published in the or morning papers. All I can say, as far as the Cabinet is concerned, is that it has never been made known to them that this is Mr. Gibson's intention. I bu-, lieve he is to arrive in town this aftei'-' noon, and I apprehend he will be found I nlllng his chair in the Irururttuent oft Crown Lands as horetofote." A Denial by Mr. Gibson. l Hon. J. M." Gibson, who returned toi the city at tour o'clock, was Seen last] evening at his ottiiw, and questioned in f regard to the truth of the report. lie] said :--"There is not the faintest sus- l picion of truth in the statement that -1 am going to resign. 1 am not wed- ded to politics absolutely. but I have not the slightest intention oi retiring, from tthe G'ovcrnnitmt." " Are you feeling in butter health?" . bt Yes, quite restored. l shall begin my duties as eiiaii'iiian of the Private Hills t'orn'mitteo this week, and we may he able to report a few bills that are , sumclently advanced to allow us to. do so." I _ , " r 1 v . . . . TL tannin. i EBRL ARY 14 flrrrf'itTlr'T of P'.'"." . I _ , Mr. Crawford introduced his bill to 'r ------- regulate the overcrowding of street' . railway cars, the provisions of which ' l are as follows :-- . 1. Every person on a street railway . car shall be prima-facie entitled to a NOT f fl seat. ' 2. Should the cars be so overcrowd- ed as to prevent such passenger hav- -------- 1m: a seat, then the passenger not re- ceivinot his proper seat shall beentitlwi , , . . " . The Report That He Would (it a ticket-holder, or if he pays his D , . U fare in cash) to demand and I'ec't" " 0 tio IS ' from the conductor in charge of the ntluC. car in which such passenger is stand- -.-r----q- log, a ticket entitling him to a. seat in any car', on the some route, during the (lfgll0llilRIllln 0F came hours of any other day, or at CABS. his option, if a ticket-holder. he may tear his ticket into two parts as nearly - as practicable. and use one part for P . that trip, and the other part of the rovllionl ot the inn Introduced in) ticket shall be good for a standing trip Mr. Thom-u Crawford In the any future time when the cars shall laexllluture Yesterday. be so crowded that he shall be unable to receive his proper sol, such hislt, ticket being good only during the same i l . _ . . _ . . ' ve . A sensational rumour in an evening 3:23:18 Jj,ut'.he w hole ticket would ha i paper, predicting Hon. J. M. Gibson's 'J. No person shall be refused the; retirement from the Cabinet, was de- right to admission in any (air on inst nied yesterday afternoon by Hon. A. regular 'J11.t'cl"t1hl', regular $015213: B. Ha . ' ' it .. . . .; . . pace. pron e ere 5 mm rdy The 1lenitci \\tlS'Llltl'ltd by i standing room for such passenger on Mr.. Whitney, who, speaking in the such car. l Legislature, said :--" A SZiLti'lllt'llt has 4. The street railway 'emnpany, where 1 Just been put in my hands to the et- otticer oI,ye'ylyriy fails y.t.';.Jr'fy:.',t'/-', in; tect th t . I . ' . I .. 'sm . M ocrnply with any oi the requiiements "fl 8 "1 tl?"'""' pallet "15*!" that this Act, shall forfeit the sum of one| Hon. J. M. Gibson is about to resign hundred. dollars. to he recovered lwforei his position in the Uovwmnent. I have any Ile," of C.').',?),',',"":,')" Jurisdiction. / » . ' ' '." ' _ V 5. ie provson 0 section two a , not ltr?' the statui rut in my tetlon, this Act shall not apply to the niizlitL hut perhaps the leader of the Govurt1- service of the street railway. wisro' ment will way whether it is true or pussmigers are obliged under the rultas' not I'" thereof to pay increased fare: nor . . . .. shall the said provisions aptly during Mr. Hardy replied as follows .-- l the period in which any agricultural or have not heard of the matter to which industrial exhibit shall be held within the hon. gentleman alludes myself, but the municipality in which the Slr'eet i, then I do not profess to always be asl {$11133 'i",iietriie1tpb'y"'f,u'lr/, 1',1u"U;y'J','i'5 1 far advanced as to know all the things i ity. I t