to include the cost sld'ce"1878'dt the KNert were. ble to DrbYlde... o ." 3 buildings at Brapttord,yrtyr.te, the hand. as 'iilkrl'4'lliitu' needs de midi??? are cared for and taught. and those tt, Referring to the mum of. from Belleville. where similar provision ta. and mum, Mon., 'Mr. Harcourt made for the deaf and dumb. We have pointed out .that there are fewer spent on capital aecountmt-Brmstford nurses and attendants in the Ontario . and Belleville-during the last ten years. asylum than In similar Institutions in 333,507. . the United States. and the Superin- Continuing, Hon. Mr. Harcourt pt?rn.t; tend'ents have urged that an increased " ed out that during recent years, in number would bea distinct advantage. ' addition to the erection ot buildings, He also ska ed. notwithstanding the [ large sums have been expended in the fact that the Government has erected _ improvement and extension of the vnri-i three new buildings within the past outrProvinela1 institutions at Mimico,t ton years, there is still pressing need Brockville, London, Hamilton and for further accommodation. The om- Kingston. totalling 135.230. lIe intl- chat records disclose the fact that 282 mated that the Government desired deaths occurred last; year in the seven from time to time to make further al- institutions of which he had been _ terations and improvements, which speaking. .01: these 282 no fewer than would necessitate increased' expend» lil were over 60 years of age, M over ' tures outside of ordinary maintenance TO years of age and 16 over 80 years of , 7 charges. and instanced new'hospitai age. Ofthe present inmates (nuinber, . .. buildings at the Queen street and Lon- Ins more than 5.000) ~603 are over 60 l' don asylums. costing $30,000 each; a years or age. 245 are over 70 years of l' chapel and recreation room (at Brock- age, 44 are over 80 years of age and 1 _ ville, costing $5,000. and spray bath is 97 years of age. _ in the west wing at the Kingston asy- lum. _ _ --,-. . Our System Superior. . ', " _ .'.'n'.' .:' ".' .' At some length the Provincial Trea- Additional 15joe',yy"ti.o? Beqi'"?"- lsurer discussed the methods adopted in Continuing"; Arr.' "arcourt said '. We Wisconsin. where the State contributes have recently spent such large sums (t.1 50 per week to bounty institutions per for new buildings. seas: to provide beds I inmate for care of the insane. Twenty- I for patients 'whose friends kept bluinor- three counties out of 170 in the States ' ing for their, admission. that we have have accepted the offer and are hons- 3 been reluctantly compelled ,to'delay fng the quiet chronic insane in the making improvements, alterations and county. The counties pay alike sum . extensions in the different" dirtettong to weekly for maintenance and Nothing which I have alluded. Wa have pro- of their dangerous patients in the State ( vided new beds during the last" ten institution.- The State of I'ennsyl-; 1 years for 1,635 patients at a capital cost vanin has rccently copied the Wiscon- '; of no less than 81.238.267. I regret to sin system. From tho foot that no be compelled to say that the 1rte.,'; curativc treatment is attnipted. no p 9- , of additional accommodation is e en tence is nude to give the inmates. con- l now again demanding our attention. I stunt care and suprrv/.siim, stteh as in must ask the House this very session the State institutions. and thatthcre'is for a grant which will enable us to thr. a. general neglect 3" important details lsh the attics of our Brockville cot- In the county institutions, the t?oneltt- . tages. We can in this way make room sion was drawn that the Ontario "rr'- l for, say, sixty new admissions. During tom is superiol' Emil "1310" more the year We must consider and decide. humane, and, all if? 17.55 considered, 011-1 how best to provide for still further ', tario could not witli profit or advant- cccommodation. If it were not our age depart from it. policy to he rigidly careful as to all _ We cannot, continued Hon. Mr. Har- our expenditures we could readily add i court. even think of giving up the euro.- largely sto our annual asylum expen- tive feater of our institutions. nor m ditures, and in ways and directions the interests otrbroad humanity could which every one would approve ot, it we afford to relinquish or even l'eiax' we had unlimited means at our dis- State control and authority over then]. posal. I will at present give one or The rights. of the insane as to person two illustrations only. We have not and property are so sacred as to con- ' made as yet any special provision for stantly demand the most vigilant State i , epileptic patients. The dividing line supervision. It must he remembered. ' between epilepsy and insanity. as eat- further, that under one mixed system of perts inform 113. .18 very narrow In the two States I have named the cost New York. for example, what is called of maintenance considerably exceeds an epileptic colony was opened three (ours. No financial advantage, there-i I years ago. and it has accommodation 1 fore, would accrue from such a change. ' T'"".' ow can noticnfs. It is universally , (Chem-s.) I may say here, Mr. Speakcr. _ admitted that this class of unfortun- by way of parenthesis, that the nutubet' luvs ennui-i not be oontitted in poor- 10f the idiotic in our institutions is houses or awlumS- They require sme- I about one-seventh that of the number iallcare, gttention and treatment. Re- Fi the insane. _. Ru ar an constant emp oyment, out _ t of doors work on farm or garden. is Comparison With Quebec. what they specially need. With suitable Another statement or two in con- surroundinzs and proper care their sad nection with these insthtutions, the condition can be greatly ,ameliorated. merciful and btyitefiedtet work of which Having a large fertile farm, their cost from day to day cannot be over-esti- '. of maintenance would be very light. mated and I wi pass now to another ( It has been confidently stated that there) gilbjio't. We 82$": last year for the .t are more than 100.000,epileptics in the maintenance ofttturHuryhsms' $626,141. 1 United States. Beyond any question he Province of Quebec spent only i. fire have hundreds of them in this Pro- T t%s,000. Dim-life , the . last five l i' vince. who would be greatly benefited years the C qt maintenance' 3' in Ontario th been 82.993.339- L----.-.,-----.---'---,