll;n)tl'n;m:'[ml h(:{)ks as a sub--examiner. jown on the l A -- L O 1 _ "I --Ok fLIOUs@, wIith wha author-- Mr, Rogs----That is incorrect. + % f :}x?m!.;;.pkt"\\.-\l';,qn';:-illf?.jt['t.h":' (':31:\\'11".(.!\- th("untinuil"lfr. Mr. Matheson ('("n'.(.m'{w('l! ' a ahmple '"f (':1;('}) '(J. e ] ','."' pas he ex-- "1t t.ho work 'lun_«-'hy Mr. ']'nmm'.»um': | pm.'r\i ""'_":mhl:", ('lx'u. 8 x\(t {t:{lp' C .',\.- was worth about $25, but he had been | Snd orfereriput Bobpnen freade, tss evedibly Informed that the sentloman | rust eoiupamee. uhae mag, 2o aor as s arerer e Rpnncee sitrine ater he could learh, the intention of the the lists (1)11'1}\'?;1"3(.'1\"'-:'l\i\'"(x1~]1I<'i(;1(*:1]fgxx'z'lt'1ti';\ll;' Government, and ho again congratulat-- in the bye--elections when l?o show'd | 3 ' ed the hon. gentliemen that they had at have been in Toronto, and he was pald | ; | last come to feel the necessity of mak-- $142 by the Province for doing work ; ' 4 ing some attempt to make things meet. worth $25. This was the way the ex--| 'I (Opposition applause.) He also con: penditure grew. It was an example of 3 gratulated the Provincial Treasurer up-- the way it grew in the Hon. Minister l * on a matter to which he referred last of Education's Department. | C year for the first time--that of publish: Hon. Geo. W. Ross inquired whether ing in the public accounts a statement Mr. Matheson wished to convey the of the amount owing by the Province impression that Mr. Thompson was paid ' $ for annuities and railway certificates. by his department for the time he was | gfi \;a? f;,):m."m.-_; the Opposition point-- working for Mr. Dryden. -- ® u e public were enrtitled to. He Mr. Matheson replied that he certain-- ;':E].R}fltls;wt!sl;nd with the statement ly did not. " ished last year, and, he thought, das A1 o W :fii;()t?;l}g)'.?';))d ;1"11" I;n sent public ac-- i A Mi'q'a"h"g Itt"'" | (~a s ing S'u,ti%i-';-.l \\'ltltlamf ie f.;ut. in Taking up the Treoasurer's o.ft\m.a?(' Fad s VSlue of thes t, for the present | of revenue for 1899, Mr. Matheson said c;mmfam hese annuities and railway | that the item of $272,414 48 for interest $ € s was discounted at 41--4 per. \ on capital held and debts due by the e * t es | Dominion to Ontario was misleading, as

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