2 8 f those of cither of the years 1894, 1895 or ls:.:xtdy;:]ll" at least ten or fifteen thou-- 1896. f FSrs. ars less. (Cheers.) These fig-- Experfditures Reduced." s ures show that our position in ¥* .. P this regard is +constantly improy-- I will now, Mr. Speaker, refer very ing. The price realized last year hurriedly to the expenditures of the ; was more favorable than that of any Province for 1898. . Our total expendi-- previous year. | tures for the year amounted to $3,-- y Altogether we have received from 802,941, and exceeded those of the pre-- sales of annuities since 1884, $2,066,529. | vious year by only $35,265. We spent These are special receipts. *k last year on revision 'of the statutes ' On ten different occasions since 1884 $4%,851. _ The holding of the general ' instead of meeting the railway aid pay-- elections last year involved an expen-- ments out of ordinary receipts we post-- diture of $$9,658. _ Omitting, then, thess poned them by issuing and selling last two very special items, the one these annuities, and with the proceeds occurring only once in ten years and of the sales retiring the railway aid cer-- the other oncé in four years, our °x-- | tltllcates. penditures for 1898 were nott only cgn; n five of the years int siderably less thait those of 1897, bu 1884 we have me}t' the mafgfnt;ngi?g':; they were also less than those of any aid payments out of the year's ordinary year since 1889, a period of eight years. receipts. They are special receipts, it is This last decennial revision and conso-- true, and they are applied in meeting lidation of the statutes, to which I special payments. From their sale, as have just referréd, the desirability and ( I have already said, we have recefved necessity of which no one ever pretends | altogether $2,066,000. _ But during the to question, cost the Province alto-- | same years we have paid out in aid of gether $76,936. . The bullk of 'the work railways $3,076,066, and for the erection was done and paid for in the yCATS of much--needed public buildings $5,757,-- 1§97 and 1898. -- The previous consoli-- ; 069. _ It is not expected in any country dation, that of ton years ago, cost some-- %hat the ordinary budget receipts will what more, viz., $79,941. eave a margin for large outlays upon T n j what is called capital account. )At l't,he Tostorsie Agr:;culture. same time, every one admits that such Our expenditure for agriculture and } outlays are of vital importance to the arts last year exceeded that of any progperity of the country. Surely sub-- previous year by the considerable sum ventions to railways aggregating mil-- of $15,000. We spent for this pur-- ; liong of dp&la.rg, 'n'ng,,'fe penditures 'Oygl 'pose $37,465 more than we did five | new -- bui}dit 'gs"h,m,o\ifih?:lg to millions years ago, and $67,984 more than we did | mote come within the category of ex-- 'ten years ago. ~It4is very--evidepnt, Mr. *. trafi'rdinary expenditures. Our critics | Bpeaker, that this Legislature is an-- | seek most unfairly te«apply to this Pro--| xious to do everything in its power to | } vince rules and classifications concern-- | foster and encourage this our most im-- | | ingrexpenditures mnever applied else-- portant industry. .. (Cheers.) | wheye. (Cheers.) s \Vhenfa; work in this chamber'iwith a \ M £ -- sense of full responsibility resting on s The Casual Revenue. our shoulders, we deliberately, after de-- | InNoed say but little about our casual' bate, inquiry and discussion, increase ; revénue, made up as it is of a consider-- our @ppropriations for agriculture year ; ablé. number of miscellaneous receipts |by year, almost by leaps and bounds, | whi'c':h do not admit of more precise \and the same.remark is equally true ; ~classification. -- The total receint under | of our grants for education ; and yet | this head is large, and we may expect it some of us, Mr. Speaker, when outside | to increase. In 1898 it amounted to of this House, ignoring details or parti-- $116,578. Of this sum we received $28,-- culars, forgetful of our responsibility, | 839 from the Provincial Secretary's De-- loudly C('\mpla,m of increased expendi-- artment, and of this latter sum nearly tures. 'Take these increased expendi-- ?zA.ooo represents fees paid for charters tures one by one, ilem by item, 418Clto | of incorporation. them fairly, and it will be l'nv.ams?,bly | Our * Inspectors' /' Department -- is found that the growth of the Province | mbre than self--sustaining, and the generally, the opening up and settling | f same remark applies, and with greater of its new 'distHicts and the develon. force, to our Insurance Department. It ment of all our resources, the keeping | cannot be said of these departments pace with modern requirements and | that their receipts are really expendi-- c em co?g"i'tggx;:.) ; inexorably demand g;:?p?;flsqueradlng under. the'gui.,e of F In mx;dcaserneéltn all qases it ts true, | Under the Ontario insurance act we ncreased expenditures have run PaT: recetved last year $17,825, and $10,503 un-- &";ltwth'lm;?Mh' c auent a.lnd pros; der the loan corporations act. ues ts W!l(l,h of ut gft;mrt.s n ald 0f | Our total receipts for 1898 were, I re-- cation will we cut off or decrease " | is . » _ Is it proposed to lessen the yearly vote peat, $3,647,353, being less than last in aid of poor school that i id of year's total. by $492,494. . Qur Crown blc 'sc'l?oole oofsam?r a'hg&la',, f | lands receipts this year were $496,703 gvthat directi C rof 2 tgfh e a C m the | less than those of last year. Our de-- rants wecg'on %rea:gmfne':v:.[ owrli the ficlency, therefore, in this year's total 'gr vagsoc'i-at!'ove ,0 0 ui societies réceipts compared with last year's is | | anewer 'I'hg; 'are o%;tgr;ttkt:s ggaln;'t more than accounted for by the falling | T apue and gehneral stat tso n off in our Crown lands. receipts. Our ' emenid: receipts fii?im rtr)vining lsu;'ds this ye-a;! Some Over--expenditures. were considerably less than those of | t k last year. On the other hand, our total | M';Y;g&g';'efi"&fg fisn(;gn.tf::;tel:?%% receipts for the year were larger than iculture nearly $4,000.-- . The Ministar in charge of that department will not find it difficult to explain and justify