to . eras appears by the books and ' mm'in the otBee of the accountant ' at the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontartol and the amounts due to said Persons respectively. . . Mr. Matheson-on Thursday ttext--. Inquiry of Ministry .. Was the $63,691 76 [of common school fund transferred to the Dominion during the past year paid in cash ? " not, what was the date of the order in Council authorizing the Dominion to charge. the said sum as a . 'debt owins by the Province to the Dominion, or if no such order in Council ' , waa passed. what authority was given 3 ' the Dominion authorities to charge the i said sum as R debt owing by the Pro- I Vince to the Dominion ? ' . Bailiff Appointed. It is understood that Mr. Edward Huston of Penetanguishene will he ap- pointed Bailm of the Ninth Division Court of the County of Simcoe, vice \Vllllam Pratt; resigned. . The Smallpox Outbreak. I Dr. Bryce. Provincial Health Officer. I this morning' received a report from' the Provincial Inspector of the Cardinal district, stating that no new cases of smallpox had developed. and that the reports from the several patients indl-", cate that they are making good pro-' gress. and no further fatalities will apparently result. The employees on the canal. as well as the exposed resi-i dents in Cardinal. Edwardsburg, Tro-l quote. Williamsburg. Osnabruck. Corn-l .wall and other municipalities have been or are. rapidly being vaccinated. TheI report from Maine received to-day is to. the effect that two new centres at" smallpox-have been discovered in than State, and that the outbreaks in thei City of Water-ville and Town of Wins- low proved serious. Another case is also l reported at Indianapolis, and still an- other at Jackson Hill. Neglected Children. Mr. J. J. Kelso. Secretary of the De- partment for Neglected Children, will lecture upon the Ontario act respecting neglected children and its method of operation in the reception room at the buildings on Wednesday evening at 8.30. The Provincial Treasurer has for- warded invitations to all the members', of the House, and any others who are! Interested in the work of child rescuel will be welcomed. The lecture will be illustrated by limelight views. Opposing Deputations. The Provincial Secretary this morn- ing received opposing deputations from! Owen Sound. .lVir. John Lucas, Presi-. dent; It. B. Butt-hard. Manager, and Li M. Kllbourn. Solicitor of the Owen 1 Sound Cement Company, presented thel . case for the company in support of the i application for permission to increase the capital stock from $100,000 to $'200,- l 000. Mr. R. J. Doyle and his solicitor. i Mr. Hatton of Owen Sound, opposed'! the application. i _._____